Maybe you never smoked it and you can honestly answer that you did not partake. You may, however, be part of the group that did try or even smoked marijuana occasionally or even on a regular basis.
So, what's a parent to do when their teen gets curious? Is it beneficial to answer honestly, deny it, or to tell them that it's not important information for them to have?
Not willfully. I went to a bunch of concerts where the smoke wafted all around -- enough to make my eyes red and bloodshot.
Didn't like that, either :(
I told my children the truth. I used to smoke it, but I quit. Because I read in the Baltimore Sun, if you subjected a squirrel to what was equivalent to 2 joints in 24 hours, he would have a more tendency to play with his nuts, than to store them.
Yes, and I inhaled. And am looking to get back into it to relieve pain. Screw drug laws. It works, plain and simple.
I know so many parents who did it but are not honest about it. Hypocrits. Do as I say, not as I do. Your kids will respect you a whole lot more if you just tell the truth.
10:06 pm
Done that way before i starded smoking pot.
I've never lied to my son. When he was in the D.A.R.E program many years ago, he asked me point blank one day.
I told him the truth. Yes, I did smoke it for awhile in high school and I didn't feel it was really doing me any good, so I quit.
I then explained to him how the world had changed since I had done it and there was no way I'd ever try any kind of drug because you don't know what's been added to it or altered.
If you don't want your kids to lie to you, then don't lie to them, especially when they ask you a DIRECT question.
I am a 42 and very proud that I never once tried any drugs. My son is 21 and has never tried any either. Thank God for letting us rise above the norm.
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