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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liberals Seek Health Care Access For Illegals

A group of House Democrats say it's unfair to bar illegal immigrants from paying their own way in a government-sponsored exchange

Fearful that they're losing ground on immigration and health care, a group of House Democrats is pushing back and arguing that any health care bill should extend to all legal immigrants and allow illegal immigrants some access.

The Democrats, trying to stiffen their party's spines on the contentious issue, say it's unfair to bar illegal immigrants from paying their own way in a government-sponsored exchange. Legal immigrants, they say, regardless of how long they've been in the United States, should be able to get government-subsidized health care if they meet the other eligibility requirements.

"Legal permanent residents should be able to purchase their plans, and they should also be eligible for subsidies if they need it. Undocumented, if they can afford it, should be able to buy their own private plans. It keeps them out of the emergency room," said Rep. Michael M. Honda, California Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.

Mr. Honda was joined by more than 20 of his colleagues in two letters laying out the demands.

What can I tell you Kool-Aid drinkers except I TOLD YOU SO!!!


Anonymous said...

The only thing they should get is a one way ticket out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll never understand Congress. What part of "illegal" is escaping them???? They're not invited guests, they're party crashers. Send them home.

Anonymous said...

Lets save money by not having them utilise the Emergency Rooms by ENFORCING THE LAWS! Don't let them in here in the first place. Liberals also believe that child rapist Roman Polanski should be free as a bird because he is a great "artist". Its not like it was really "rape-rape" says Whoopi Goldberg. Liberals are dangerous and corrupt.