WBOC is constantly promoting SEVERE WEATHER ALERTS, which is complete BS! I'm telling you, if there's ANY sign of rain, they throw out this warning, as if the sky is falling, LOOK AT MEEEEE!
Guess what, it's going to rain today. Will we have "severe flooding," I highly doubt it but it will severely flood somewhere in the world today, it just won't be here.
The Weather Staff needs to realize, they are NOT Breaking News all the time, simply because it's raining.
When I hear a radio making one of those really annoying sounds for EMERGENCY, then and only then will there be a SEVERE WEATHER ALERT! Until then, shut up already, will ya!
Joe, why are such an ass? The severe weather alerts are issued by the National Weather service. Feel free to verify this with the national weather service website.
"Well, Errrr, Ahhhh, Bob" not that YOU were ever on target as a Weatherman but do tell us, do YOU think we're going to have SEVERE WEATHER today? You know. mud slides, flooding to a point we better keep our kids at home, you know, SEVERE stuff like that.
I cannot stand WBOC! Their website is one of the worst I have ever seen. They declare themselves Delmarva's news leader-how can they call themselves that? They are very slow in updating their news on their website, they leave old news up there for days and when there is something that is newsworthy, I don't see it on there. Not to mention their lousy news anchors. What a joke. It always seems as though their primary focus is upper Delaware-who cares whats going on all the way up in Newark, DE? I want to know what is happening here on the Eastern Shore!
It wouldn't even be so bad if they were right at least half of the time!!
They also COPY Salisbury News and NEVER give credit as to where they got the information. If you people only knew how much I help these people out with stories. NO ONE knew about Kimball yesterday, NO ONE. Just as an example. At least WMDT gives Salisbury News credit. Salisbury News is now Delmarva's News Leader, no question about it.
Don't get me wrong though Folks. I truly enjoy the people of WBOC but some of them are cut throat and will never give credit where credit is due.
WBOC has no idea how to forcast the weather here.The Cheasapeake Bay has a lot effect on low/high pressures that effect the storm movements in this area.ASK the experts.The Watermen.Dam, a NOrtheaster is a storm we live with constantly.Look for red skies in the am/pm,sundogs,rings around the moon,Maple Trees with their leafs turned up and many more that our older eastern shore farmers/watermen relied on.I dont give a chit whats out across the Ohio Valley or in Texas. When they start talking about that I switch to across the bay channel.
Wow, you must be getting low on people or businesses to pick on Joe. Criticizing WBOC for issuing weather alerts?!? That's pretty low. What would happen if no alerts were issued and your "office" downtown was flooded, which could easily happen? It's a matter of public and property safety, not to annoy people. I'd much rather be bothered by their weather alerts than the things you consider to be "Breaking News" on this blog. Just like you tell people to click the X in the upper right corner, you can change the station can't you?
How about the so-called "Storm Tracker Weather Center"? What a crock of shi! Before going to a commercial it shows Dennis supposively looking intently at his screen - yeah, right. He's looking at nws.noaa.gov if he's notlooking at sports.
How do you actually "track" a storm and who really gives a damn. Go on the internet and get the national weather service forcast without listening to these "personality types" who try to "hype" the weather by saying:
"when will the rain get here? We will let you know in 15 minutes. Stupid.
I personally can't stand that one Weatherman Dennis he's such a horse's ass..and personally I don't think he's qualified at all to be a weatherman..more like a car salesman would be a better job for him...
Hey don't forget about those aching bones when its going to rain! Seriously, could not agree more about the WBOC weather. That Dennis dude is not only wrong he is also kinda creepy. They break into programming if there is even a hint of bad weather. Trying to pay for those expensive computer graphics no doubt.
8:37 car salesman! That's funny! I can hear him saying, "I'll let you know what the price is.....in a few minutes from now."
I always thought they should rename the wboc news "The Dennis Ketterer Hour", because with the 17 weather segments they do every show, there's never any time left for news anyway. The "news" they show is all pre-packaged stuff played from other sources (basically pr stuff) like consumer reports, etc. Of course with only 4 college kid reporters, kinda hard to do any real news. They have what 12 anchors and 4 reporters. Then they go and fire the kid doing sports because he refused to leave a hotel room at the beach? Guess they know alot more than we do, but really is that any of their business? Who hasn't done something dumb at the beach. Get rid of creepy "Uncle Dennis" and do more news, about Salisbury, Delmar, Seaford, Pocomoke, you know the only places that can pick up your crappy hd signal. Who gives a flying @#$@ about Milton?
see the complaint department in the upper right-hand corner if you don't like it.
It has become such an alarmist atmosphere, with all the weather reporting, updating and a constant developing crisis. It is almost as if we have never had weather before.
The truth lies somewhere between all the new technology that is available, and the inherent need to use it to the maximum. Hence, all the weather alerts and reports. It seems as though the weather people have become slaves to the technology and have thrown discernment out the window.
A few weeks ago, they were calling for rain EVERY day and we never saw any. I didn't water plants for a week because it was "supposed" to rain.
Stop with the "predictive" stuff and focus on what is REAL!
I'm tired of this "predictive/future radar" BS.
I don't watch the weather to be "entertained", I watch it to get HOPEFULLY a somewhat ACCURATE weather forecast!
Joe, you're a douche.
Slaves to technology huh, didnt I hear Ted say something like that.
Honestly..do you people have anything better to do than bitch? If you don't like it turn it off or change stations.
9:30 That stupid comment works both ways. Why don't you just change the channel? I hate you "why don't you just leave" people. No one has to just accept anything. You sheep...
If you all were to meet Dennis you would like him. He's a very nice guy. I can't say the same for some of the other people that work there. Reporting the weather is about the only job you can do half right and not be fired.
10:36 that is the most stupid comment posted here in weeks (and there have been many many stupid ones). "No one has to just accepr anything?" Get over yourself, it's called freedom...ya know, freedom to change the channel. A$$hat.
some of the weather updates are foolish i got 12 of them with in 1 hour the last time we had a bad storm. one or two is fine on the computer. i'm glad i do not get alerts on my cell phone the cell bill is high enough now without all the text alerts. how about we do it the old fashion way and go outside and see what the weather is like..
11:27 You're a moron. Can you not read? Or comprehend? I was saying no one has to accept anything. I don't have to just change the channel, I can let my voice be heard. That is freedom... You are a sheep as well, just following the herd.
Quit picking on "Uncle Dennis"! If you all go hide in your closets and turn the tv up really loud, it'll all be better! (note: sarcasm)
Lets see,I cant get WBOC on TV at home since the digital switch and their web page takes forever to load so I stick to Weather Channel.
WOW !! Looks like someone hit a nerve. WBOC is a bit a little too theatrical at times when they report the weather. At least we don't have to hear about the area dought as we did repeatedly, earlier in the season. Incidently I live in the south western portion of the peninsula and can report an above average rainfall amount for the entire season. So I guess you can't please everyone , but maybe WBOC it's time to change your format !!
I use to watch WBOC all the time. But you get the same news over, over and over. What comes on 7:00 am, you get at 12:00pm, then at 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11 and still the next am. By that time, I can tell you the news. I alternate between Channel 47 (they have a terrible time pronouncing words) and 4.
"Uncle Dennis" is creepy and if you happen to frequent local karaoke clubs.....he is there ALOT! One time, he was b@itching about his wife and downing her to me and my friends and we were just sitting there with our mouths hanging open. A month later, he does the same thing and we're in a different town. It is just weird and unprofessional. Plus, he got totally blasted and then just drove off!! No respect from me or my friends ever since then...
Typical Eastern Shore Kharma. Yes, follow the herd, bust on people, the weather forecast is a guess, blah, blah, blah. One day you will appreciate the news broadcasting a severe storm on the way or possibility or whatever. . The shore is one of the most unpredictable areas for forecasting weather. So, crying wolf, as some say, may be a blessing. Keep up the "warnings". Safety alerts or warnings are not intended to be gospel, but to alert any, and I say any, possiblility of danger. WBOC, as with any news station and and newspaper is suffering from web technology. My understanding 85% of America now has access to the web. Why pay for newspapers or wait until it comes on tv when it is at your fingertips. There are still people working at these business' that has to support a family, like you. Maybe you are just fortunate and better than them. I doubt it!
I am confused. Are you affiliated with WBOC. The comments pertaining to this article is contradictory.
Please set me straight..
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