There was a shooting in Pocomoke Monday night at the 800 block of 2nd street, near Bonneville Ave.
A man was shot once in the leg and is still at PRMC expecting to recover. The victim has not been cooperative with the Pocomoke Police and or the County Police. More to come?
UPDATE: The shooter was seen back at this same location Tuesday night and Police chased him but were unsuccessful in getting him. HOWEVER, two good things happened from this. One is, they now know exactly who the shooter is. Hopefully we'll have a name and photo some time Wednesday. The second good part is, the shooter dropped his weapon while being chased and the Police now have it in their possession. It's only a matter of time.
On a final note, there was a OD at a Christian Shelter in Pocomoke last night. It was a DOA when they arrived.
joe there was a possible suicide attempt at the detention center tuesday not sure how but sure you can find out
The hospital should refuse care if the victim won't cooperate in getting the shooter off the streets.
10:54, OMG, the wet pants liberals will be all over you for that comment.
10:54, it would be nice if things were that easy. Unfortunately the police can't protect the victim from the ensuing retaliation from either the original shooter or the shooter's associates. While so much is made about the "stop snitchin" phenomenon, as if people in these neighborhoods don't want to stamp out crime, the primary motivation for not talking to police is fear, not animosity.
On the other hand, the victim may have been shot while conducting certain "activities" that he should not have been involved in. Maybe its unfair to put that out there without more info. but I just want to introduce some plausible scenarios.
I agree with 10:54-let him dig his own dang bullet out if he is determined to "stop snitching".It is that kind of mentality that has turned Pocomoke and other ES towns into mini-slums.I guarantee its all related to drug sales.
bluto., you miss my point. Not to say this is necessarily the situation in Pocomoke, but in many crime ridden neigborhoods the situation goes:
drug pushers on the block. They leave you alone as long as you don't disrupt your business. You call cops. Cops do can do veryl little over a short period of time to remove these guys and to help protect you. Now you have a whole gang coming after you and your family. Somone's going to get hurt/killed and save all the tough guy stuff going through your mind, because it can easily be you or your children. Just take a look at the story a few years ago in Baltimore; woman repeatedly implores the police to get the pushers off her block. Pushers firebombed her house killing everyone except the husban.
People in some of these bad neighborhoods live in conditions that most of you reading this blog could never imagine happening here in the US.
You have to give people a reason not to go along with stop snitchin like no treatment like 10 :54 said
2:23 apathy got them where they are and apathy will keep them there .
10:54/2:23 are right. Damn people for apathy all you want, but wait until it's your a$$ threatened, until the cops don't/can't/won't protect you.
Let's work together to figure it out, but STOP BLAMING THE VICTIMS!
Some of you sound like the crappy city council..."blame the victims".
hope its not too late to comment, never blogged before. anyway, i searched for this story, because i wanted to see if any suspects were caught or what the status is. i work in pocomoke and for the most part it is a small town, but drugs have seriously Infected certain areas.
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