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Monday, October 26, 2009


Maryland Republican Party


Annapolis, MD – President Barack Obama unveiled plans to refocus spending of the government's $700 billion financial bailout away from Wall Street’s big financial institutions and toward small businesses on Main Street.

According to the President, “These entrepreneurial pioneers embody the spirit of possibility, the tireless work ethic, and the simple hope for something better that lies at the heart of the American ideal. And they have always formed the backbone of the American economy,"

Dr. James Pelura, Chairman of the MDGOP, expressed marked skepticism of President Obama’s statement. “To say that small business is the backbone of America’s economy while at the same time forcing higher taxes, more government regulation and numerous other obstacles to the success of business is misleading and borders on dishonest.”

So far, Mr. Obama's attempt to spur the economy has resulted in disaster. Maryland lost 3,608 jobs in September and more than 32,000 jobs since the Stimulus was passed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website on October 21, 2009. Where is Governor O’Malley? He has been saying that the Recovery Act is about jobs. How many more Marylanders have to become unemployed under these Obama – O’Malley policies?

There is no reason to believe that this new plan will do anything to put Americans back to work.


Anonymous said...

So how can small businesses get some bailout help Mr. president?

Anonymous said...

Everything is going according to plan. This is his agenda. To ruin the economy and put as many americans out of work as he can. Then they want us to believe that the government is our only answer. Just to get us dependent on the government. So they can rebuild america to have total government control.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama doesn't set a good example for his race. But then , you never know , . Socialistic
communistic, lazyalistic , stupidistic Bull $hiter.

Orsonwells said...

1:07, the nail on the head. They tried it in the early 90's, too. Luckily, enough of us said "No, thanks" and went on with our lives. I pray that there will be enough of us to do the same this time around.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys ever hear of Idi Amin.
He was an African dictator years ago. He was a butcher and a stupid leader , reminds me of Obama.