O'Malley recently announced that he is running for re-election and some claim he can't loose. Yet he is so confident, he is trying to basically call his would-be contender "a birther" after hearing that Robert Ehrlich may run against him this year, even though no official announcement has been made. Real class act there Martin.
What really gets me though is he's now jumping on the Sarah Foxwell case. The 11 year old girl who's body was found on the Eastern Shore on Christmas day, after she was abducted by a convicted child molester and rapist. Not that I don't want the governor of our state to impose better protective laws for children, then the ones he opposed before, but it all seems kind of well, disingenuous. After all, he is well known for opposing the death penalty. Not only that, he lead the charge to repeal the death penalty in the State of Maryland He even testified at the the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.
Did we ever once hear from our esteemed governor, over the Christmas holiday, as we were tearing our hearts out hoping against hope that Sarah would be found alive and well? Did we hear from him once her remains were discovered, dumped in a field by all accounts, a convicted and released child rapist? No. Not one word, and now he says he pledges to Sarah "There is still work to be done."
Is that all you've got Governor? Seriously?
The people of Wicomico County demand justice for this innocent child. Not empty words. We're sick of empty rhetoric, Governor.
Let's review: O'Malley was left with a Billion dollar Rainy Day Fund. He blew through it. He pushed hard for the largest tax increase in Maryland history (2007). He got it. He courted and received nearly $4 billion in federal “stimulus” dollars (2008), and we STILL have a projected $2 billion budget deficit. Governor O'Malley's inability to manage a budget is astounding. His priorities are all screwed up and now we are supposed to believe that suddenly he's going to create 60,000 new jobs and we should re-elect him?
We don't believe anything you say anymore Governor. You've had your chance. You blew it. It's time to move on down the road to a different endeavor before you completely distroy this state.
As the Least Free State O'Malley is free to go.
For More Information Check Out the O'Malley Watch
As a card carrying teachers union member I find it disgusting that these politicians, Omalley and Kratovil come down here in an election year for their photo op, what has happened to our leaders? These so called gentlemen are no gentlemen at all. Who said we won't get fooled again?
Term Limits, NOW!
What do you expect? Just look at what he did to Baltimore City. Nothing, that city went down the crapper under his watch. Now the state is going down the crapper under his watch. He rode the anti Bush wave into office. I'm also a teacher and a member of the union. I am disgusted that they decided to back this idiot. Where are those slots for education? This state is so business unfriendly, highly taxed, and soft on crime. The sad part is that our votes on the Eastern Shore don't mean a thing, since the western shore Democrats greatly outnumber us.
let us not forget he was behind releasing the limitations on raising rates for the power co.s
one of his 1st blunders
Maybe he should just go ice fishing with Webster, I hear he has the free time.
Isn't it silly to think that a man who took office in 2007 is fully responsible for widespread regional and national economic problems that took root more than a decade ago?
It's not just O'Malley, and it's not about who's in what political party or faction. These crises faced by Marylanders would have been a burden on any governor elected to the office, and it's more than a little unfair to say it's all O'Malley's fault.
Others in power include House Speaker Mike Busch, and Senate President Mike Miller in charge. Miller, by the way, has been in office since 1987. You don't think he's got major sway over how government operates in Maryland?
It's really easy to burn people with anonymous comments on this website or countless others. The hard part is taking a rational, clear view of what the problems are, and where the root causes lie. The governor should not and cannot fairly shoulder the full blame for what's happening in the economy.
11;52 Spoken like a true O'Malley,Obama supporter. It is always someone elses fault, not my boys.
While he may be tying the crime stats to recent poor economic conditions, he neglects to say that joblessness is only a very small part of criminal motivation in most crimes.
I'm getting too much hoopla and not enough action from our legislators so far. I'm not voting for him or anyone else who jumps on the crime bandwagon just for the ride. They'll have to show me the results and how they were connnected to getting those results, not just that they were in the same room with the people who actually got it done.
Bob, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't "support" anyone, I don't have any "boys" - I vote for whoever I believe will suck the least. I am affiliated with nobody. You are exactly the kind of buffoon to whom my prior comment is addressed, people who stupidly assume that a single person is actually running things at the state level. -CC
Lets see, Omalley raised the sales rrate by 20% and raised taxes on small businesses which led to many of them moving out of state. Add a tax and spend liberal to the other people in the legislature that agree with him and you end up with a state that was once fiscally sound and you end up with a 2 trillion dollar defecit.
As for buffoon, if you have to resort to name calling I suggest you just look in the mirror and rethink your argument.
1:39 How many small business moved out of Maryland? How does that compare to all the states? Give me the numbers.
you damn right there is work to be done for sarah get this jerkoff out of office and get someone in there that will protect our kids and not cut funding to keep pervs in line
Can I put this into simple terms?
1. O'Malley is a liar.
2. (nearly) everyone in his party are liars.
3. Some people in the other party are liars too.
Vote CONSERVATIVE in 2010. Don't convey Government riches to multi generation families such as the Bidens. We don't owe the Biden family. The Biden family owes us.
11:52, they are all democrats right?
and the democrats have had this state locked up for what? the last 20 + years. that's the reason this state is so f'd up!
can't blame it on anyone else! lmao!
Did anyone else notice he kinda looks like Frank Kratovil in this pic??
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