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Thursday, April 22, 2010

In case you were getting over your anger at the passage of the radical Obamacare bill, the left is intending to push forward on other radical issues yet this year. It is obvious that they have decided that they don’t care what Americans think and they won’t be deterred by the specter of losing seats in Congress. They are determined to get it done while they have complete control. One Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham is giving the Democrats “bi-partisan support.” In case you would like to communicate with Senator Graham, his phone number is 202-224-5972.

Ellen Sauerbrey

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
From: Gary L. Bauer

Campaign for Working Families

Democrats Ready Radical Agenda

Democrats in the House and Senate are gearing up for a major push to advance their radical agenda while they still have an overwhelming advantage on Capitol Hill. Last week, Roll Call reported that House Democrats plan to pass a major homosexual rights bill called ENDA by May. Reuters notes that cap and trade legislation will be unveiled in the Senate by the end of month, and Politico reports that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid met late yesterday and agreed to bring up an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants this year. Each issue is a priority of the far Left.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) elevates homosexual behavior to the same protected legal status as race and religion. Business owners and institutions that adhere to Judeo-Christian values will be forced to compromise their beliefs if this legislation passes. And this year, Democrats have taken their extremism to a new level by including special protections for transgenderism and gender identity – whatever those are. With unemployment hovering near 10% and out-of-control deficit spending, why is appeasing the militant homosexual movement so high on the Democrats’ “to do” list?

If that radical assault on our values wasn’t bad enough, Obama’s allies in the Senate, led by Massachusetts liberal John Kerry, are pushing legislation to tax and regulate carbon. We live in a carbon-based economy, so when you hear “carbon,” think energy. Democrats want to tax and regulate energy production.

Think about everything you do in the course of a day that requires energy in any form. How many of you flip a light switch first thing in the morning? Do you drive to work? Use a computer or other machines? Do you like air condition in the summer? All of it will be taxed more if the Left gets its way. If you thought unemployment was bad now, wait until this massive job-killing tax hike leads to $7.00 a gallon gas.

And then there’s “immigration reform.” With this leftwing president and this liberal Congress, it can only mean one thing: amnesty. Reports indicate that President Obama has already started calling members of the Senate to push the issue. But I don’t think the public is in any mood for amnesty. In fact, the Arizona legislature just passed one of the toughest anti-illegal immigration laws in the country. A new Rasmussen poll finds that 70% of likely voters support the law, including 69% of Independent voters and even 51% of Democrats. Moreover, 73% say that securing the border is more important than legalizing “undocumented workers.”

With unemployment so high, there’s no shortage of workers – there’s a shortage of jobs. This is not the time to legalize millions of illegal aliens. But Obama and his allies may well need millions of new voters as the country turns against their radical agenda.

Still Falling

A new Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters finds that President Obama’s 44% approval rating is “his lowest approval rating since his inauguration.” On specific issues, 55% disapprove of his handling of the economy and healthcare. Among Independent voters, Obama is running a 12-point deficit – 38% approve and 50% disapprove. According to Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, “The White House had predicted passage of the health care overhaul would boost his fortunes, but that has not been the case, and that legislation itself remains decidedly unpopular.”

But at least that’s better than the Democrat-dominated Congress. Just 20% of registered voters (16% of Independent voters) approve of Congress’ job performance.

While we’re on the subject of polls, a new CNN poll finds that 73% of Americans want President Obama to nominate a moderate (37%) or a conservative (36%) to the Supreme Court. But 61% expect Obama will nominate another liberal to the high court.

Interestingly, the same poll found increasing support for the right to life. Just 34% of adults said abortion should be legal in most or all circumstances, while 64% said abortion should be illegal or legal in only a few circumstances. Two years ago, those numbers were 37% and 61%.

Unfortunately, I guarantee that this radical president will nominate a liberal, pro-abortion justice who is committed to Roe v. Wade’s abortion-on-demand regime.


Anonymous said...

Elections have consequences, just ask George W Bush. Just because some on the Right are loud and obnoxious it doesnt make them either right or the majority of the country. Liberal agenda? I think not.

Anonymous said...


You are right. It is not a liberal agenda, it is a socialist agenda.
As far as the right not being a majority, you need to look at the polls.

Anonymous said...

Obama is pushing the same issues that he ran his campaign on. The people voted him in because they agree with the agenda. So cut all the "he's not listening" crap and cut all the "socialist takeover" crap. You're just pissed because your side "lost" (personally I think America is a winner each time we have a free election) and now you want to spend your time moaning instead of working with the pres. in a serious fashion to tackle these issues. The right is more worried about being in power for power's sake than actually solving issues for the country.

Anonymous said...

Business owners will be forced to compromise their beliefs...haha yea right. Its like saying business owners were forced to hire blacks and woman. Face it Joe, you are a racist sexist pig, fuck u

Anonymous said...

November can not come soon enough!!!!

Anonymous said...

what's wrong woth rights for gay people?

Anthony said...

Sadly, if the Dems have their way, there will NOT be an election come November. If you keep even half an eye and ear on the news, not the MSM mind you, you will see constant attempts by members of that mentally challenged group trying to cause violence and blame it on the Right. They want a blow up so that a state of emergancy can be called and the election suspended until the emergancy is over. Nothing more permanent than a temporary state of emergancy.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans may have finally learned their lesson and will stay away from social issues on this nomination. They want the Tea Baggers and the majority are not in lock step on social issues.

Unknown said...

What is your source for this idea?
If this state of emergency does not occur will you change your mind at all?

Anonymous said...

I watched I think all of the debates, I saw the soundbytes, I read some of the articles, remember the promises and Obama promised, "NO taxes on anyone making under 250,000, not your income tax, not your...not any of them. Later Joe Biden raised that to $250,000 in another soundbyte. Obama campaigned against Hillary and won the Dem nomination on the "no individual mandate." Yet, you liberals STILL think he's keeping his promises and even worse, think he got voted in on the things he's trying to ram through now. He was going to reduce the deficit not triple it. He was going to gone line by line on the programs to reduce spending and cut waste. He was going to listen, be bi-partisan, blah blah blah. November is going to really shock you, better line up for the few doctors available because the Prozac may not be available when you really need it.