While Urban Salisbury presented their Master Plan to the City Council, many criticized, (especially me) on this simply putting lipstick on a pig.
Mr. Hope seemed to be holding on to his job and many still question today, why is this man telling the Board what to do, when the Board should be setting goals for him instead.
I have spoken to numerous people Downtown who are absolutely not satisfied with his performance and while Urban Salisbury has been able to achieve some grants for some Downtown organizations, I know of several others who did not receive such support to boot.
The City Council did approve funding for Urban Salisbury in next years budget, they did reduce it somewhat. How much, I really don't know.
So the big question remains, is Urban Salisbury doing enough for the City of Salisbury or should they be cut off, as Mr. Comegys hoped would happen a year ago?
Joe, You and the numerous people you claim to have spoken with haven't a clue to what Urban Salisbury does. Why?
Because it's easier for you & them to sit and criticize than to get involved.
OK, I'll bite anonymous 11:48.
Perhaps you've forgotten what I personally stated about this whole thing. I asked for months to gather ALL of the "property owners" together to discuss our thoughts and opinions on this project. I also suggested this be something the "property owners" decide on and not have it shoved down the taxpayers throats.
Now, how much more would you like me to get involved. Oh, let's not forget Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys wanting to drop ALL funding to Urban Salisbury.
It seems to me YOU are the one sitting back and criticizing. As I also recall, Palmer Gillis felt the same way I did.
I agree with Joe..The down town owners know what they need and want and what will "fly" and what wont. Give them a chance. At least Ask.
Like I said at a meeting the other evening. Why put a pretty face on a building and leave the inside with old electric, plumbing and swaying floors. Who could afford the heat and electric for those building with such high ceilings and no insulation. It has been a year and the only thing changes is the 3rd friday nite. Is that worth all the money we invested?
The down towners have had chance after chance for 30 years I know of and a lot of tax money to go with it. Turn off the lights, lock the door and go home.
I say cut. My building is in the industrial park and there are no special interest groups helping me! Cut funding and fire the director. Down town is dead and will always be that way. Stop holding onto the past.
On May 19th, you were asking "Where is Urban Salisbury when you need them"...what changed, Joe? I don't have all the answers to what is needed to help the Downtown, but 3rd Fridays seem to be a good start.
The downtown property owners, including you Joe, got a special invitation to a meeting to discuss the plan and the future of downtown. About 6 showed up. Joe, you weren't one of them.
Stop complaining. Get involved.
Yea, 2:39, is that all we get for a year. I dont remember any meeting we as owners were invited to attend.
anonymous 2:49, Your invitation was a last minute invitation. Many of us had other plans. Besides that, YOU already had your plan in place for what YOU wanted and WE simply made sure it went away. You CAN beat City Hall.
is it just me or does mr hope seem to be alone in his quest... i mean the guy is single handedly heading up the revitalization on downtown with the help of a non paid intern or two.. just asking if he has more help than i can see.
also if you dont live or own property downtown, dont you dare condemn it. the industrial park holds ZERO historical significance unlike downtown that is loaded with it.
our city, to those of us who have delved into its past, is very interesting. and our downtown is beautiful! i mean where else in salsibury can you walk from restaurant to shopping place (all though limited) to bars and maybe stop in and get you a lawyer or two ;?
its worth saving, with all due respect.
show them Joe how it is done
It starts somewhere. I think 3rd Fridays are a hit. If you get movement downtown people will want to know what's going on.
As a nosey society and a give away society people want what other people have. Get action there and people will want to see. What has Urban Salisbury done for Escape with the band situation? I heard nothing. This is where they are needed and to voice what the downtown wants like more entertainment, outside cafe's, specialty stores, ect. To do this you have to have action and it starts at the top. I had a business downtown for 16 years and the downtown starts not on the Plaza but from the hospital, to the City park and includes New town and West main street. I couldn't get little lights on the trees, the old movie theater marquee lite up to welcome you to downtown or even to get people or the government to help me to stop the people pooping in my back lot. Get your thoughts together and look at the whole picture not just the plaza. Thats the problem, educate the nay sayers, invite them to the whole downtown. I am willing to if Ann Taylor is involved. She is on target. Lets get it going. Who wants to help. Call Ann she is awsome and ia willing to listen.
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