Muhammad faces Nov. 10 execution over role in 2002 attacks
RICHMOND, Va. - A Virginia judge on Wednesday set a Nov. 10 execution date for John Allen Muhammad, mastermind of the 2002 sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C., area that left 10 dead.
The attorney general's office last week requested that the execution be on Nov. 9, but Prince William County Circuit Judge Mary Grace O'Brien chose a day later. The date, which falls on a Tuesday, was picked so courts would be open the day before in case they have to take up last-minute appeals, said Jonathan Sheldon, Muhammad's attorney.
The date was picked during an early morning conference call with the judge, the attorney general's office and Sheldon.
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An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
not to worry, my friends. Some liberal regional district court will stay the execution and it will drag on and on for 4 -5 more years. I still say the price of a .45 is a helluva lot cheaper than years of incarceration and tax-payer supported 3 hots and a cot.
Can't wait until Nov. 10th.
This one will go smooth.
I am against the death penalty in this case.....death is too good for him. Stick him in a cell 23 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of his life.
anonymous 2:22, I have to disagree.
Considering the way these events went down, this individual deserves to be killed.
I could see your point if someone had killed someone in a way they didn't mean to but when someone plots ,urders like this person did, they knew their life would be taken as well.
Unfortunately he didn't resist when they caught him. My wish is that his fear looking at the end of many pistols aimed at him and then being fired at him could have been accomplished instead.
It would be nice if you could do a live feed of the execution on your blog Joe when it happens. I hope its a slow and painful death.
I think the phsychological affects of being locked up like an animal and protecting your booty for the next 30 years or so would have him begging for death. But I see your view too.
The death penalty should be applied immediately to child molesters, untreatable drug addicts, corrupt CEO's like Madoff, and traitors.
He is another reject problem of the U.S. Military.
I wish it was public, how about a hanging? How else are you going to make people pay attention? You start hanging people in the streets for shoplifting and I doubt anyone would think of doing drugs. Damn hippies.
7:12, not saying I disagree with you, but often it's you guys on the right who call Arab nations barbaric for dishing out public punishment in this way
Too bad Malvo wasn't a month older. He gets to live a long time with no responsibilities, taken care of, for damn ever.
John Allen Williams was booted out of reserves for rolling a grenade (not live) into a command tent, Exactly like that soldier of whom you've never heard in Quwait(?sp) where several men were killed & wounded. It's something taught the extremist converts, just one reason I don't call him by his chosen name. (it's what he wants) And yes, they're in our military.
Malvo did almost every one of the murders. He knew what he was doing! How do we know when his birthdate is?
He's not from here.
I think the guy should get the IV too, but your guys really seem to be a blood-thirsty bunch.
Death penalty for untreatable drug addicts? That's a truly disgusting comment.
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