Folks, what can I say, you're just unbelievable! A Post or two below this one is an updated Chart showing how fast the slots are now filling in. We truly need your help and you're delivering.
There's only a month or so in which the Salvation Army can get out there and ring the bells and during these harsh economic times people clearly need our help more than ever.
If you have the spare time, (and all you need is time) please consider filling in these open slots. Bring a child, a friend or a family member along with you and feel the joy/pleasure of giving the gift of your time.
Believe me, I have done my fair share of ringing the bell and even though there are times when I think, how am I going to get through an 8 hour straight shift, day after day, it passes by like it was only an hour. Man, what I wouldn't do to only have to ring the bell for 2 hours.
When I deliver photos of the food and Christmas Presents and you see the thousands of Families the Salvation Army has helped this year, you just won't believe what you're seeing. To know in the end that you played a role in helping these Families and Children, it's just so well worth it.
Keep those calls coming into the Salvation Army and let's fill these open slots so we can help other locations. Thank You!
There's only a month or so in which the Salvation Army can get out there and ring the bells and during these harsh economic times people clearly need our help more than ever.
If you have the spare time, (and all you need is time) please consider filling in these open slots. Bring a child, a friend or a family member along with you and feel the joy/pleasure of giving the gift of your time.
Believe me, I have done my fair share of ringing the bell and even though there are times when I think, how am I going to get through an 8 hour straight shift, day after day, it passes by like it was only an hour. Man, what I wouldn't do to only have to ring the bell for 2 hours.
When I deliver photos of the food and Christmas Presents and you see the thousands of Families the Salvation Army has helped this year, you just won't believe what you're seeing. To know in the end that you played a role in helping these Families and Children, it's just so well worth it.
Keep those calls coming into the Salvation Army and let's fill these open slots so we can help other locations. Thank You!
If you'd like to volunteer for a slot at any of the above locations please, send your request to ringabell4tsa@verizon.net or call Kettle Campaign Headquarters 410-749-RING (7464).
Do you know if they ever got anyone to fill my vacant spot on the 19th at WM Fruitland?
If not - here's another shout out.
Wal-Mart Fruitland
Dec 19, 9-1
Tracy, that slot has been filled. Thank You
Yes the entire day is filled at both entrances.
Thank you Tracy.
Just got done ringing the bell! Lots of good substantial donations, and I love how the parents let the kids make the donation! A lot of the times, it's the kids chiding the parents to let up some change for the bucket! Way to go, kids! Than you all for your donations this year, they are sorely needed.
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