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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MALPF Board To Deny Recertification Of Wicomico County Agricultrual Preservation Program

Hi Joe:

I'm sure you are aware that the MALPF board voted 7-2 not to re certify Wicomico's program

This take effect October 1, 2009. Rick Pollitt asked Jack Lennox to provide additional information regarding the vote.

This was in an email from Jack to Rick--and I quote "After the effective date, the County will be able to retain 33% of the funds collected under the Ag. Transfer Tax. We have previously been authorized to retain 75%. There has been no ag. transfer tax paid in the County for 3 of the past 4 months. Based upon averages of the past two fiscal years, this adjustment would have an annual impact of less than $20,000. A greater impact can be anticipated in the future."

As stated in an email from Joe Holloway to Pete Richardson--" Imagine that. They were going to sacrifice millions of dollars in land values on the backs of land owners for a current impact of less than $20,000.00"

Then the Daily Times prints an article by Alan Girard of the CBF saying how bad Wicomico County is in losing the MALPF certification!

What a bunch of idiots!! If the CBF wants to preserve land--why don't they step up and buy land!!

Oh I forgot---they would rather down zone our land with no compensation---That's cheaper than buying land!


Anonymous said...

geez...its over, let it go! You all got want you want and we'll see where that gets you in 20-30 years. Enjoy your rural atmosphere while it lasts. Property rights and values aren't sh!t if nobody wants to live there....

Anonymous said...

More comes with MALFP certification than just the money from the transfer tax. Maybe if this idiot knew all the details before they wrote in here then they might not look as stupid-this person works for the County (I know who you are and it would be in your best interest to stop fueling the fire because other people know who it is too-not to mention that jobs are scarce at the County and your's isn't really needed any longer).

Maybe you should have mentioned that in other years that just so happened to NOT BE IN A RECESSION, the ag transfer tax returned nearly one million dollars to Wicomico's program. And what has that money been used for? TO BUY LAND AND EASEMENTS!

And to those at CBF who say that "they are just trying to help:" You sure did help! You helped get the County's MALFP certication revoked - call me a liar and I'll produce the proof! Go protect a crab or something-these green freaks want nothing more than to screw everybody if they can't get their way.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:48,

The CBF is just trying to help the environment. They would never try to purposely screw the county to achieve that goal. I will stop short at calling you a liar, but if you have proof, prove it!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:48
I do not work for the county and I
agree that the CBF is a bunch of
liberals who dont own land and want to control what we can and cannot do with our land. Hey CBF- why dont you stop spending money on
false advertisements and use it to
buy easements. Would also love to see the evidence that the CBF helped get the certification revoked

Anonymous said...

Most people know the CBF is all about money. They don't give a crap about farming or ag land only about getting grants and pretending to be the farmer's friend. Ain't so though.

Anonymous said...

What does the decertification have Alan Girard's fingerprints on it. Surprise, surprise! NOT!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Girard just think he is the man? He needs to stay out of Wicomico and leave us alone. We don't want nor need his advice.

Anonymous said...

Please provide us with the proof. CBF have needed to be exposed for what they are. I don't doubt your word we just need the evidence.