As Kelsey Johnson, (12 years old) sang Happy Birthday, everyone gathered to release hundreds of balloons into the sky. At the end of her traditional Happy Birthday song she continued singing, "rest in peace little Sarah, Happy Birthday to you." It was a very touching ending.
I want to thank all of you for attending this very special event. The cake, (shown in our next post) was just unbelievable. When Cakes By David opened the back of their vehicle and I saw the 3' x 6' long cake resting on a table I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.
The Shorebirds have proven once again that they are community oriented by allowing everyone to gather on Christmas Day as well as yesterday, thank you.
so beautiful!
That was truely a beautiful think for all of the companies to come together and say Happy Birthday to Sarah, but I think is should have been "out there" more. To be honest, this is the first time that I have even heard about this (her B-day celebration). If not for SBYNEWS (thanks Joe), it would have fallen on "death ears". Don't let this crime get "lost" under the radar. This was a awful crime, and when it happened this community came together. Let's STAY together on this one guys. I am one of the creator of the song "Yesterday- A song for Sarah Foxwell". We have raised $700.00 so far. We can do more. Anymore wanting the music at a Sarah benifit, please call me. 1(302) 604-9673. Thanks again Joe for keeping us "updated"
I am sorry. I didn't include my name in my last post. I am Thomas E Clemmons Sr. I am Anonymous@12:49
this party was amazing....i love how no one has forgoton her. no one can forget you haley bugs. Sarah i miss you so much at school the hallways are empty with out you! we all miss you! Sarah you were one of my BEST friends i miss you and you will ALWAYs be in my heart!
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