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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Random Bag Checks Frustrating Some Metro Riders

It's been a month since Metro started conducting random bag searches, and it seems some riders are not happy about it.

So far, Metro says that no one has refused a search and that the feedback has been fairly positive. But Monday night, dozens of people showed up at a Metro Riders Advisory Council meeting to object to the screenings.

Some said that unless the officers are checking every person's bag, it's not doing any good. Another rider said that every time Metro checks an innocent person’s bag, “the terrorists win.”

The random bag checks take place outside the station turnstiles. Any rider who refuses the inspection is allowed to leave, and cannot bring those items into the station.

Similar bag searches are also taking place in other large cities like Boston and New York.


Anonymous said...

Would they rather get searched like passengers on a plane?

lmclain said...

Slowly, but very surely, they are conditioning American citizens to submit to warrantless searches and intrusive police operations. right now, you can refuse, but you cna't bring your bag back into the station....I'll bet it won't be long before they arrest you for refusing to submit. A lot like the Gestapo --- 'Vere ah your papers!? and vhat in is zee bag? The only problem is it's in America now and we are NOT supposed to be subject to THAT. I'm telling you --- the next thing is neighborhood searches and random roadblocks (oh, my bad...the roadblocks are already being done)....we are not very far from a loosely constructed police state and I must ask --- exactly how many "terrorists" have we caught with all these searches and surveillance??? We've surrendered (most happily) our rights and freedoms, but what have we gained?

Anonymous said...

12:20 PM

You are such a good, obedient sheep,er.. i mean citizen

Anonymous said...

Im Clan
You are right on man. Totally true stuff.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to go through a random search, then get back into your car and drive. The metro is a federally funded program(that's spent the last 3 decades in the red mind you). If you don't want the hassle, don't be lazy and drive. Personally, I use the metro a ton, literally everytime I go into the city. Although I'm not a fan of baseless searches in our society, terrorists have time and time again used subway systems for attack. I'm more concerned with the train engineers falling asleep while on the job(which I've witnessed first hand), texting while driving(what caused the metro accident last year), and numerous other things they shouldn't be doing.

Anonymous said...

5:41 PM

If you don't want your rights abused or taken away, give them away.

Anonymous said...

5:41 PM


lmclain said...

5:41....ahhhh...the sound most loved by dictators and tyrants around the world ---that of the sheep (you ARE one of them) AGREEING with the violation of law by the very govenments who are supposed to protect and safegaurd them..."if you aren't doing anything wrong, then why worry about your rights?" ANSWER? Because if you DON'T stand up for them, they will be TAKEN from you. You don't seem to mind that prospect. Its ALWAYS for your "best interests"....your "protection"..just keep clapping as the entire Bill of Rights is burned in front of your eyes. Its GOOD for you! Tyrants THRIVE on people like you. And say I DO drive...I might still run into the DUI Nazi "checkpoints" where even the police admit they are looking for all kinds of crime (wants and warrants, suspended licenses, drug trafficking, fugitives, etc), not just the stated DUI/DWI drivers. Detaining and searching INNOCENT people by the hundreds (facts) to find 2-3 criminals (sometimes NONE AT ALL). Without warrant and without cause. Cool by you, though, right? You have already been well-conditioned. Ever see any film of the Nazi rallies where hundreds of thousands of (normal) german citizens cheered wildly (thinking they were showing the government what great citizens they were!) while the people they cheered sliced and diced their country. Keep cheering.

Anonymous said...

6:49 PM

Good job. But I'm sure it fell on deaf ears.

He is the proverbial frog in the pot of water. Slowly being cooked to death but not realizing it.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, here's an idea, try to go into a federal building. Oh wait, you gotta go through searches and metal detectors. But you don't chirp about that. But a federally funded metro, lets cry about our "rights". If you don't like it, drive your car. It's that simple. You guys are talking big now, but where've you been the past decade(since random searches have been going on at major metros since BEFORE 9/11).

Oh it's nazism. No. Listen rednecks, you remember the shooting of 2 guards at the Pentagon? Do you realize the Pentagon has it's own metro stop? Of course not, you're hillbillies! Take a trip off the podunk shore for once. I consider the metro, like a plane. If you don't like the rules for the provided convenience, quit being lazy and drive lol. There is no "right" stating you can get on a plane or a train for any reason. That's pure stupidity. honkys

lmclain said...

Rednecks? Honkys? Hillbillies? Podunks? lol....I lived in and worked in DC for years (just for your edification). Apparently, you, like so many indigenous in the DC area, have a problem reading and following a line of reasoning. My main point (I'm gonna go slow for you, and get a honky to help read if necessary) was about "searches" without cause. Something we are supposedly protected against by the same document that gave you the right to vote and gave you another 2/5's of

Anonymous said...

Why not search Metro? Locally,do you have any idea how much drugs travel on our taxpayer subsidized Shore Transit?More than a little but nobody ever wants to bring that up!

Anonymous said...

8:12 AM You're not only misinformed your just plain ignorant too. But I suspect most will just ignore your little off the wall rant.