While Jonathan Taylor was NOT supposed to be in Court today, he showed up in a wheel chair and required special attention when the Donna Ennis case was brought up. He was escorted into the court room in an extra wide, (seriously) wheel chair and the Judge said, why don't we try this case today, since both parties are here. Clearly the Judge could realize that Jonathan had been served a temporary Peace Order and considering today's hearing was supposed to only be about Donna, Jonathan proved to the Judge just by showing up for a hearing that he will follow her no matter what.
What I mean by that is, he was NOT ordered to be in Court today but he read on the documents served him that there was a hearing and as bold as he thinks he is, he went anyway. Now, to top it off, Jonathan was actually represented by Heather Conyer, an attorney from T.J. Maloney's Office. That leads to the following question, WHO PAID FOR THEIR SERVICES? Jonathan can't afford an attorney and we all know T.J. Maloney, (with all due respect) would charge his own Mother to represent her. I say that in humor T.J..
Nevertheless, the hearing went on where Donna Ennis provided quite a large folder of evidence, including a CD with audio PROVING she never stated Shanie Shields was an "Uncle Tom." Taylor responded, "well, that's my opinion." Mrs. Ennis also provided photos clearly proving Taylor sought her out by taking pictures of her vehicle, including tag numbers while she was visiting a local business airing a LIVE video on Salisbury News. Taylor claimed that he was at his friend JOHN ROBINSON'S business when they just happened to turn on the computer and saw the LIVE Broadcast on Salisbury News, (I thought Robinson swore he doesn't visit Salisbury News) and Taylor was driving in the direction of this business location on his way home. This was clearly a lie and the Judge realized it right away.
This is by no means "on his way home" and Taylor had to go well out of his way to get there. Besides that, the Broadcast was only 5 minutes long, (or so) and Taylor had to race from almost Fruitland all the way to Main Street to get to that business and take pictures.
Mrs. Ennis went on to bring into evidence a statement Taylor made on a Posts stating, "I have been tracking you for a while now." The Judge said, did you actually say that. Taylor responded, well, someone wrote in to me and said that it was her. Mrs. Ennis immediately interrupted and said, did you write this or not, it has your name on the Post. Taylor admitted he wrote it, once again proving Taylor is following Ennis.
The Judge convinced Taylor to consent to the Peace Order as a Criminal Hearing, (additional criminal charges were also filed against Taylor) will be heard on October 5th for Stalking and two counts of Harassment. The Judge explained to Mrs. Ennis that the criminal charges were far more serious than a Peace Order but a Peace Order would be in affect for 6 months. Taylor also verbally agreed under oath to NEVER write about Ennis again on his Blog. One can only hope that Taylor recognizes that means his Contributors as well, since it's "his Blog."
It should be noted above in the photos, Taylor had no problem WALKING out of the Court Room and the building, yet needed special attention being strolled in. I hate when the handicap people use things like this to win favor. We ALL have seen Taylor walking around at different events. Mind you, I am by no means stating the man isn't handicapped, he is. It was simply his display of attention that gets to me.
Taylor was also ordered to pay all Court Fees.
Chiefy has a ship thats taking on water. Better get all the un-needed weight and throw it over board.
His handicap is not his legs it's his brain,big bully hasn't a brain.
What say you now Mr. Taylor?
Poetic justice!
Joe, you should put that picture up of TJ and all of his friends together. You know the one, TJ, Barrie, Chiefy, Dunn & Cathcart. They're all in bed with Taylor and Dunn writes a lot of his posts.
Way to go Donna! I hear there are others getting ready to file similar charges against Taylor too.
Whos was that you said was WINNING, ha,ha,ha...
Ordered to pay court cost, using what.... a Government stipend check?
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the owls are quiet tonight. (who-who).
Look at all those names involved with Taylor. Robinson, Maloney, Dunn, Tilghman, Webster, Cathcart, I'm going to remember this. Am I missing anyone.
I hope the others come forth soon and drive this pathetic fool deep underground, back from the anonymity that we enjoyed before he was caught going through Campbell's files and stealing her underwear.
LMAO, everyone that has been followed or attacked by this Fat POS should file a Peace Order against him. I might, LOL
I might too. :) Though I need the screen shots.
I forgot to mention the funniest thing of all in this article. Heather Conyer, (AN ATTORNEY) was up against a CITIZEN and LOST her a$$ off!
She tried desperately to claim Taylor has his right to the First Amendment, (Free Speech) but the Judge flat out stated that Taylor abused that right with statements like, "I have been tracking you for a while now."
Slap in the face on Heather. The fact that Taylor continued to point out Mrs. Ennis with arrows over her head and calling her a racists and not by her name was also over the top.
Point blank, Maloney's Office was severely beaten today by a private citizen.
Somebody buy that judge a crab cake.
anonymous 12:51, not a problem at all. We have access to every single post he's put up since he started. Just let me know which one you need. Yes, including the ones he deleted.
That fat fudger could take 4 barrels under the boat. this would probably be a good time for him just to walk-wobble away while he is a behind.
Way to go, Donna! Congratulations for standing up to and winning against this cyberbully!
Sounds like Maloney's gang is going to have to pull a big rabbit out of its hat to get Taylor off on the stalking and harrassment charges. My money's on Donna. Where can I send a check to help her with her attorney fees?
They are all done and they know it. If everyone on here had the guts to sign their names it would hit them like a full frontal assualt. Stop being scared and take your town back. Kick this thing Joe has created into the next level.
Sbynews and Joe Albero has delivered again. Thank you Joe, let's keep the pressure on this fat turd.
is anyone here a marine biologist?????
I'd use my name if I didn't think he'd stalk me. I have little kids and they would be very scared of JT following me around.
I had no idea that his wife was a lard a$$ too. Oh well , birds of a feather flock together. There are so many ways to lose weight , I can't imagine getting that fat. Working is a starter .Fat is
Who was that masked man/woman (the judge) -- we need him or her here full tyme!
J.R. your next. What goes around comes around. Joe get maximum play out of this one. He has dished it out long enough.
Not to worry, porky, because Barrie and Bubba will be great character witnesses for you.
But suggest dumping TJ Baloney and getting Miles and Stockbridge like Barrie did after Casey went after Rachel Polk.
Just the fact that this man shows up in a wheel chair when he thinks it's to his advandage and leaves walking should evince to ALL that Taylor is a not too bright fraud! Damn, son, if you show up for proceedings in a wheel chair, at least have the brains to leave in one!
Mr. Taylor, it's no wonder Albero quit the on-line battle of wits with you. It wasn't fair, as you are obviously only half prepared in such a battle. The judicial system has spoken. Quit stalking women, you coward!
The State's Attorney will be prosecuting the criminal charges. I say we contact them and put pressure on them to actually prosecute and not just put it on the STET docket. Also, people who have been stalked by him in the past need to come forward and offer to be witnesses for Donna's case.
Is that a new breed of swine that walks upright?
Let's play "Famous Last Words"
Oink, oink . . .
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Slow Posting for a Couple of Days
Alot going on so there will be few posts, thanks for understanding
Make no mistake. Mrs. Ennis had a legitimate complaint, motivated solely by the fear of violence this man may have incited.
Thankfully, a judge recognized this and provided her the protection she rightfully deserves.
It restores my faith a little in the system. No one should have to put up with the intimidation and lies this man has put her through.
I wish Mrs. Ennis well in her pursuit of the criminal charges. People like this man should not be allowed to intimidate private citizens this way.
Liberty and Justice for all!
Make sure that the judge who hears his upcoming case has pictures of him leaving the courthouse today, especially if he has the stupidity to arrive being pushed in his wheelchair.
He only takes that wheel chair where ever he goes so he has a place to sit. Most place dont have seating to hold his big butt
Mrs. Ennis, you've got my support 100%. For two weeks his sorry a$$ has made several calls to my house. Maybe by what happened today he'll leave all of us alone.
I'd love to be there for the court date. Social Services also needs to be there to see just how much he needs that wheelchair. If the man can stalk among other things, he can work.
I do not believe there are any limits to this man's stupidity.
Don't forget that Mr. Taylor used his venomous blog to urge the public not to support charities that accepted help from Mr. Albero. I believe that only a stupid, hideous monster would urge the public to punish charities & the needy in persuit of a personal grudge!
I'm so surprised he was alone at court today. Gee, where were all of your "pals" who have been so friendly towards you, JT? Let's see if Cathcart continues smiling and laughing with you at council meetings.
JT, you make me sick! There are people in this world who have to live each and every day in a wheelchair. For some it's from birth, for others it comes later. You need to know what the real world is all about to live your life having to depend on a wheelchair.
if Mrs Ennis is at the council meetings he's not allowed in there. Oooops
Thanks Donna, you are a real gutsy woman. You are a true patriot.
Lets keep it up, there are others who can bring charges against him, I sure hope they will.
4:33 Funny to think of that big ol' hog stalking anyone! It's like someone yelling, "Hey Kool Aid!" and he comes busting through a wall! LOL
How much is court costs for the Ex Parte that he had to pay for? Just wondering how much his first legal bill was.
10:27 why do you want to know? You going to pay it for him?
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