I live in Princess Anne. I just went out to get my recycling bin and there was a note in it telling residents that there will be no more recycling pick up. This is due to budget cuts. It states that we can take it ourselves to the dump or transfer station. Is driving a pick up truck and trailer around town once a week that expensive???
Why not just make it every other week or even once a month. Oh wait that would make too much sense. I know that there are people that recycle and don't have access to a way to the transfer station or live near or go by any. So now these people will just have to throw recycling in the trash and the town will have to pay for more weight at the dump? Maybe I am not understanding the expense of this but surely there is something that could be cut that would not hurt the environment such as dinners out, laptops? Just a thought.
Nice to see the goverment is going so GREEN.
I agree... There are many other areas in which they could've made cuts. Just doesn't seem as if they put much thought into these processes.
Aluminum is the only common household item that pays for itself to be recycled, all other recyclables cost a municipality money.
Princess Anne has alot of potential to become a lovely example of small town living at its best. WIth the university next door, there are some great opportunities for entrepenuers, especially as the student body continues to grow. Too bad this town fails to capitalize on what they have.
You know, with the taxes we pay in Somerset County, it's already an insult that we have to PAY an additional fee to take our own trash to the transfer station.
I think they should lay off the county employees that hassle you at the transfer station when you take your trash there.
Why are dump employees "hassling" people who paid good mney for dumping permits?I would raise hell if this were happening to me.I agree,our taxes are among the highest in MD we should get to dump trash for free.
Princess Anne USED to be a nice town,but its gotten seedy.One of my friends grew up on Beckford Ave,which used to be a nice family neighborhood with huge old houses-now its one of the worst areas of town,complete with multiple slum rentals,thugs and crime.
Princess Anne is a dirty nasty haven for criminals and low class non working welfare abusing baby making live off the govt wastes of space. all of the beautiful old houses have been chopped into rentals by slum lords who only care about making money off section 8 housing. Add the university rentals throughout the town and the troubles these so called students bring and what do you have. A dirty nasty haven. UMES has several good programs however when you let criminals and gang members enroll what do you get. CRIME. The Princess Anne Town Council is a sorry excuse for government. They yell thank you UMES for being our friends when all the time its costing them money to put up with the thugs that go there. The future of Princess Anne is simple. My guess is it will loose its incorporation and be absorbed by the county. Move as soon as you can folks, hope has been lost.
At least 3:22 tells the truth. Ppl around here need to take off the "eastern shore blinders". There are a TON of nasty rundown houses in Wico and Somerset counties. Both counties have high poverty and unemployment rates and yet you have ppl that continuously talk about all the potential here. Get real. The area is a dead end, plain and simple. If you dont see if check out the poverty rates on the shore.
3:22 how soon do you think it will be before it loses incorporation?
I was talking to someone last night that told me that Princess Anne had the second highest tax rate in the state. The highest was Cumberland in western MD because of the huge amount of snow removal. Not verified but what is our "snow removal"?
blutojthetotmom, You are right!
3:22, you make such detrimental claims regarding UMES students and their negative impact on the town. Lets see some numbers. While your at it, lets see some numbers on how many jobs the university brings to the city. How much additional revenue is generated at the local stores due to students? Lets see an exact break down of crimes committed by students.
I doubt that you have these numbers, yet you make all of these claims regarding students. If you have the facts to back up your claims, then by all means present them. If you don't, then sit down and drink a cold glass of STFU. Only a fool would spout off with the mouth like you just did without any info. to back it up.
-L.G. from Princess Anne
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