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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Forget Compromise: The Debt Ceiling Is Unconstitutional

The debt ceiling crisis can be averted by enforcing the 14th Amendment, which mandates the government to pay its debts already incurred, including pensions. That means Social Security, which IS an "entitlement," in the original sense of the word. We're entitled to it because we've paid for it with taxes.

The game of Russian roulette being played with the US federal debt has been called a "grotesque political carnival" and political blackmail.




Obama sa "what Constitution you talking bou"

Anonymous said...

It doesn't mean you have to pay all the federal slugs on the payroll.

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz, I'm beginning to think those folks who've been saying people ought to be allowed to invest their Social Security in their own accounts rather than letting the government manage it were right. They've confiscated our money, spent it, and are saying they must have the right to continue being wasteful and stupid or they won't give us any more.

Anonymous said...

Unconstitutional? Since when does that matter to most of our elected "representatives?" Much of what they do is unconstitutional. That includes both of the major parties, so there's plenty of blame to spread around on a massive blame sandwich!! I even recall several Dems recently saying they don't even consider the Constitution when they propose or vote on legislation. And, even though they don't say it out loud, I believe many Repubs practice the same brand of politics. Remember the outcry within the halls of congress when someone recently said all legislation should be reviewed for Constitutionality before being voted on? It's ultimately to them about how they can increaee their power and they do that by giving away our money, thereby "enslaving" millions of people (not all Americans, by the way) and making them dependent on government largesse. Those who allow this to happen to themselves don't seem to understand nor care that this largesse comes with many strings (like a puppet?) and can easily be taken away by those who hold the strings. I believe the political class in our country believe themselves to be the ruling elite and that we are too dumb or ill-informed to be trusted to know what is "good for us." This culture and attitude in Washington has become entrenched incrementally over decades and will take more decades to undo. But that will only happen if ground roots movements such as the Tea Party continue to influence the outcome of elections and then hold their newly elected representatives' feet to the fire. If not, the incrementalism will continue and we will become Greece, Ireland, et al, or maybe worse. Could we perhaps become the next Socialist Republic?

Anonymous said...


Well said!