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Monday, July 27, 2009


On Fox News Sunday, Obama’s mouthpiece, Robert Gibbs, did not reject or seriously dispute the suggestion that Obama may try to hold Congress in session during its scheduled recess in August to do the ObamaCare bill. And on the CNN and CBS Sunday morning new shows David Axelrod took the same hands off approach when asked if a push will be made this week to “beat the clock.”

Could that “we can’t do it before vacation” cry by Dirty Harry Reed and Slick Steny Hoyer be a ruse to take the wind out of the sail of opponents? Only Nancy Pelosi knows.


Tim Chaney said...

Most of congress haven't read the whole bill yet they expect the taxpayers to support it?

I don't want any political representitive of mine signing a blank check that they don't have all the details comprehended.

Anonymous said...


Don't look now -- Obama now has his sights on your behind!

PS -- you don't hear the shot that hits you.