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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Williams Pond Spillway Construction Begins

Seaford -- The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) conducted a "draw down" of Williams Pond in late summer 2010, where the water level in Williams Pond was incrementally decreased by a few inches, to examine the condition of the existing spillway. It was determined that the condition of the existing spillway was such that it was beyond repair and it was more cost-effective to build a new spillway.

Therefore, DelDOT announces that a new spillway will be constructed beginning January 10, 2011.

Under an existing bridge maintenance contract, Mumford & Miller will build the new 120-foot long semi-circular spillway. It will be constructed of steel sheet piling with a concrete cap. This is similar to other spillways at Betts Pond and Reynolds Pond. In addition, a gate with removable boards will be placed on each end of the semi-circle. This will allow more water to pass over the spillway under the bridge.

The work will occur during daytime hours, and will take approximately 90 calendar days to complete. During construction Poplar Street will be closed. The established detour route is to take Middleford Road to Front Street to Poplar Street. Route 13 traffic will not be impacted by this work.

Message boards will be placed in the area approximately one week before construction begins, and will be used to assist motorists through the area during construction.

DelDOT has secured the necessary permits via environmental agencies to minimize any impact to fisheries, birds, wildlife and the environment.

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