Home Invasion
Attempted Murder
Attempted Robbery
Location: 618 Clyde Avenue, Fruitland, Md.
Narrative: On the above time and date, two adults and two young juveniles were asleep in their resident when at least two persons broke the glass on the front door and forced their way in the residence. The adult occupants awoke and upon entering the living room area were confronted by two b/ms, one described as being approximately 5’4” in height, and thin of build. The other subject was taller and thin build. Both subjects were brandishing hand guns, one of which was described as being silver in color. The subjects demanded that the victims open the safe which the victims did have in a bedroom closet. The victims then turned and ran into their bedroom and slammed the door. Seconds later the intruders shot through the bedroom door numerous times, striking one victim in the thigh, and the other in the back, the bullet which then passed through his body and exited his neck.
The intruders then kicked down the bedroom door, pointed a gun at the head of the victim they had shot in the thigh and demanded the safe to be opened. The victim complied. The victim advises there was nothing in the safe.
The intruders then left the residence, possibly getting into a silver sedan and headed East bound on Hayward Avenue .
the normals cant control themselves anymore... i predicted it.
My question is, how did the intruders know there was a safe in the house? Makes me wonder if they knew these people. That is very scary!!!!
Of course they knew them! I am certain the intruders came into the residence to rob them of their drugs.
knew the safe was there.....nothing in it? yeah right.....can you say drug confiscation?
At what above time and date? And what is a b/ms?
suuuuurrrre there wasnt anything in the safe. nothing that they could tell the police about anyways.
12:21 you're on to something there. It's not just that there was a safe but what the bad guys thought was in the safe. This wreaks of a drug robbery. Was there REALLY nothing in the safe or was there contraband in the safe? It will all surface soon.
Come on Helen Keller could see that this was about drugs and money. They knew it was a safe because the fool was probably selling drugs or something. Those poor kids.
I would like to smash their skulls until everything cracks.
sounds to me like they knew there was money in the safe.
Legalize handguns, and this issue will correct itself!!!!!!! They come to my house, I will make it their last home invasion. Promise.
nothing more than a dope dealer getting robbed. Who has a safe in those crappy houses.
DON'T WORRY!!! OFFICER BUDDY TAYLOR IS ON THE CASE!!!! Sleep easy Fruitland, Sleep easy.
sounds like target practice is needed by those hoods.isn't clyde ave. i bet the vics know the actors.or someone close to them...
They knew there was a safe in the house. These are either friends or they are friends of someone they know. Hopefully it shouldn't be hard to track these punks down.
Sounds very fishy. Nothing in the safe? hmmmm The guys just left empty-handed? Hmmmm
it was a fireproof safe with paperwork and family photos in it why do people automaticlly assume its drug realated cause of the neighborhood! thats my family and there was no gang/drug activity involved how they knew there was a safe is suspicious but it was drug related DAMN get a life people!!
Ok lets look at this realistically, as many people have done that have commented before me on this matter.
This is no doubt drug related.
First of all, to ask them to empty a safe is fishy enough. How many people have safes in their homes and on top of that, keep them in their bedroom closet?
Secondly, it was either someone who knew the person was a dealer and had been in their home for a sale, or it was a small time dealer that owed money to the head honcho.
And thirdly, who has a safe in their home that is empty? Not a very logical thing.
The suspects must have known something big was there to have done all that they did to the home or the victims.
If it is found to be drug related, I only feel badly for the children in the home. The adults chose the drug life so you get what you get.
To the people ho are claiming that this is just a drug dealer whose house was broken into, you are sick. This man has a family and friends who love him very much. He is one of the kindest people I know. He would stop at nothing to help another. It deeply saddens me to think that people have become so numb to a tragedy such as this. I know you don't know him, but at least feel some sympathy for him and the people who do. And seek help for yourself in the fact that you have lost all human emotion.
When are you guys gonna learn ,
keep a gunnnnnn in your bedroom !!
my heart goes out to his poor mother who is now dealing with her second tragic accident to happen to one of her children. She has a 29? yr old daughter who has been in a coma for 7 years at Deers Head and now a son in ICU.
No matter what the circumstances, this is tragic and extremely sad.
This man was one of the best men i knew and never in a million years deserved this.
After reading some of the recent comments I take back my comment assuming it was drug related. I do indeed feel sympathy for the victims and their families.
Perhaps people, like myself, are so quick to assume the worst because this area has so quickly succumbed to crime, drug activity, and other terrible situations.
I apologize for my comment and if this person is as wonderful as you claim that he is, I know that God will watch over him in ICU.
So you are all trying to say that anyone who has a safe has drugs in it. Most people I know have pictures and important paperwork in it in case their house might catch fire, then their memories are safe. These people wew 2 of my closest friend and they are not gang or drug affiliated. They are hard working people who take good care of their family and dont even think twice to stop and help someone in need. They owed money to no one and instead were saving to buy a house. The robbers left with nothing because they put their money in the bank like the rest of us. It is a possibility that someone they know spoke about what they thought was in the safe not knowing that their checks get direct deposited. If they are guilty it is of being too nice. stop being so steriotypical, every robbery is not about drugs. Have yall forgotten that there have been a string of robberies lately or you believe they are drug related too. The shell just got robbed do you believe they were selling drugs too. You need to realize that anyone can get robbed at any time. Instead of downing a hard working couple who was victimized you should be worried about finding the real criminals and keeping these young kids out of the violent life. If we worried more about that these things wouldn't happen as much. So instead of saying horrible things about a man who is fighting for his life right now why don't you spend your energy praying for him to live so we can find out who did this.And pray for his family and friends who are worried sick about him.
2:35 PM comment < i am a young girl who has a safe in my closet does that mean your going to accuse me of drugs to.. i dont think so.. many ppl have safes in there house for documents and other important stuff and to accuse them having drugs is out of the question he loves his girlfriend and the children so make sure you know that facts before you go accusing him of foul play.
I agree with 2:57. This may be a drug dealer shot by one of his own bottom feeding scum. I will say it. I know him and he is a drug dealer. It still does not make it right. The two guys with guns just means that sh!t bags travel in pairs. No one wants to point out that the robberies, murders, break ins. All Black males lately. So dont blame it on the drug problem. These men are just thugs.
thankyou for aeevaluating your initail thoughts. HE is a very good man and we appreciate your comment. I wish others had enough guts to realize that sometimes their first judment is steriotypical and not correct. You are a decent person for posting that. Again thakyou and I hope more people will follow your lead
Fear not people of Fruitland, Chief Phillips is a former MSP Drug investigator. This is how he got his job. This crime will be solved momentarily.
3:14 if you really know this man then you would know that he has a real job that he has been at for many years and he often encourages people who are in the wrong way of life to get a job. And for your racist comments about black men doing all the robberies and bieng thugs you need to wake up from your 1950s dream and realize that men and women of all races commit these violent crimes and live the thug life. Grow up. And I being a good friend of the victim would never believe that your hateful self ever knew the victim.
Allow me to chime in. I spoke with Chief Phillips today on this matter and I can assure you, Fruitland has a bull dog for a Chief and they will get to the bottom of this right away.
In fact, I have been told directly that they have key evidence as well as additional witnesses they didn't have last night, so it's only a matter of time before these people turn themselves in or Law Enforcement catches up with them.
for 2 street thugs to know where your safe is, before they enter....is much more than stereo typical....to feel compelled to shoot through the door....they didnt just get those thoughts of what would be in that safe out of the clear blue...
My God, it's getting pretty scary in Salisbury, and the surrounding areas.
I'm getting to the point that I'm worried about my wife and kids just going to the local Wal-mart to pick up odds and ends before and after work.
It used to not be this way (not even that long ago). What happened? What can we do?
-A very concerned long time citizen of this area.
This kinda stuff happens in the summer. Just wait with as many people losing their jobs more people will turn to selling drugs and the violence will go up. But I defiantly don’t feel unsafe. Go to a big a city if you want violence.
All the reason for " The Right to Bear arms" ! Where were the police to stop this crime??? Oh thats right they only show up to pick up the pices after the fact.
All the more reason for "The Right to Bear Arms"!!!!!
4:54 I've been to a big city and the parts I was in werent this bad. Home invasions, armed robberies, ATM robberies, tons of property thefts and open air drug deals. If thats not violence then what is?
I wonder what the crime level per capita is for Wico County? I'd bet its threw the roof. This area has a huge superiority complex, bragging about all these "paid for" awards they've won and how the area is "God's Country". How ignorant they are.
4:54 - Sorry to burst your bubble of self-righteousness, but I have lived in Dallas, New York City, Denver, Hartford, and outside of Detroit. I now live in Salisbury. And I have NEVER felt so unsafe or been exposed to so many violent crimes in such close proximity. Salisbury IS particularly bad, and getting worse.
I don’t what city you were in but I feel a lot safer in Salisbury then I do in Baltimore or Washington dc.
ALOT of people have those fireproof lockbox-style safes in their home,myself included.Mine rarely has money in it,just important documents and mementos.
Having one does not make you a drug dealer.
BUT,I do think it was someone close to them because how else would the intruders know about a safe in the 1st place.I am just glad no lives were lost and hope the kids are OK.
bunch of a$$holes the man works at ups he makes damn good money everyweek he dont need to sell drugs and all trhey got was his xbox 360 thats it guess they dint whant the 50 inch plasma and the house was not empty either he has some stuff in thare but not a whole lot its a rental house and not very big but i bet hell move out now and buy a real house like ive been sayin to him and what u going to do if u get woke up with guns in ur face of course ur going to run not like he had a gun thare to shot back like some of u stupid rednecks and i am a white male of 29 that has nothin to do wit drugs just cigs and beer for me thank you bunch of F U C K E R S!!!!!!!!
Phillips Is A Bull Dog Mixed With A Little Blood Hound.He Will Sniff This All Out.As Far As My Concern They Are Already Caught So They Might Aswell Turn Them Self In!!
The Fruitland police are the worst they are more interested with handing out seat belt tickets and harassing up standing citizens then clean the scum off the streets.
I love it,"confronted by two b/ms".
You could also say pos'es.
don't feel sorry for this drug dealing POS. He may be a family man, but he is providing for his family by selling drugs!!! There was drug residue all over the house. How come the female victim is not cooperating? I will tell you why, SHE set this up, she got shot by accident.
03:11 a.m.
this post needs to be deleted
I knew these people, This robbery had NOTHING to do with drugs. These were innocent people, w/children in the hoise and someone could've just known they had a safe with possible stuff in it..not drugs..people do anything now-a-days.
First off let me say when the press releases something they need to get the facts right. The shooters did not even know about the safe before entering the house!! The shooters pointed the gun at the female vic. and asked her wheres the money at. She said "we have no money. If there is any money there might be a little bit in the safe." so that is how they found out about the safe. And they never got aproached in the living room they only got aproached after being shot in thier bedroom. if it was about drugs they would have asked for drugs but they did not. And guess what they still have never found the guys either so for the people who made the comment of this case will be closed soon fruitland police is some bs.
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