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Monday, October 26, 2009

I Could Have Been Big In Chicago, I Know Nothing!

Rod Blagojevich, is the former Illinois Governor who tried to sell Obama 's seat in congress.
Obama was asked, by the press, if he had ever met Gov. Ron Blagojevich.

Barack Obama: "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time ... and that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago Bears Football Game."

Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama and Richard Daley during a rally in Chicago , April 16, 2007.
(Photo Reuters)

To understand the next 4 years, you have to understand the “world according to Chicago .”
While Chicago is a city in Illinois , it is almost a completely different country when it comes to politics,
with a whole different set of morals and language.

There are only three rules and a “Prime Directive” which anybody can understand.
You don't even need an attorney to understand them --and if you need an attorney, well, you know too look out for Rule #3!

RULE #1...No matter what you see, hear, or do… --you don't know anybody and you don't know nothing!
RULE #2...If you capture something on tape or camera… -- it doesn't reveal nothing!

RULE #3...If you know what everybody knows in Chicago… --well, you still don't know nothing.

The “PRIME DIRECTIVE” in CHICAGO ...No matter what the vote – Democrats win the election.

Now pay close attention!
It's very simple....we'll illustrate. Remember, you know nothing.

These two? They don't know each other! They said they didn't.

The fellas in this picture – They never actually met face to face. What fellas? We don't see nothing!

The guy on the left? For all you know he's Santa Claus.
And the guy on the right... well, he's the Easter Bunny! That's all you need to know.

Go to your eye doctor...your eyes are lying to you! Ca'pish?

Remember Jimmy Hoffa? He knew too much and now, well, now no one knows where he is.
Is the big picture clear? Not these pictures! Remember, You've already forgot them...

Now, ain't that simple?
They don't know each other and they never met!

How is that possible? 'cause they said so!
And don't forget it!

P.S. If you pass this on to your friends, don't forget, you know nothing and they will know nothing.


Anonymous said...

this post doesn't provide any prospective on the time frame at which the "reporter question" was asked and when the photos were shot. This would be a much more effective piece with that information.

Anonymous said...

You thnk he LIED??????????!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What was that about lying? I just love the Obama supporters, Hear no Obama, Speak no Obama and see no Obama.

Anonymous said...

11:25 and 11:28, you are prime examples of the problem. Please see my 9:35 comment. Unless you guys can provide that information or some concrete evidence that Obama's "quote" was a lie, why are you jumping on this post as a "gotcha" moment?

Anonymous said...

Well, as for time frame, the top pis shows him and obama with another male. Those things on the left part of the jacket signifies persons of or in office. Thats a time frame of when Rod was in office. 3rd pic shows obama shaking hands. Time frame, Rod is on the appoiunted side. The name tag and water bottles. They just dont let anyone on that side. See where Obama is? Yeah, they dont know each other before he became president my azz.

Anonymous said...

Only saw Blogo once and they managed to change clothing. What some people will do to get a government handout. Keep denying what you see and hear and you only prove how ignorant you are.