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Monday, May 11, 2009

Oklahoma - We Did It Our Way, Anyway!

The state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix, an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake.

Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values...!

Guess what..........We did it anyway.

We recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from, unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. Hope we didn't send any of them to your state. This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake.

Guess what..........we did it anyway.

Yesterday we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional.

Guess what........We did it anyway.

Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives. That, for your information, makes Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess what.........More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, both Carolina's, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida . Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again.

The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

Guess what..........We did it anyway.

By the way, Obama does not like any of this.

Guess what....who cares...were doing it anyway.


Anonymous said...

Go for it , you have my blessings!
I wish the other states would get a set of Ball$.

Anonymous said...

I told you Joe , the south shall rise again , Amen!

Anonymous said...

Taking the country back

Anonymous said...

The childrens christian fund is removing the word christian from their name at the beginning of June I think.

jal said...

I will surley be on board if and when md. should chose to join the smarter states

Mardela said...

Nice to see people standing up for what hey believe and not letting big brother push them around.

Anonymous said...

The south lost the war 130+ years ago. Guess what......they will again.

It's Oklahoma and Texas. Who cares?

Anonymous said...

This is stupid. If the former states of the Confederacy seceded from the Union, they would overnight become nearly as poor as Mexico. they take far more in federal government aid than they contribute in taxes. That's just a fact. So my advice to those peole living in Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, and the rest is to shut up and be grateful that northern states are subsidizing your lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Add Oklahoma to the list of States that hate America. Sorry that your guy lost last year, Oklahoma, but you don't get to claim sovereignty when you lose.

That's called "Hating America" when you want to leave it.

Anonymous said...


Where do you get your numbers? Liberal states usually use more federal tax money than conservative states.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's about time! Now I have a few places to choose from of where I'm going to retire, because it sure as hell won't be Maryland.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The south lost the war 130+ years ago. Guess what......they will again.
Ha! that's funny right there.
Who has the most guns now, Einstein?
Us rednecks would wipe the land with the northern sissy libs that hate guns. War is not all warm and fuzzy so that leaves 99.9% of the libs in the fetal position.

Cruggly said...

Im not picking sides here but why in the world would you want slavery to rise again?

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely wrong. Go to and you will find out the truth. The average income in southern states is much lower than in northern states, which means several things: first, they contribute less tax money (since it is a graduated income tax) and that a higher percentage of southerners receive federal benefits such as health care, subsidized housing, food stamps, disaster relief, etc. This is easily found on the IRS website (don't have time to pull the link right now, but you can do it). This should not be too hard to figure out: northern states have a higher income level and a higher education level than southern states. Again, that is just a fact even if folks in southern states have a hard time hearing it.

Anonymous said...


How do you suppose your rifle would do against a nuke, genius? Do you own a Predator drone? A tank? The U.S military owns all of that, and any state that would actually secede would get their butts kicked since they would own none of those. Anyway, you lost once before, you would lose again.

Anonymous said...

I urge anyone on here to learn what a Constitutional REPUBLIC is, because that what we ALL live in. I never cease to be amazed by the ignorance of many that post here.

135 no one wants slavery. you're being silly
101 why don't post a few links to back up YOUR assertion, yeah, that's what I thought..

DJ WHITE said...

I'm going to quote a blog a read this morning....

What this shows, I think, is that the religious right is unwilling to participate in the social contract: the understanding that we all have a voice in directing the course of the state, but the price of that freedom is not always having one's own way. The religious right has no interest in that bargain. If they don't get to win, they don't want to participate. And as soon as events are not going their way, they immediately begin calling for armed revolt and insurrection, determined to achieve their goals by violence if they can't achieve them by democracy. The most insane aspect of this is that no one is taking away any of their rights - their clamoring for rebellion is purely because they can no longer control the lives of others.

This is anti-Americanism in its purest sense: the refusal to accept the democratic bargain that is the very essence of our nation. And as the fringe members of their movement are increasingly tipped over the edge into real violence by their leaders' reckless words, the people who speak those words increasingly bear moral responsibility for the bloodshed they create.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, you're right.

Those military peeps are going to follow a bunch of limp wristed whiners that have done nothing but spit, slap, punch and defecate on them for years, not to mention hand tying ROE's that paralyze and subject them to life risking situations.

Go ahead and believe you're safe and snug.

Where are most of the military industrial complexes located?


It ain't up north.

Anonymous said...

So if all the people that are in the south wont be getting their food stamps, section 8 housing, health care and disaster relief they might just actually have to get a job and pay their own way. The other option would be to move to another state that will provide it for them. Have fun with them!

Cruggly said...

1:46 Im not being silly at all. The cival war was fought because of slavery, when they say "The South shall Rise Again" entails slavery. Theres nothing SILLY about that. Get a better SLOGAN.

chuck said...


1:01 is dead on, and here is some supporting evidence:

"Red" states pay less in federal taxes than they receive in federal funds, and "Blue" states pay MORE in federal taxes than they receive in federal funds. Sorry, but those damned Liberals just keep propping up the "free market" Conservatives who can't pay for their own stuff.

As for secession and the military. The Military is obligated to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and they will do so by putting these seceding states under lock down.

You lost. Get over it. You don't get to clamor for "revolution" and "secession" and then still claim to be a Patriot.

The LEAST Patriotic thing you can do is advocate for leaving the country. That is, as 1:06 said: HATING AMERICA.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually live in Oklahoma?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Chuck--I knew you would have the link at your fingertips. And the rest of you "South will rise again" folks just got your butts handed to you in a separate post above this one.

So we'll wait to see if you southern apologists have the guts to apologize and acknowledge that without the fomer Union states, you would be backwaters. You couldn't afford those guns you seeem to think will help you fight the U.S military. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Cruggly said...
1:46 Im not being silly at all. The cival war was fought because of slavery, when they say "The South shall Rise Again" entails slavery. Theres nothing SILLY about that. Get a better SLOGAN.

2:07 PM

again a lib tries to rewrite history, the civil war had nothing to do with slavery, read a book and learn how to spell "civil war" before opening mouth and inserting foot.

Anonymous said...

So anyone who wanted to leave America during the Bush years is a liberal-painsy-whining-defeatocrat. If you want to leave during the Obama years you are a patriotic, God-loving, red, white and blue crapping Freedom Fighter? Is that how it works.

Stop crying, pussies. (And that is exactly what you would say if mcCain would have won.)

Anonymous said...

2:18 ""Red" states pay less in federal taxes than they receive in federal funds"

This is so well known, I'm surprised that anyone challenges it. The basic reason is the all those little poor red states have two senators, giving them outsized political clout, which helps to bring the pork home.

So these conservatives who profess to work hard and take care of themselves, are more than happy to take large handouts. These are the same guys that whine incessantly about welfare for poor and needy kids.... Nice.

Here in Maryland, it's the west shore that keeps sending money to the east shore... And what gratitude to they get for "donating" their hard earned tax dollars? Nada.

Cruggly said...

Sorry dude my hands cant keep up with my thoughts, fine me. If you think the (CIVIL) war had nothing to do with slavery, your crazy. Im not a Lib or a Dem. Just for the record my daughter last year had to do a large report on the (CIVIL) war and I learned more than I expected.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery is a moron. "It was about states' rights" yell the morons. To which I say, "states' right to do, what?"

Enslave people.

What got southerners all crazy? Sure, some were upset about tariffs, which certainly contributed to the war. But I guess you think the Missouri Compromise, Kansas/Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850, John Brown's raid, the Fugitive Slave Act, etc, etc had nothing to do with slavery, either. I guess it was a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

If these states want to consider themselves "sovereign", they shouldn't receive any federal money for anything. For example, the governor of Texas threw the S-word out (secession) a few months ago, does not support universal health care and bashes Obama for everything. However, when the swine flu became an issue, the same governor preached and begged for the federal government to send hundreds of thousands of vaccines and millions of dollars to help treat it in Texas. How is that right?

Rob S

Cruggly said...


Mardela said...

This is some of the dumbest commenting and discussion I've ever heard.

How about if we talk about the things that bring us together. How about if we try to improve what we have instead of what we haven't. How about if we all try to understand that life has more to do with how well we treat each other, how we help each other, and how we recognize that we are the greatest country in the world.

Even with our many faults, our country contributes more to the help of others, than any other nation. We are all freedom loving Americans. Most of us love God in some form. Most of us love our families and friends and will sacrifice themselves if need be.

Stop this silly childish bickering about this so far from reality. Think about what's good and positive and do YOUR best part to make a positive contribution to everyone around you. If we all could do this, we would have no problems.

Cruggly said...

I was trying too. Dont lump me in with anything. That pisses me off.

Anonymous said...


You are an idiot, plain and simple!

Anonymous said...

Guess what, next time a tornado knocks down half the racists towns in your soverign state, don't asked for any federal money to rebuild...oh, guess you will anyway. Pitiful

Cruggly said...

Its been that long? When I went to Md Jud case site I picked up two (Behavioral) malwares. Mal/EncPk-EQ & Mal/EncPk-GS. Took me about four hours to find them and crush them. That sucked. All my protection said(un-reconizable threat), I had to restore my machine to an earlier era. Thats some smat shit.

Cruggly said...

I thought when told my machine that it was May 11, 2009 twenty minutes before this happened it would erase it and clear any memory that exsisted. Im a dumbass, I should stick to what I know. Two minutes later its on, I had a real bad Trojan once and that worked.

Anonymous said...

As an Athiest, I don't mind if you admire and endorse the way I live by your 10 Commandants. As a Libertarian, I don't mind if you post them on buildings. If you watch this society closely, It's not the non-beievers you need to be worried about.

Cruggly said...

I think the only way that could be true is if my machine was the host. Then it could spread like wild-fire.

Anonymous said...

What is disturbing about this post is:

The same people who cry out for the sanctity of individual freedom under the Constitution of the United States are the very same ones who say, "It's a Christian country, get over it."

Our Founding Fathers wanted a separation of church and state for good reason. The Majority Mob Rule mentality is the ultimate insult to the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

7:33 "The same people who cry out for the sanctity of individual freedom under the Constitution of the United States are the very same ones who say, "It's a Christian country, get over it.""

Conservative support for civil rights has always been very selective. In fact, social conservatives are the number one threat to our basic hard fought freedoms.

This is the same group that wants to convert our public schools into a Christian version of the Taliban madrasahs and teach religious concepts of intelligent design to all.