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Monday, October 26, 2009

The Daily Times Continues To Fall Well Behind

Salisbury Wants More Dump Trucks was a Post we put up back on the 19th. We provided documents referencing this vehicle/s and now the Daily Times, (7 days later) feels the need to discuss it HERE.

The City has budgeted $110,000.00 for this vehicle, yet is should cost substantially less. The Mayor was wise to pull the item for further review because Pam Oland did not do her job and properly research the true cost of such a vehicle. Again, go back to our link above to see the kind of figures we provided a week ago.

Here's a big question it seems everyone missed. Did the snow plow on the other dump truck MELT? Why can't they use the plow from the other dump truck????


Reconciled1 said...

So Joe, I just knew I would turn on my laptop today ( I've been taking a internet break lately on the weekends) and you would have a pic of yesterdays headlines in the DT.... Under the huge pic of gang signs , it stated and I quote " Daniel T. Dougherty, assistant state's attorney for Wicomico County,who prosiecutes gang-relat4ed cases...." I guess this is such a hot "new" story they don't have time for proof reading or spell check? Considering you've been covering the increase in gangs for the last couple years, it's about time they admitted it.

Anonymous said...

Spend, spend, spend. Hope the Ladies C&C take them to the mat.