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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Navy SEAL Cleared In Iraq Abuse Case

Prisoner may have inflicted wounds on himself, defense argued

- A U.S. military jury cleared a Navy SEAL Thursday of failing to prevent the beating of an Iraqi prisoner suspected of masterminding a 2004 attack that killed four American security contractors.

The contractors' burned bodies were dragged through the streets and two were hanged from a bridge over the Euphrates river in the former insurgent hotbed of Fallujah, in what became a major turning point in the Iraq war.

The trial of three SEALs, the Navy's elite special forces unit, has outraged many Americans who see it as coddling terrorists.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Hell let's save some money and send our troops over there with a feel good message, rubber bullets and some handouts. That will make things better. I wonder if anyone told these liberal idiots that we were at WAR? It's not a card game. The U.S. has to play by the rules but not the enemy? Oh, that's right most of them are muslims and we can't offend them by protecting our own lives.

Anonymous said...

"send our troops over there with a feel good message, rubber bullets and some handouts"

Have you divorced yourself from the reality where Obama has surged troops in Afghanistan and they are taking out terrorists leaders and gaining ground on the Taliban faster than we have seen in quite some time?

Anonymous said...

this WHOLE thing STINKS!!! Whoever prosecuted this case and the upcoming cases should be flogged and run outta town