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Friday, September 04, 2009

Dr. Wargotz Outlines Keys To Health Care Reform

Dr. Eric Wargotz, a physician and candidate for U.S. Senate, applauds leaders on Capitol Hill who decided to slow down on health care reform to get it right.

“As a practicing physician, I know we can’t afford Congress to rush and get it wrong. There must be time for an open, honest debate on the merits of the proposed reform. Placing strict deadlines on passage of this legislation was irresponsible and caused it to get seriously off track,” charged Wargotz.

“Real, meaningful health care reform should have three goals – lower costs; improve patient care; and, reduce waiting times for critical care,” said Wargotz. “The current legislation addresses none of these things and in many cases was going to make it much worse.”

Wargotz, outlining the keys to reform, continued. “To accomplish those three goals, reform must include:

Keeping government and insurance companies out of the medical decision making process;
Tackling frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits by capping non-economic damages thus
curtailing “defensive” medical practices and reducing waste, abuse & fraud.

Providing incentives in the health care system to attract more people to become health care professionals.”

Maintaining Medicare, and expand Medicaid to cover those legitimately unable to cover their own costs of care.

Reforming the health insurance system: no denials based on prior medical conditions & eliminate out-of-pocket expense after fully paid premium; improved provider reimbursement.

Reforming Pharmaceutical industry towards fair, uniform medication pricing.

Interstate Insurance portability

“Health care makes up 18% of our Gross Domestic Product. Any reform of the system deserves a health debate in the marketplace of ideas. The wrong reforms could have devastating results for our economy and more importantly, those who the reforms are supposed to help,” summed Wargotz.

Let’s Make America Healthy & Strong!


Anonymous said...

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

The Government need to get out of the healthcare debate PERIOD!!!!

The Federal Government should be cut in half! From top to bottom, HALF!

That would be a good start!

Anonymous said...

The fundamental argument is this. In the greatest country in the world, with the most resources, why is health care a privledge not a right? I work in the industry and see so many heartbreaking stories about not being able to afford meds, delaying treatments because of deductables, losing coverage, being denied treatments or hospitilizations due to insurance company policies. It is a disgrace what the private insurance companies do on a regular basis. This needs to be reformed. I keep hearing how people don't want to pay for poor peoples health care... well guess what, you are now. Poor does not equal lazy, uninsured does not mean delinquent. We were founded on Christian principles what happened to taking care of our fellow man?

I would love to hear anyone who is genuinely happy with their health care coverage? I work and pay premiums but honestly have had to fight for my insurer to pay for any health care services I receive. I can't afford to switch from my employer based plan so I am stuck. High deductable, high copay, no options...

AR-15 said...

I don't think Wargotz has a strong platform on 2nd Amendment Gun Rights. I'm supporting Jim Rutledge.

Anonymous said...

I believe if you do your homework, you'll find that Wargotz is guided by the US Constitution. Wargotz states he is a life member of the NRA (bio). Fact is, government health care won't go away so if government is involved then we better have bright, focused leaders like Wargotz helping to shape it.

My Two Cents

Orsonwells said...

I agree with 4:26. GET OUT OF THE DEBATE! We all know by his signature that he is asking for a job. once he gets it, his tune will change to Party Agenda. Vote Libertarian, cut government in half, and be free.

Anonymous said...

Gun rights are important, I agree but that plank in the platform alone isn't going to win a State-wide seat in Maryland for R's. Wargotz is that and more. Guess you weren't at the Wicomico Cty Club mtg a couple weeks ago. You would have heard a real conservative and gun-rights supporter too - Wargotz.

Obviously, a pick of mine.

Pickin' winners

Anonymous said...

We all know that the amount of taxes we pay should more than pay for quality health care which is managed by the government. We are already taxed enough to get free health care. The doctors, nurses, janitors should all work for the government.
The private companies operating and dominating the health care industry from top to bottom currently do not compete against each other. They have colluded to price fix against us. What's amazing is that even the doctors and nurses don't make huge salaries. It is the corporate owners who benefit financially from our predicatment. They control the research and development. They withold medicines that could actually help people. They design medicine to make us more sick. And dependent on their drugs. Everything is for profit. Nobody is allowed to care about the patients including the doctors. They have strict guidelines, and goals for "pushing" the approved pharmaceuticals, etc.

Here is the problem. We all know that our government is totally corrupt - even criminal. Therefore, we can't trust them to run health care because they are already stealing the tax dollars we give them. We certainly can't give them more.

So we are left with the corporate for profit control of health care. The poor will not receive attention. The diseased will not be given cures. Everyone will become addicted to dangerous mind altering pharmaceutical drugs.

And we will all go deeper and deeper into debt so the richest people on the planet can gain even more wealth.

Let's just hope they don't go so far as purposely making us sick, so they can "treat" us. what? It is already happening? Oh no. It can't be! Don't even think it!

Anonymous said...

Even if healthcare was a right (and it isn't), that doesn't mean the taxpayers are obligated to pay for it.
If you want good healthcare coverage, Dr. Wargotz is on the right track-- and his ideas look very similar to House Resolution 3400, now languishing in committee since Madame Mussolini won't allow elected republican representatives to have any input in the debate whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Wargotz is a RINO, and worse than Gilcrest in that regard. Ask Republicans in his home county of Queen Anne's County what they think of him and you won't find many admirers.

However, the sole topic he has a solid grip on is healthcare, and he deserves to be listened to on that score.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the government doing nothing is by far better then them doing anything.
Look at how the Dumbocrats work. Propose reduculous outlandish programs, and after the republicans scream and holler, settle for 50%.
Problem is that the Dumbocrats got 50% of outlandish rediculous proposals. In the following years they explode the new program to make up the difference.
Stop comprimising with the Dumbocrats. Put a stop to their agenda and save America!

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments. I don’t usually post on blogs but I do take exception with one comment. I am a self-educated man, left high school to join the army in WWII. Worked in various trades my entire life and believe me when I tell you I have been blessed with a lovely wife, kids, grandkids and the whole enchilada. I am a life-long Republican and I have lived in Queen Anne’s County for 41 years. I have seen a lot of faces come and go in politics and I really get disgusted when a good man is being hit by cowardly innuendo and suggests a particular group is for or in this case, against someone. The comment earlier regarding Queen Anne’s County Republicans is offensive. Dr. Wargotz has done nothing but make me and local Republicans proud with his leadership on so many tough issues. His resolve and courage deal with the tough issues, to have discussions, and reach resolution is unusual among todays politicians at all levels. My county and our party is better off because he is in office. Calling him names, making references to an ex-congressman (who I did not support!) is ridiculous. Frankly, if you are criticizing Wargotz on his environmental leadership then I guess Ehrlich and Steele are RINOS as well. Afterall, I was there at the Corsica river celebration when Bobby announced the millions of tax dollars towards its restoration or how about on the beach at Kenmorr with Michael during HIS Senate run where he talked about clamping down the the polluters of the Bay (businesses!) and other so-called“RINO” type measures. Maybe, it is President Wargotz’s leadership in improving ambulance service to our citizens or his leadership helping set up an ER facility in QAC, one of two counties without a hospital which bothers you. Perhaps, he has your name-calling because of his desire to address land-use issues when no one else had the courage to raise the discussion and his desire to create a program where the property rights farmers currently have are dead in the water and a proposal he has floated would allow them to sell them. My grand-kids are on rifle club and team with his boys through 4-H. You, my fellow republican do not know what you are talking about regarding “Republicans in Queen Anne’s County” cause now you’ve met a real one. God bless you, God bless wargotz' candidacy and God bless America

Anonymous said...

To #9, Eric Wargotz is only a Rino to those Republicans who have no interest in building the Maryland Republican Party.

And did someone mention Jim Rutledge. What? Did he (again) decide to get in the race after having gotten in and dropped out? Rutledge: Now you are joing!

I've met Wargotz on a few occasions and regularly read his updates on Facebook and Twitter. If Maryland Republicans and common sense Independents have any hope of beating Babs in 2010, Wargotz needs to be the Republican nominee.

Anonymous said...

Will someone address the OUTRAGEOUS cost of prescription drugs? The good dr. left this out.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is Dr. Wargotz's 6th "key" to reform in the press release above.

Anonymous said...

I am incredibly proud that ONE Maryland candidate actually gets it. Dr. Wargotz is the clear choice for maryland. I am sorry to say the Rutledge and all the other Republican candidates simply don't hold ground in comparison to Wargotz.