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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are You In Charge? Have You Hear Of FHAA? The State Of MD. Also Obeys FHAA.


Since you are the council president that means you are responsible for your crew. Why didn't you stop the discrimination a long time ago? You have a fiduciary responsibility to protect and serve the population of Salisbury and by poor management you have allowed the City of Salisbury to discriminate against it's citizens for what ten years now? I should hope that all of you will do the right thing and apologize to the citizens of Salisbury and immediately if not sooner repeal that discriminatory law. If I am wrong please let me know.

Thanks A Million
Randy Million


Anonymous said...

Mr. Million ,
Can you give any specifics? It would be interesting to see that. I only know of 2 people on the council that are intelligent(2-ladies)enough to understand your comment.

Anonymous said...

Randy Million is a turd.

Jimmy "The Stallion" Stales said...

What does "Have you hear of FHAA?" mean?

Try "heard". It'll make you sound more intelligent.

Anonymous said...

What is this in reference to??

Anonymous said...

What is FHAA? Do you meant FFHA as in the Fair Housing Act?

Anonymous said...

Randy Million is a dishonest, slovenly turd! Thanks A Million

Anonymous said...

Is this guy brain-damaged? Louise Smith hasn't even been office 10 years.

You can blame a lot on Louise Smith, but 10 years of whatever in the city ain't one of 'em.

RealtorRandy said...

Please excuse my typo. If you read the Fair housing act amendment of 1988 you will see that City's etc. can't exclude group homes in residential neighborhoods or they are in violation of this law. As a manager she should manage and know the laws, Don't you think? I am not sure how long Louise has been in charge but that does not exclude her from knowing the Fair housing laws as it relates to her occupation. I know that we are all human and we all make mistakes. However when that mistake violates the law there is no excuse and it should be corrected immediatly. should be corrected

Anonymous said...

10:15 Doesn't this apply to all the council members. Come on these people are being paid to know this.
They spend hours debating this and its evident they research very little.

Anonymous said...

The city attorney is paid to know this, so blame him if they screwed up.

And Mr. Million, will you apologize to the councilwomen now that you have been told that the city does indeed have laws allowing group homes?

Anonymous said...

It's obvious when someone is right about a subject and others are upset about the facts. When they start pointing out the misspellings and grammar it means they can't argue with the facts. It would seem Mr. Million has the facts and the spelling police are in the wrong on this one.

Chimera said...

Let me play Mrs Obvious for a moment and ask a question....has anyone asked the neighbors of this proposed veterans home how they feel about it?