Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics...they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."
— STATEMENT on Sesame Street's Facebook page, in response to an online petition calling for Bert and Ernie to get married
Well thank GOD that the people at Sesame Street still have good damn sense!!!
How about let's stop TRYING to screw our kids up...I mean...after all....look how far it's gotten us doing it the wrong way for the last couple decades!
of course it was social engineering why do you think there are so many tall skinny and short fat gays now with funny hairdos and bad clothes
Wow where is the Po homeless Oscar and his garbage can?
Thank you Sesame Street! I love the fact that they have some sense. More than I can say for the people who started the petition. Get a life people. Better yet, get a job. You apparently have too much free time on your hands if you're trying to make puppets gay.
You apparently have too much free time on your hands if you're trying to make puppets gay.
They are I.Q. equivalent.
What do you mean 901. Your post makes no sense to me.
They've always reminded me of the hysterical Odd Couple TV show. One uptight neat freak personality (Bert) and one laid back fun-times personality (Ernie).
Kids grow into and out of the Sesame Street phase. To have Bert and Ernie 'marry' would introduce concepts to kids way before they are ready. After all, in today's world, there are many same sex households due to the economy. It doesn't make them all gay or lesbian.
For pete's sake, let kids be kids and leave the puppets the hell alone.
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