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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Milton Friedman - GREED

Every single one of you reading this Blog needs to watch this short video.


Anonymous said...

Wow,why is it that supposedly intelligent people cannot just look at the failures of entitlement programs, nationalised corporations, socialised medicine,big government and out of control spending and stop this madness. Will there be some sort of nationalised legal system as well? Since most politicians are lawyers it is unlikey there will be any government oversight and regulation of their practices like physicians and other health care professionals.

Anonymous said...

One of the great economic minds of our time. Mr Friedman understood. It is refreshing to see his opinions here.

Anonymous said...

Is it not amazing when a true capitalist ideas just destroy a leading liberal socialist fantasy view of the world and these ideas of capitalism have been basically been removed from our teaching system. I will also be willing to bet most of your liberal bloggers were never exposed to the true benefits of a truly capitalist america. They think they want what Obama wants, a society of the haves and the rest of us being controlled by them.

Anonymous said...

Um, if you are calling Phil Donahue a "leading liberal socialist" I would really, truly disagree. It's like calling Rush Limbaugh a respected politcal analyst. THEY ARE TV AND RADIO PERSONALITIES.

Anonymous said...

Wow, bet the views shared by people like Friedman will never see the light of day.
The Marxist Obama administration with the willing help of the main stream media will all be on the top of the class structure while they put down the "worker drones" of society.
Wake up people, we've elected a dictator as POTUS.

Anonymous said...

1;25 PM, I will answer your question. The reason is because a growing percentage of citizens are ignorant. Ignorant of the Constitution, ignorant of the free market, ignorant of history. Not to worry though, we have American Survivor on the box tonight.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that man is my hero (Friedman). Spoken in plain english and such sincerity. I 120% agree with him and that ideal.

Anonymous said...

omg how can you agree with him? He is basically saying that people are inherently selfish and that it is great acts of selfishness that produce higher standards of living. But as we can see through countless wars and atrocities throughout history including US atrocities leading up to the present day, that great acts of selfishness RUIN lives. He goes on to say that Einstein invented his theories out of a selfish act when in fact Einstein, a true great thinker, was always a humanitarian trying to share his gifts with the world. Einstein was NOT egotistical like Milton Friedman is putting forth. I really disagree with his opinions on a fundamental level. People are not inherently evil, like he is saying. People have been brought up in a capitalist system. He calls it the "free enterprise" as if those two positive words can give it a positive spin. What is should be called is CAPITALISM. Because it aint FREE. If you have most of the 1st world living under capitalism (which russia and china both have so dont even start) then of course you're going to have people CAPITALISING on others misfortunes. THAT is NOT good, even if Milton Friedman says it is.

We are all one, we all breathe the same air and drink the same water. We need to stop being so egotistical, stop "working the system", which Friedman advocates, and which leads to corporations polluting the earth for greater profit. We need to start working together.

But Milton Friedman would be out of a job if the economy ever took a fundamental change. No wonder he says that this is the only economy which works. He is being selfish and in turn lying to you.

So for those of you who agree so profoundly, you are basically agreeing with slave labor, 3rd world sweat shops, war, famine, exploitation of resources in underdeveloped nations, and of course you are against health care. Think about what you're saying and what the implications are please.