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Friday, November 06, 2009


ANNAPOLIS, MD (November 6, 2009) – Governor Martin O’Malley issued this statement today following the announcement that national unemployment has surpassed ten percent:

“Today’s 10.2 percent national unemployment rate is another signal that, while many economic indicators show signs of improvement, we are not nearly out of the woods. Not as a state, and not as a nation.

“I know that Marylanders are frustrated with the pace of this recovery, and I share in that frustration. Last night, I shared with Maryland’s business community our strategy to strengthen small businesses in Maryland. If we’re going to turn the corner from recovery to prosperity, we must continue to recognize that our progress as a State depends on the prosperity of small businesses, businesses that employ more than 1.2 million people in the State of Maryland.

“Maryland is fortunate to have consistently held unemployment well below the national average at 7.2 percent. For all the challenges we’re facing as a country, there are plenty of reasons why we in Maryland are in a better position than our counterparts in other States to transition from recovery to prosperity. We are home to one of America’s most highly skilled workforces, the nation’s top public school system, countless world class institutions and federal facilities, and we remain one of only six states to defend a Triple A bond rating.”

Last night, Governor O’Malley outlined a ten point strategy before the Maryland Chamber of Commerce to strengthen small business in Maryland. The Governor’s full remarks can be found here.


Anonymous said...

Blah, Blah, Blah...

He certainly doesn't govern like small business is his #1 priority.

Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Ya, we're not out of the woods yet , and Obama and the Dumbocrats are marching us deeper and deeper into the woods!

Native Son said...

7.2% my a$$, I’d bet that here on the shore unemployment is a lot higher than that!

I think they use other math on the western side of the “big river”, and that’s where he should stay!

Joe, maybe you could arrange a poll on here “Who is currently unemployed on the eastern shore of Maryland due to lay offs?”

Anonymous said...

And will continue to defend our Triple A bond rating by terminating state employees, furloughs, etc, etc so our budget "appears" to look good.

He is such an A$$

BTW, why don't you examine the WASTEFUL spending within the state judicial system and cut some of that fat.

Anonymous said...

remember that $1.7 billion tax increase on us? what has he done about electric prices?
get rid of this assh@le!

Anonymous said...

Of course we are below average on unemployment. Everyone on the other side of the bridge works for the government or a government contractor. The government is NOT cutting back so they all have kept their jobs

Anonymous said...

Forcing these small businesses to pay 8% tax for not providing health care is sure to help them out Martin. Right out of business. As if you give a crap.

Anonymous said...

Maryland isn't holding anything. It's proximity to the Federal Agencies is what holds the State. It would be great that they actually helped but they do not.

Go ahead Martin, keep taking credit.

Anonymous said...

7.2% is one of the most fictious figures I have heard ever. Where do these idiots get this figure from? The unemployment offices. It is probably more than 7.2% that is not even on those roles in Maryland. Get real. Check out all the foreclosures and jobs lost. Remember Pencil and paper makes figures anything you want them too even in Maryland.

Chimera said...

Those figures are just for people who filed.Those who are self employed contractors out there having a rough time are not included.
Yes that would be a great topic-alot of us have been affected by job loss.