U.S. Chamber Lauds Congressman Frank Kratovil for
Opposing House Health Care Bill
WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President of Government Affairs Bruce Josten issued the following statement thanking Congressman Frank Kratovil for standing up for families and businesses and opposing H.R. 3962:
“We applaud Congressman Frank Kratovil for his statement opposing H.R. 3962, the House health care bill, which could wipe out more jobs, raise costs, and put employers’ and employees’ current health benefits at risk.
“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has strongly advocated for health care reform and shares the goals of Congress and the Administration to reduce health care costs, while increasing access and quality. But the current proposal in the House includes many provisions that are not consistent with those shared goals.
“The business community at large is eager to work with Congress to develop a workable product that garners broad bipartisan support and preserves the parts of the system that work in a fiscally responsible manner.
“We look forward to continuing to work with Congressman Frank Kratovil as this difficult but important process continues to move forward.”
The U.S. Chamber is the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.
www.uschamber.com # # # www.chamberpost.com
What a joke
Bill Gordy Honored By Community Foundation
By:Michelle Hinkle - 11/06/2009
The Community Foundation came together in Salisbury Friday to recognize volunteers who make a difference on the Eastern Shore. One of the highest honors is the Frank H. Morris Humanitarian Award. Salisbury Fire Department's own Deputy Chief Bill Gordy took home the award but says it's the other men and women who risk their lives everyday that deserve thanks. Gordy was chosen because he's volunteered his time one day a week for 35 years.
"I retired, thought I was out of it but 9/11 came about and I couldn't stay home, got back involved again and joined the Salisbury Fire Department," said Gordy during his acceptance speech.
The Foundation says Gordy gives both his time and his financial support to the community. The award for excellence for nonprofits was given to "Kids of Honor" another group that goes above and beyond on their own time.
Wow, I give him a lot of credit for standing up to Pelosi.
Kratovil is better than that RINO Wayne Gilchrest.
Just remember Frank, if people have to choose between a Democrat who votes like a Republican and a Republican, they're going to choose the Republican every time.
8:29 Ditto I'll vote republican next time at least I know what they stand for up front.
"This bill is the greatest threat to freedom that I have seen in the nineteen years I have been here in Washington"
John Boehner
November 5, 2009
Oh, dear! Where was this knucklehead on September 11, 2001? Or when the Patriot Act was passed for that matter. Where was this fool in 2000 when the Supreme Court put a stop to the vote counting in the state of Florida and installed the Bush Mob in the White House? The greatest threat to freedom in nineteen years? Have another sip, Mr. Faux Tan Man.
Thank God Osama wasnt president on 9/11. He woukd have probably immediately nsurrendered to thew muslim world. As for the election in 2000, both your beloved Washington Post and New York Times went to Florida and counted the vote and Bushs' lead only got bigger. When will you libs just give it a rest.
DO NOT BE FOOLED by Kratovil and the other Democrats voting agianst this bill-they have been INSTRUCTED by Pelosi to do so they can get re-elected next year.
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