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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

State of the Republican Party: Fatal Attraction

from Delaware Liberal

Rule #1 when having an affair is to never let the wife find out about the mistress. Silly, because it rarely works out that way - especially if your mistress is a crazy person intent on destroying your marriage. That said, shame on you for juggling love interests, and shame on you for whispering sweet, contradictory lies in each one’s ear, confident that the two would never meet… and compare notes.

Wondering how this relates to the Republican Party? Let’s take a look…

Moderate Republicans are the wives of the party. They were not only reliable votes, they were also trotted out to demonstrate a respectable, steady relationship that deserved recognition. Sorta like… He can’t be all bad, look at who he’s married to. They were also taken for granted and ignored. Moderates became the ultimate trophy wives - decorative and useful when needed, placed on a shelf and told to be quiet when not.

The Far Right are the party’s mistresses. For years they were wooed and pacified with promises that one day their love would leave his wife and marry them. During this time they came to view the wives as the enemy, the sole reason why their lover wasn’t free to be with them. Whatever sympathy they may have felt for the unsuspecting wife vanished, replaced by an absolute certainty that the wife was to blame for their lover’s broken promises, that she was responsible for holding him back. Read: He can never be what he was meant to be as long as he’s saddled with her.

Think I’m off the mark? Then watch the video DV posted last night. Chris Matthews asks Rep. Mike Pence (R) if he believes in evolution. Pence can’t answer the question. Not because he doesn’t have a response, but because he knows that both his moderate “wife” and conservative “mistress” are watching, each waiting for what they consider the right answer.

But the biggest problem for the Republican Party is the fact that the wife has found out about the mistress and is threatening to walk. He’s now beside himself, facing the loss of credibility and respectability he has taken for granted. He’s desperate for things to return to the way they were before. So not happening. For you see, the mistress is thrilled with this turn of events. She’s anxious to take her rightful place at his side, and won’t lose a moments sleep over kicking the wife out the door.

All snark aside, I think this accurately sums up the situation facing the GOP. Whatever choice they make someone will be left feeling betrayed. Right now, they’re desperately trying to make both sides happy. (Like that’s gonna work.) The it’s her or me time has arrived - as was inevitable. In the short term, buckle up for a lot more Spence type non-answers. In the long term… my money’s on the mistress, because even if she doesn’t hold onto him, in the end she’ll make damn sure that if she can’t have him, no one will.

Cross-posted at Two Sentz


Anonymous said...

TS: " the end she’ll make damn sure that if she can’t have him, no one will."

That's exactly what already happened.

It's the "small-tent" conservatives in the media who are the ones driving out the moderates in droves. The best thing that could happen to the GOP would be if Rush Limbaugh choked on a chicken leg.

Just yesterday, Rush was slamming the moderates for going on a "listening tour". Why bother listening, when Rush already knows everything??

You want the GOP to win big?? Think about how moderates perceive Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Bill O...

Fomenting OBD is not a winning strategy.

Reconciled1 said...

I posted this on 2 centz site as well but wanted it over here too. As a Conservative myself and one who chooses to believe in Creation, This guy should put up or shut up. You're right the party tries to walk the fence. I think its a shame that both sides of the aisle look first at polls and what are my voters are saying before they can answer a question.After all politicians don't want to offend anyone , now would they...? Would the real backbone please stand up, please stand up. Say what you mean and mean what you say....
If you believe in Creation, say yes I believe, when Matthews says some of your party believe this or that, ok thats what they believe, I believe this.... Milk toast. He acted like he was embarrassed because he believed in Creation. Darwin himself denounced evolution before he died. They call it a theory for a reason , its just that. A theory.
I will say thats the first time I had heard that a few whack jobs believe in a conspiracy about the dinasour bones. I thought that was funny.

Anonymous said...

yeah. just like the creation theory there Reconciled. neither side can proove.

Anonymous said...

R1: "This guy should put up or shut up."

But that's a recipe for failure. Creationism is a losing issue. There are not enough Christians in America who believe the biblical version of genesis to make a winning political coalition.

The fastest growing group of Christians in America are the Catholic immigrants from the South, and they believe in evolution, because the Pope says evolution is right.

There is also a large and growing group of young atheists that is being driven, in part, by YouTube. That group will continue to grow as it gains credibility. The ID folks on YouTube are getting badly hammered.

The number of people who don't believe in evolution is shrinking, and those that do, don't really matter (i.e, aren't in positions where it would matter).

He's got a losing issue, and he knows it... That's why he's hemming an hawing.

Anonymous said...

What kinda of article is this? Evolution and Creation are theories. What does this got to do with politics? We are in an economic disaster right now and the MSM wants ask questions like this?
They should be asking our politicians questions like why is the NIH funding a study that seeks to discover a link between drinking and having sex among homosexuals in ARGENTINA which is expected to cost taxpayers over 400k.

Anonymous said...

Sadly that pretty much sums up the state of the GOP. Either we return to Big Tent Republicanism or we split into two parties.

Anonymous said...

"What does this got to do with politics?"

Well, just ask conservatives.

Chris Lewis said...

Both parties are in ruins. The RNC and DNC have all the money, so even if new people with ideas are elected, they must walk the walk with their party or lose the money. Right now, it is either government control of everything with democrats, or big government with republicans. Not too much of a difference. Individuals need to run, start locally and go from there.

Two Sentz said...

Makes good sense, CL.

Reconciled1 said...

2C, I liked our discussion on this subject better.

Reconciled1 said...

You are right CL...
new golden rule : those with the gold makes the rule

Chris Lewis said...


Then iit is up to us to change things for the better. To make things right, not just empty slogans and lies by our current politicians. they all need to be voted out and new people elected in. And the sytems must be changed.

donviti said...

amazing that people can walk and chew gum

Evolution and Creation are theories.yes but you obviously don't know the difference between the theory of evolution and the "theory" of creationism.

God (pun intended) you are a dope and just proved it with that sentence.

Anonymous said...

I actually have a different view of this metaphorical story. In reality the Mistress' are the moderates.

Once again I am so amused by those on here from the far left wacko lunatic wingnut fringe who so love to cast dispersions on the moderate righties using all manner of hate speech and intolerance.

(Please note my subtle use of ad hominem attacks. I am resorting to the same type of attacks that the "lefties" use on us righties by trying to portray us in a less than popular light. It's a weak and simple minded "Jeddi mind trick" that the left excels at, the problem is the righties buy into it)

Let me clear, I am a moderate rightie, I believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, I believe that abortion is murder and should be outlawed as a method of birth control for casual consensual sex, which in 99% of the cases is exactly what it is used for. TC, how do you like that late term stuff where a living babies brain is sucked out? Well Obama-trons, that is exactly what your god voted for, he wants the government to be able to dish that out on tap. I also think that intelligent design has great merit as do the majority of the leading scientific minds in this country. ID is the only thing that currently makes sense. How is that big bang working out for you lefties? Found your dark matter yet? Further, secular documents show that Jesus of Nazareth walked the Earth and Romans wrote of him performing miracles, these Romans weren't Christians btw. Read the writings of Pliny. That's no proof of Jesus you say? Well lefties, do you believe in JFK? Well what about George Washington? How about Christopher Columbus? How far back do we have to go until you will say, oh he wasn't real, hhmm, ok, How about King Tut?

TC, you have a keen mind....

Open it.

I will say it again, I am a moderate, the vast majority of Republicans feel like I do, as do many Democrats, Independants, and others.

When will the left and others on here stop attacking Christians with hate speech and promoting intolerance of my lifestyle?

How does it feel lefties?

Two Sentz said...

Don't worry, you guys will get it together by 2010, I'm sure of it.

The point is, the Republican party is changing and shifting and struggling to redefine itself after a crushing defeat in Nov at all levels of gov't. No big deal. You got time.

But in the future, save the patronizing talking out of both sides of your mouth for someone else. Political parties attack eachother, that's what they do. All you have to do is re-read your comment to figure that out.

-Your loyal Obama-tron/bot

Anonymous said...

TC said

The point is, the Republican party is changing and shifting and struggling to redefine itself after a crushing defeat in Nov at all levels of gov't. No big deal. You got time.

amazing, I have agreed with you like three times now....

you also said

save the patronizing talking out of both sides of your mouth for someone else. Political parties attack each other, that's what they do.

TC, my brother, I never attacked you, and I certainly don't hate you, as a matter of fact I am called to love you, and I do my friend. You know, we don't have to attack each other TC, there is room in my world for you....

is there room in your word for me?

Anonymous said...

9:47 "Let me clear, I am a moderate rightie, I believe that..."

But then you go on to list extreme right wing positions. I don't think that any bible literalist can claim to be a moderate. Even the Pope believes in big bang and evolution. There's an awful lot of evidence to ignore if you need to believe in something else...

"When will the left and others on here stop attacking Christians with hate speech and promoting intolerance of my lifestyle?"

When Christians like you stop trying to shove the nonsense you spout at the rest of us. It's all about religious freedom (or freedom from religion, if you prefer). We're not the ones pushing ID and other religious stuff at other peoples children.

Anonymous said...

I love it, the Republican Party is dead! Ding dong the witch is dead! What a bunch of losers, they haven't got the balls to stand up to Rush Linbaugh for christ sake. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.

Anonymous said...

Again this amuses me, please allow me to take this one point at a time

you said
But then you go on to list extreme right wing positions. I don't think that any bible literalist can claim to be a moderate.

again you LABEL me with hurtful and derogatory terms in an attempt to marginalize and insult my very mainstream beliefs. You are the one that is out of the mainstream. When you look at the population in the US, in the world, throughout history, more people agree with me than you.

(it is apparent you are missing the point here)

Even the Pope believes in big bang and evolution. There's an awful lot of evidence to ignore if you need to believe in something else...

I won't bore the readers of this thread with all the information I have regarding the fallability of Darwinism and Big Bang.. just go here...

for evidence that is increasingly being censored by the the scientific community.

or here

Please consider that YOU may be the one that believes in a flat earth.

Next you said

When Christians like you stop trying to shove the nonsense you spout at the rest of us. It's all about religious freedom (or freedom from religion, if you prefer). We're not the ones pushing ID and other religious stuff at other peoples children.

This is pure comic relief! Who is pushing thier agenda on who? You are a prime example of state mandated government indoctrination center called the public school. You are the one that still thinks the earth is flat, you ignore the scientific evidence that big bang is NOT what happened, you ignore the fossil record and it's lack of transitional species. I hear you and all I see is Galileo being thrown in prison. Open your eyes man! YOU are the one that has been sold a bill of goods! I'm not pushing anything on you! All I want is to live as a free man as our framers intended, free from persecution for my religious beliefs. One of the primary tenets upon which this nation was founded. It is people like you that want to marginalize, ridicule, and destroy my beleif system. I am not trying to take away or alter your ability to believe in nothing. I am not pushing a beleif system on YOU in any way. But many D's and a few R's ARE trying to remove my abily to believe what I want to believe in and indoctrinate my children into a culture of hyper sexualation, drug addiction, moral relativism.

Who is attacking whom?

Anonymous said...


Please look up ad hominem attack

your public school education is showing

Two Sentz said...

11:55, if you are the same as 9:47, then you said, and I quote "I am resorting to the same type of attacks" at 9:47 so save me the "I never attacked you" at 11:55.

You also let an "Obama-tron" slip out at 9:47 which we both know is a deragorty term (save me the hyperbole/satire bit).

As far as creation vs eveloution, the bible says something to the effect of "1000 years are as a day to God" so why do creation and evolution have to be mutually exclusive? Does anyone really know the actual lenght of a "day" in the seven days of creation?

Thanks for the compliment on the keen mind, btw.

Anonymous said...

10:31, Webster says....See Faux Noise.

Anonymous said...

10:30 "again you LABEL me with hurtful and derogatory terms in an attempt to marginalize and insult my very mainstream beliefs. You are the one that is out of the mainstream."

What hurtful label? "bible literalist"? That was the only label I assigned to you. And as for "mainstream". If I'm so out of the mainstream, why are my atheist friends in the halls of power running everything, while all of your friends are still trying to figure out what happened...

"for evidence that is increasingly being censored by the the scientific community."

I did go there. The first is too old. As for the second, did you read the posted comments? There's a reason that this isn't published in a peer review journal. If you want to hold these up as a proof of god, please do so, but at least be bright enough to know why we all laugh at you.

"Who is pushing thier agenda on who? You are a prime example of state mandated government indoctrination center called the public school. ... I'm not pushing anything on you!"

Ahhh. But you are. You cannot equate the need to teach our children the best science as we know it (including the scientific method) with your desire to spread your religion. You spread your nonsense far and wide and when it isn't accepted by all with grace and acquiescence, you (and Fox News) cry about a "War on Christmas". You actually believe the YOU are the victims.