A Tractor Trailer has crashed in Princess Anne, south of Allen Road. As we understand it right now, it's a fuel truck and the driver was trapped inside. Salisbury's Hazmat Team is now on the scene. More to come...... Traffic on Rt. 13 is being re routed, so prepare for major delays.
Yep...No need for a Salisbury HAZMAT is there???
Well, so far, maybe in Princess Anne, Cambridge and other areas. Nevertheless, no need for hundreds of thousands of Salisbury taxpayers money to do work everywhere else. They do give grants to other municipalities you know. I wonder if the Fire Boat could help out.
Hey Bozo 7:21am the accident is in Princess Anne not Salisbury!!
Your tax dollars at work. The Salisbury Fire Department sent Assistant Chief 1, Rescue 1, Engine 16-1 and Paramedic 1 to that call. There are 3 paramedic ambulances on the scene and they don't even have a patient to treat on this call. WTF! The call is not in Salisbury, not in Wicomico County but in Somerset County. How in the world can Hoppes and Gordy justify sending all that equipment and man power to Somerset county at the expense of city tax payers. Now the paid duty crew with Engine 1 is responding to Station 3 to stand by for their volunteers. How much is that equipment, overtime and other expenses going to cost the city of Salisbury Taxpayers. This is also costing Wicomico County Taxpayers as they paying the Salisbury Fire Department thousands of dollars a year. The citizens will not be reimbursed or compensated for this waste. Hoppes and Gordy is out of control!! Jim Ireton where is that help you promised? Can the mayor and city council justify this wasted spending by the insubordination by Hoppes and Gordy? Now the city tax payers aren't being protected by the firefighters that are paid to protect them.
Help Is On the Way! NOT!!
does frank and garland in princess anne have a hazmat vehicle or do we have to send ours for free
Would you want all that help if it was you or your family?
7:47 Why don't you wait until it is over before you start judging. This is not free to anyone. If you had any clue you would know that. All this will be billed out and your tax dollars will not be affected by it. What if they didn't have a team? Then you would bitch that they need a team for something like this. Get a clue you bag of wind.
First, it is a HAZMAT accident, so who better to respond than a HAZMAT team? There is not a HAZMAT response crew in Somerset like there is in Salisbury.
Secondly, it is always better to respond with too many people than not enough...it is easier to send peole home than to try to find more. Take a minute to stop and think about what you are complaining about. You people who complain about too many people responding to someone else's call are the same people who would complain if there were not enough people responding to YOUR call.
I guess all the bitching about sending fire trucks to other parts of the area make me think. If you were on vacation and staying in one of the high rise condos in OC and there was a horrible fire and they needed the Ladder Truck from Salisbury would say don't send it because it is my tax money being spend? I also guess all the fire/rescue that responded on 9/11 shouldn't have gone also?
I see gas trucks speeding and weaving in this area all the time. especially Corluzzo (?) trucks with NJ tags. It was only a matter of time before this kind of accident happened.
Let us not get so caught up that we forget about the person involved in this accident. It's unbelievable to me that the first comment is in regards to a hazmat vehicle rather than the family of friends of the victim, or even the victim himself. What is happening in the world? You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
mutual aid
The person that died in this accident was a good man, with an impeccable driving record. This was gas spilling onto the ground people!! What if it had caught a spark?? Guess you would have wanted more help then, huh? People just kill me with their nasty comments on here. We have forgotten the human element in most of these stories. A woman has lost her husband and children have lost a father. The tanker company will be responsible for the cleanup..so all you tax payers out there can rest easy.
Does anyone know what the company name on the truck was or the state on the tag?
Is the Cambridge HAZMAT unit tagged as Maryland Department of the Environment? I saw an MDE Hazmat unit around the Nanticoke River Rt 50 area this morning driving with their lights on.
i pray the man get out safe. Who cares who responds, its a mans life were talking about and you can never put a price tag on life.
WMDT 47 says the driver is being treated at the scene. Does not sound like a DOA.
11:40 the driver was transported to PRMC and has died.
You people have no clue how fire and emergency services are delivered. If there was a bus accident in Salisbury and there were more patients then ambulances, don't you think other juristictions would send help? That's how it works. Salisbury is a major city compared to other surounding areas, and as such carries a larger burden. But those other juristictions will gladly return the favor when the time arises. Its called mutual aid. Let me put it in simple terms, when the McDonald's you work out runs out of burgers, do they just close for the day? No, the use some from the other McD's around the corner.
10:31 it was an eagle truck.
Anonymous said...
First, it is a HAZMAT accident, so who better to respond than a HAZMAT team? There is not a HAZMAT response crew in Somerset like there is in Salisbury.
8:35 AM
First and foremost I would say that is Somerset County's problem not the city of Salisbury taxpayers.
My guess is that you are not a city taxpayer and you just want to run your meaningless lip service.
Part of the problem with what the Salisbury Fire Department sends to a so called Hazmat incident is who they send and what they send. Poor choice for use of good resources.
Sadly this man is a friend and leaves a wife and 2 daughters. He was a dedicated volunteer to many school sports teams on VA's Eastern Shore. He will be missed!
You people bitching about all the EMS equioment need to get a life or have a tall glass of sh-ah,never mind.
Anytime you have a fuel spill or any type of chemical spill,HAZMAT units are required.We are talking about a leaking fuel tanker.What if some arsehole rode by and flicked his cigarette out the window and KABOOM!-the whole scene goes up in flames? Do some of you think before you post?
A man is dead and a bunch of armchair accident responders are nitpicking.Thats rich.
By thw way,those Coraluzzo trucks out of Jersey scare the crap out of me too.
Sympathies to the guys family.
WE have Hazmat Trucks in Worcester County... We'll gladly send them anywhere they need to go because we understand that accidents happen across lines.
What sense would it make for every fire department to have a HazMat Team??? None. That would be a waste of Taxpayer Money.
Get over the HazMat Team leaving Salisbury to go to HazMat's...If they start going Trick or Treating in Berlin with the HazMat Truck, you have all the right in the World to Bitch... Until then Shut Up!!!
Prayers to the Family...Horrible to lose a loved one in this manner.
since it is a hazmat call SFD will be able to bill the insurance for the call. get a grip.
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