Thanks to the trillions of dollars that the Chinese have made flooding our shores with cheap products, China is now in a position of tremendous economic power. So what is China going to do with all of that money? One thing that they have decided to do is to buy up pieces of the United States and set up "special economic zones" inside our country from which they can continue to extend their economic domination. One of these "special economic zones" would be just south of Boise, Idaho and the Idaho government is eager to give it to them. China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach for short) plans to construct a "technology zone" south of Boise Airport which would ultimately be up to 50 square miles in size. The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre "self-sustaining city" that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned "self-sustaining city" in Idaho would include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and large numbers of homes for Chinese workers. Basically it would be a slice of communist China dropped right into the middle of the United States.
According to the Idaho Statesman, the idea would be to build a self-contained city with all services included. It would be modeled after the "special economic zones" that currently exist in China.
Perhaps the most famous of these "special economic zones" is
Shenzhen. Back in the 1970s, Shenzhen was just a very small fishing village. Today it is a sprawling metropolis of over 14 million people.
If the Chinese have their way, we will soon be seeing these "special economic zones" pop up all over the United States.
So exactly who is "Sinomach"?
The following description of the company comes directly
from the website of Sinomach....
With approval of the State Council, China National Machinery Industry Corporation (SINOMACH) was established in January 1997. SINO-MACH is a large scale, state-owned enterprise group under the supervision of the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
As you can see, Sinomach is basically an arm of the Chinese government.
So the idiot who wrote this doesn't like it when people from the U.S. buy Chinese products, but when a Chinese company wants to come to the U.S. and invest here, he has a fit? I think that guy has an economic IQ of about 3.
And how would it be a "slice of communist China" in the U.S.? U.S. law would still apply there.
IDIOTS run this country. I think we would be much better off with a high school grad with some common sense running the country. Rather than all these Washington scholars who can't balance a check book or see the demise that they are sending this country into.
Mmmm , I think this is an excellent idea. Some economic relief , and an insult to the muslim brotherhood.
China has 3 major religions , Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism.
obamie will eat crow if this happens!
I like the chinese people , they don't believe in welfare or food stamps or anything of that nature.
They believe in working for your money and earning your keep.
Go for it China , bring your weak and your poor Lets see who gets the minority attention now.
Shades of "Red Dawn".
Why am I not surprised? That will be the beginning of China trying to take over the United States and it's people before the Muslims do. Boy, is this country in trouble. But then, they can set up factories and employ the Chinese, and label the products "Made in the USA"!
O'Malley didn't pitch MD for this? I'm surprised.
Land is cheap here in the Us, not like China. It is a pretty smart idea, if you are in China. I don't believe for a second that 'they' would hire Americans. The idea is to bring everything with them including workers.
I am sure federal law would apply to this area, but they will in sense govern themselves.
In my experience working with an Asian company for most of my adulthood, this has the potential to go either way. They would bring so much, but at what cost?
"I don't believe for a second that 'they' would hire Americans."
Hell's bells, the Town of OC wouldn't hire Americans (and they don't) where they can avoid it.
4:01....the Chinese people are just like the rest of us....its the chinese government that believes in KILLING those who don't agree with them, to include their own people (after all, dissent is dissent, regardless of ethnicity). They also believe in killing the unwanted (or excess) children. They also like to censor the internet of all those bad ideas, like freedom, democracy, and the right of self determination. And they come to your house if you say something they don't like. I'm NOT interested in having small, self-contained "little China's" in the USA.
I will go out on a limb and just say it..
Can you blame them? Sure there are lots of out of work Americans, but the whining would drive me to look outside the US as well.
Yes I am a patriot, but I am not dumb. I can see from the headlines just how much we think is owed to us. A job is a job, people need to get over themselves in the good ole' USA and get back to work. Personally, I like walking into a restaurant greeted by someone from eastern Europe with a smile. They are grateful for a job, no matter how small.
Bash all you want about the foreigners in OC, but it is a breath of fresh air to some consumers.
Now back to China occupying the USA...
you don't want chinese building anything here believe me they have total disregard for permits licenses and the laws of gravity when it comes to their construction ethic
not only in their own earthquake prone nation but here visit any major Urban " Chinatown" and look closely not only at the outrageous construction but at how many of the businesses are dubious fronts for gambling and importing knock offs
Hey Obama,
In China you cannot read your Koran so what are you doing here?
This must be some kind of joke. Maybe we should all move to Canada. This is no longer America. I wonder how our troops feel about this? Looks like China wants to take this country over just like the Muslims and the Mexicans do! Pretty soon caucasians will be the minority! We are in real trouble! Does Nostrodamus (not sure if I spelled it correctly) predict anything like this? Is there mention of something like this in the Bible? The end is near I just know it.
anon 3:45 you have no idea what youre talking about obviously youre confused.when obama sold all of our debt to china he also gave them rights to land right here in america.if you didnt read it correctly they will be biulding housing for CHINESE workers.the chinese govt will own this land it will almost be like an embassy.its going to get pretty crazy in this country if we dont start changing things asap and now thanks to obama and his idiot followers the chinese govt can come take pieces of land as they please.
so? they could probably do it quicker and more efficiently than we could even attempt to do!
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