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Friday, November 06, 2009

A Letter To The Editor


I wanted to start a trend, we spend so much time being watchdogs that we forget to say thank you. I want to say thanks to Mayor Ireton, for standing up, for going by the book, and giving the citizens of the city the mayor they voted for.

Thanks Mayor Ireton for standing up for us against the egoist, liar Chief Webster. This is the third or fourth time he has sued the city. How much has that cost us? It should come out of his salary.

The law suit he filed is a clear malicious of Councilwoman Campbell has nothing what so ever to do with his alleged grievance. Further the attorney who filed the complaint should have his license taken away, because he knowingly filed papers in the court that are full of lies and misrepresentations. That in itself is illegal he should be disbarred.

There are many persons who want change and want good government, it is important to show our elected officials our support.

I would like to see a public hearing about crime and the police in Salisbury. The people need a forum, the elected officials should hear what people have to say about crime and our police force, let’s have a public hearing…"


Anonymous said...

There is a crime task force meeting Nov. 10 @ 1:00. I suggest anyone who has any suggestions towards curbing crime attend thus forum. It's at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

I've been to those meetings, they are held in a tiny room and I don't think they let the public speak.

It's worth a try and sure beats doing nothing at all. If it gets to crowded they'll have to move to the council chambers.

Anonymous said...

Well if they don't let the public speak, what's the use?

Anonymous said...

I didn't say they don't let the public speak, I said I don't think they do. I never tried to speak, I only listened. I'm sure if someone had something to say they would allow it.

Anonymous said...

He has won everytime. Maybe our City is just screwed up.

Anonymous said...

While you are there maybe you can ask they give our officers a raise so that we can attract more than just a 21 year old with history who can't be employed in any other agency!! Don't get me wrong...there are a lot of good officers in Salisbury, but there is a lot of crap as well! Those who are good won't be there long, they are stressed and overworked and underpaid!

Anonymous said...

No wonder we have lay offs, furloughs, pay cuts and unemployments.

These Big Shots, Big Wills, Greedy Whoremongers Directors and Executives; Bosses and Supervisors spend to much time lieing and spying, buying and striving, sueing and pursuing their own gratification on the defenseless backs of the tax paying citizens of Wicomico County and Salisbury, Maryland. We spend too much time cleaning up the shitzs these clowns keep producing. No wonder this area and it's budget is broke, stanking and downright buck naked.

These people are nothing but theives. Draining the budget on all these frivilous lawsuits. Paying each other large payoffs and paychecks that neither of them have earned. Investing in projects we don't necssarily need or can afford. This mismanagement after another mismanagement forces good people out of their livlihood and safe haven. Turning this area into a place were the underworld and undesirables can breed. Bringing in the good 'ole wild wild west system of things. Shame on you, the leaders of Wicomico County and Salisbury, Maryland. Shame on you.

Hopefully come election, the people of Wicomico and Salisbury, Maryland will gather together and vote these greedy azz fools out of their "I'm greater than though" position and replace them with folks with "Balls". Because if you don't, Wicomico and Salisbury, Maryland will continue to be run by a bunch of Good 'Ole Yahoo cowboys and cowgirls from old Wild Wild West. And, these friends of a friend will keep coming from the north, the south, the east and more from the west. They will bring in more destruction and dismise. You're future, "Who, What and Where, is Wicomico County/Salisbury, Maryland?" "Why are we speaking about a town that doesn't exist?" "When did this place exist?"