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Monday, October 26, 2009

One Man's Opinion

I'm sorry, but it's time to "CRAP OR GET OFF THE FRIGGIN POT". There is sufficient evidence now (if one would only take the time to look) that this nation is in serious trouble. More importantly and most troubling, is that it all appears to be "ON PURPOSE".

For those of you who voted for and still support this administration, it's time to wake up and take an objective look at what's been happening to the country you love (at least I hope that's the case) since January 20th of this year--the systematic dismantling of its economic, national security, political, and social framework--by a group of individuals who, by all outward appearances, do NOT support, appreciate, or understand the principles on which this nation was founded. In fact, the goal seems to be the total destruction of those principles and institutions, beginning with the Constitution.

Some of you (on the left) denigrate those of us who are angry and dismayed by Mr. Obama's anti-American agenda. Can you not understand why?

Let's say that you founded a company and established as its foundation that the company would always conduct business in an honest and open manner. Further, that the company would only buy raw materials from other companies with similar values, and that the company's employees would all share in the company's success by way of a profit--sharing plan and other incentives. As a way to ensure these values persist, you incorporate the business and include these things in your bylaws.

Hundreds of years pass but the company is still managed by descendants of the founder. Along comes a smooth-talking, seemingly accomplished individual who is able to become president of the company. He then spends the next 9 to 12 months bad-mouthing the founders and their vision for the company, mandating changes that directly conflict with the values and principles that the founders set in place. The profit-sharing plan is shelved because he thinks he has a better plan.

Who among you would not understand why the present day descendants in that company would oppose this?

This analogy is not perfect, but it clearly demonstrates why we feel the need to disagree with what's happening. Everything I hold dear is at risk of disappearing. The country that I knew is rapidly vanishing. Am I concerned? You're damned right I'm concerned! Every American with even a micro-liter of patriotism ought to be concerned too. And then, when the magnitude of what these executive orders are capable of doing is factored in, my concern multiplies to stratospheric levels.

Let me be clear on something. I'm not blaming Obama for all of this. Most of those orders were instituted by previous presidents--some republican. I hold them responsible for that. But, we must face reality. With all of George Bush's faults (and he had many) I don't believe anyone (including liberals) can honestly say that they believe that he hated America. There is no question that this president does. That's why he wants to "fundamentally change" it (his words, not mine).

Further, he seems to be following the template developed by one Saul Alinsky, in his book, "Rules for Radicals". This is scary stuff and you folks on the left need to pay attention to it all. You voted for change, but is the change being forced on us what you really want?

It would take a book to literally list all the "changes" that I, and most others on the right consider to be unacceptable to a free society. It could be that most on the left are simply unaware of many of these "changes". If this is the case, I want to encourage you to broaden your sources of information. You simply cannot trust those in the media to honestly and fully inform you about what's happening in Washington. They just won't. Although they have been demonized by this White House, Fox News is NOT the enemy. I listen to Fox and I know. Are they my ONLY source? Heck no! I have many. I even listen to some leftist sources to get their perspective.

There is an ever-widening information gap between liberals and conservatives in this country. That must change if we are to understand each other's viewpoint. Conservatives are aware of more information relative to current events than most liberals are because our concern is forcing us to become informed (PLEASE--Don't respond by trying to argue with me on this--you will lose). We have begun to delve back into the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Declaration is no longer some obscure relic from the past having very little significance to our world today. We can now spell "Federalist Papers" and even know what they are. Various quotes from our founders are beginning to find their way into our hearts and minds. Because we're smarter? No! Because we are concerned. And that concern has caused many who have never before been politically active (except maybe at the ballot box) to get involved.


I could go on, but let me just say this. I'm done playing with kid gloves. These are serious times with grave consequences. There is information available that all Americans NEED to know. I understand that some won't WANT to hear or know. And that's fine. I've had several "friends" write me to tell me to take them off my mailing list, and in each case, I have complied without issue. It frustrates me because, well, it just does!

Therefore, in the interest of alleviating any future frustration, I am requesting that anyone who no longer wants to hear from me, just tell me so. A simple, "Please remove me from your list", is all you need do. I will reply to that email with, "Done", delete your name, and that will be the end of it. You will never hear from me again.

Otherwise, I intend to continue writing and sending information that I think is important. I promise to vet that info to the extent possible to ensure relevancy, accuracy, and timeliness. I promise NOT to bash Obama--however, I WILL bring attention to issues that may further illustrate an agenda that is decidedly anti-American. If that's how you define bashing, I suggest you request to be taken off my list now.

My country's future is at stake and unlike many of our so-called elected leaders, the oath that I took to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States means something to me.

Nuff said.



Anonymous said...

Perfectly said!

Joel said...

I was shocked to hear an Obama voter say, on Sunday, they are all a bunch of Communists. My advice to Joshua, keep telling and posting the truth,Even the most ardent supporter will eventually see the light.

Anonymous said...

Another aimless wandering rant from the wingnut nation. Give me a break. Contrary to the garbage being spewed here, the majority of Americans support the President. Elections have consequences, stop your crying.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous and the same old issues. The left was wrong when we were against Bush for the war in Iraq, but now it is okay because you, the right is always right. If Obama had started tapping phone calls you all would have a field day, but it was your president who stole your freedoms. Point fingers in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh ,
I've been telling you guys , buy more ammo. It's almost here.The revolution will come.Lock and load.

Alex said...

Well said 11:34. Unfortunately, individuals like Joshua cannot see the big picture.
Oh yeah, Joshua your company vs. country analogy is completely flawed.

Anonymous said...

OBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST. Or atleast Hitler, or Ghengis Kahn reincarnate. Or atleast Martha Stewart during that "time of the month". Conserves are clowns.

Anonymous said...

There is room for open debate on the pres. and his policies, but too bad you conserves seem only to pander to the lowest common denominator.

Litmus test for objective and factual commentary of pres. Obama:

1) Does the speaker elude to the pres. hating this country?

2) Does the speaker/writer imply the pres. is unpatriotic?

3) Does the speaker/writer imply the pres. and the rest of America is on two different sides?

Yes to any of these and you are probably reading crap.

Towson Resident said...

What else to you expect from this wonderfully educated electorate. Obama is to blame for everything, now apparently even the H1N1 virus.
I bet Obama and his muslim, US hating buddies came up with the virus to destroy Fox News :)
Final thought:
Republican does not a always equals racist.
Racist always equals Republican.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You lib idiots just don't get it do you I'm a real thinker that means I see things the way they really are and work in this country! Obama and his radical friends are going to be the downfall of America as we LOVE IT! oops did I just go over your shallow way of thinking or do you idiots even think at all.

Anonymous said...


Ha ha ha. You are a real thinker? I don't think you have a clue how things really are or really work. The worst part is you believe you do. Typical but hilarious.