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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

U.S. To Announce $100M In Famine Funds

DADAAB, Kenya (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of Somali children could die in the country's famine unless more help arrives, a top U.S. official said Monday as Washington prepared to announce $100 million in new famine aid.

To highlight the crisis, the wife of Vice President Joe Biden visited a refugee camp on a patch of desert in eastern Kenya where tens of thousands of Somalis have massed. A drought has turned into famine because little aid can reach militant-controlled south-central Somalia.



Anonymous said...

Unbelieveable!!!!!!! With all of the problems we have in our country and we are sending 100M to another country? I'm all about helping people but 100M??? I guess congress and the white house didn't get the message last week...stop wasting and spending money we don't have!!! It was just in the news about money and aid to Somolia was taken by the warlords a few weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

That $100M should not leave this country....if ya gotta spend due to your addiction - spend it on our own homeless...if Biden's wife wants to go there let her pay for her own trip...we didn't elect her...if Biden's willing to go leave him there!

Anonymous said...

yeah, obama has to send the money home

Alex said...

I'd love to see one of you ignorant rednecks spend a week outside of this country.

Gerald said...

Alex, I have been out of this country, and most other countries HATE Americans! We buy our alies, with food and money. We as a country can no longer be the world's policeman nor their food basket. It is time that America stated taking care of it's own problems and it's people. That 100 million could go along way in Apliachia, or other impoverished areas of AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

You know what alex.....there is soon coming a day when you will wish you and yours were in another Country...

Ignorant Redneck

Anonymous said...

More idiocy from you guys! Will it never stop?

I haven't yet looked at the specifics of this particular case. But often times the "x" million in aid, comes from ag. products directly produced by US farmers, which means much of the money stays right here in the US. So cut the crap.

Alex said...

Gerald I agree with you for the most part. People hate America for most of the reasons that you state but also because of idiots like 8:51. It's always refreshing to hear Jesus loving gun freaks spew hate towards everyone.

I don't however believe that giving 100mil to help starving children would buy as allies. Nor are we trying to be a global policeman sending food to places like Somalia. That is exactly the kind of presence we need in the world. We don't need to be in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Lybia.

Anonymous said...

8:56...100m sacks of corn? 100m loafs of bread? 100 MILLION DOLLARS!
Whats your definition of FUNDS? You make it clear you think with your imagination.
Dear alex, there was no hate toward "everyone"....just you. I'm not a Bible thumbing gun toter, nor do I think it necessary to take your last breath. My tolerance is gone, no longer should we stand idol while you and those like you place our own children and grandchildren in a lifetime of dept slavery so you can pat yourself on the back. It is LONG past time to look after our own.

Anonymous said...

if the somali pirates steal enough ships they should have enough money to feed those kids.

Alex said...

Dear 10:08, let me guess, a teabagger.
Well, I'm glad there is some hate left in you and you don't just stand 'idol'?
In case you run out of hate towards me, let me remind you that you can and do hate a bunch of other people like: gays, scientists, blacks, hispanics, non-christians, african children, people who can read. Is that enough for now? You've Palinized and it's hilarious :)

Smarter than the average liberal redneck said...

The problem with send all that money is... It will never make it to the ones who need it. The corruption in these third world countries will gobble it up as it comes in. And you liberals are too stupid to see it. The corruption is the whole reason these people suffer. No don't send the money.

Anonymous said...

I think you are the one that is filled with hate. It seems all you do is attack people on here and 99% of the time it is unprovoked. From the way I look at it you are a sad and lonely little man that seems to think if you put everyone else down it will make you feel better. That is not the way it works. You do good and you feel good. Sorry you live such a miserable life but it's no ones fault but your own. Seek help now before it's to late.