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Monday, October 26, 2009


LAUREL, MD (October 26. 2009) – Today, Governor Martin O’Malley followed through on a commitment to support federally funded additional police officers with funding for equipment, uniforms, and other needs not covered by federal grants the allowed for the hiring of 112 police officers throughout Maryland. In July, Governor O’Malley joined Vice President Biden to announce $23 million in COPS program grants to create 112 police officer positions in Maryland. Governor O’Malley has directed additional funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help communities purchase radios, bullet-proof vests, computers, and other essential equipment to support each newly hired officer. Maryland is the first state in the nation to provide matching funds for equipment purchase, and will provide up to $10,000 per officer.

“We saw the value of COPS program first hand in the City of Baltimore where we worked with law enforcement and the people of our City to take our streets and neighborhoods back for our families and, together, achieved a 40 percent reduction in violent crime,” said Governor O’Malley, noting that a contributing factor to the success in Baltimore City was a $24 million COPS grant allowing the hiring of 200 additional police officers. “There is no greater or more solemn obligation we have as public servants than the protection of our citizens. Thanks to the leadership of President Obama and our federal delegation, local law enforcement agencies have an unprecedented opportunity to create or save jobs that directly impact the safety of our neighborhoods, and we’re pleased to have the opportunity to relieve the burden of the cost of additional equipment from those local agencies.”

Today, Governor O’Malley announced the first three supporting grants to Baltimore ($448,000), Cambridge ($15,000), and Salisbury ($35,000). Additional grants will be distributed as the application process through the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention is completed for each jurisdiction.

As Chairwoman of the Senate Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Mikulski included $1 billion in the federal checkbook for the COPS Hiring Recovery Program in the economic recovery bill. This funding not only prevented layoffs of police officers nationwide; it made it possible for states, like Maryland, to hire additional officers.

“Law enforcement agencies work around the clock to keep our communities safe. We have a responsibility to ensure they are not walking a thin blue line. Our cops need a full team to combat violence, protect families, and fight the crime that's destroying neighborhoods,” Senator Mikulski said. “I was proud to include $1 billion in the federal checkbook for the COPS hiring program. This funding means more cops on the beat from Prince George's to Princess Anne, patrolling our streets and protecting our families.”

The federal Recovery Act provides $1 billion in grant funding to the Department of Justice for the COPS Hiring Recovery Program. The COPS office received applications from 7,272 law enforcement agencies requesting more than 39,000 officer positions nationwide. COPS grants provide 100 percent funding for three years of entry-level salaries and benefits, and are awarded to localities and/or police departments to hire or rehire additional career law enforcement officers.

Following the passage of President Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the O’Malley-Brown Administration moved swiftly to capture more than $26 million in additional federal funding to put state-of-the-art law enforcement and information sharing technologies into the hands of our police at every level across our State. The O’Malley-Brown Administration is expanding the use of smart law enforcement technology across Maryland, including advanced fingerprinting technology, eliminating backlogs and expanding our DNA database, tracking and monitoring repeat violent offenders, and increased drug treatment funding. The O’Malley Brown Administration is putting families first by making public safety a top priority, with 66 fewer lives lost to homicides in 2008 when compared to 2007, and 40 fewer homicides this year when compared to the same period in 2008.


tedh said...

I will put money on it how much of the funding makes it to the Eastern Shore.

Anonymous said...

"to CREATE police officer positions"???? hell, SPD is short handed enough as it is. How are they going to "create" additional officers when they cannot fill their roster now????

Anonymous said...

10:40 a.m. One thought is to fire Chief Webster. That may be an obstacle to hiring. My friend who's a retired LEO thinks so anyway.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of BS more cops is not what we need.. a police state will not stop crime. Courts with some teeth and placing people that belong in prison stay there. The endless cycle of failure of the court system is the problem not more cops

Anonymous said...

"40% drop in crime in Baltimore City" - Here we go again. Another flood. A flood of lies. He'll start one here one there, and then... lies, lies, lies everywhere. On tv, on radio, on the web, in print. We will be flooded.
Get your mud gear ready, it's going to be deep.