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Friday, June 26, 2009


Pushkar advises that the penalty has not been paid by Hebron. The Town has requested, within the required 10-day response period, to meet with the Department regarding the penalty.

Ralph Harcum, citizen who lives near the WWTP, is adamant that the problem there has not been corrected. An MDE inspector is responding to Mr. Harcum's complaint.


Anonymous said...

Hebron residents should petition to have the City Charter revoked by the State of Maryland -- what do they get for the town taxes that they pay (the sewer and water is paid for by special fees, not taxes)?

Anonymous said...

Hebron wake up!!!! This little wonderful village is not being led by people who even grasp what is happening. Not one asks probing questions: they each vote however Hooper votes. I have never heard one who sits at the table say more than two words over the past three years. Can these Commissioners speak up or think independently????
Doesn't look like it.

Anonymous said...

Mr Harcum does not live near the waste water plant but rather where it drains out into the creek. Yes there are times you can smell a odor.

Anonymous said...

Mr Harcum also has dumped hazmat on his property near the creek for years and covered it up with dirt