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Friday, September 10, 2010


It has been “street talk” for some weeks that Dr. Cowall is choice of the local Democrat elite to fill the “leading liberal” slot on the County Council that is being relinquished by William McCain. Recent events and disclosure clearly confirm that notion.

Thanks to required reporting of his financial supporters we now know that they include a virtual “who’s who” of the organization devoted to depriving landowners of development rights by simply confiscating them through “downzoning”, namely, the “Wicomico Environmental Trust.”
Its luminaries listed in Cowall’s disclosure include Barry Johannsson, John Groutt, Judith Stribling, King Burnett and Michael Pretl. McCain has spouted WET’s propaganda from his seat at the Council table.

Dr. Cowall appears to be a tax and spend liberal of the first order. In a recent interview he did everything but say that he supports repeal of the County’s property tax revenue cap. He did say that he believes it is a problem because, in his opinion, the County should be spending more money than it receives in tax revenue. Unless you are blind, you can see where his agenda leads, and it sure ain’t pretty.

The Cowall campaign is well financed by members of the medical community as well as avowed liberals such as Don (“more taxes, please”) Cathcart, Mike (“shut up, Debbie”) Dunn, Jim Fineran and Tony Sarbanes. If Dr. Cowall survives the primary, which seems likely given his opponents, the race for the at-large seats on the Council will be the “main event” for both the Council seats and the county-wide positions.


Anonymous said...

There's another at-large Democrat candidate, Edw. Taylor, who also wants to repeal Wicomico County's tax cap.

Anonymous said...

given his recent political ad mailing I never heard of him. After reading that bit of rectoric I thought now we haVE SOMEONE THAT WILL LOOK OUT FOR THE TAX PAYERS. After reading this post I am back on the fence again. He needs to step up to the plate now and explain this.

Anonymous said...

Joe , you are correct and right on about Dr. Cowall. He is a pure socialist along with Stribling. I will also tell you that his neighbor Allen Cunningham is supporting him. These guys are anti-American , please keep this information comming. They are as close to being communist as you can get.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why the medical people would support him. Most medical people understand their money is going away with the new health care.

Anonymous said...

He is also endorsed by the Lawless Teachers Union, the WCEA!

Anonymous said...

Who is he and what kind of "doctor" is he? Where does he work?

Anonymous said...

Vote Matt Holloway and Bob Culver for at large. Don't waste your vote of Cowall. Same mind set at McCain and we don't need another 4 years of that.

Anonymous said...

Cowall and Taylor are Pollitt plants and would do his bidding just like McCain, MacLeod and Sample-Hughes have done for 4 years.

Anonymous said...

The best advice I got was to find out who the teachers' union supports and vote for that person's opponent.

Anonymous said...

Who is he? That should tell you something , he's in there with Grasso on caroll st. across from the hospital. He has kept a very low profile to date. Wonder why?
Got time for politics , Mmmm I thought Doctors didn't have time for anything.
Vote for anybody else besides this guy , if Stribling backs this guy then you know he's not the man. If Cunningham backs this guy , he's a loser in every way.

Anonymous said...

12:18 --

Here's better advice -- vote against anyone that Jim Fineran supports!

Anonymous said...

Dr cowall beware! You sleep with dogs like Stribling, Grout,Burnett, Pretl, etal you will
probably wakeup with fleas!

Anonymous said...

But he still wakes up rich.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for putting the spotlight on this candidate. He really has a "hidden agenda" (except to his supporters).

Anonymous said...

Cowall is a massive liberal. He knows that liberalism isn't popular now so he's lying to most voters about his true intentions. Lying is unbecoming of a man who claims to be a charity doctor. He is a classic liberal. He has worked in institutions his whole life and thinks that he is smarter than "the public" and knows what is best for them. Vote for this man if you want more taxes and out-of-touch government.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It was limited as to the number of guests, 4:30. That's what you do when you are afraid people won't show up.

4:43 PM

That is correct. I rode by their office on Old Ocean City Road this morning and there were 3 yard signs in their front lot. They were Cowall, Conway and Gee Williams. Do not vote for any of those morons.

Anonymous said...

Every bleeding heart liberal in our neighborhood has a Cowall sign--DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS LEFTIST.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Cowall:

You've been blogged!