By Sean Lengell (Contact) Sunday, May 10, 2009
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his verbal attack against President Obama, saying that the country is more vulnerable to a potential terrorist attack since the Obama administration took power.
Mr. Cheney said that administration's dismantling of many of the policies and protections instituted by President George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks — including the planned closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba and halting controversial prisoner interrogation techniques — have made the country more vulnerable to future attacks.
"That's my belief," Mr. Cheney said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "I think to the extent that those [Bush-era] policies were responsible for saving lives, that the administration is now trying to cancel those policies … means in the future we're not going to have the same safeguards we've had for the last eight years."
The former vice president defended controversial interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, saying that it had been an effective tool in extracting useful information from suspected terrorists such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is accused of helping carry out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks Washington and New York.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his verbal attack against President Obama, saying that the country is more vulnerable to a potential terrorist attack since the Obama administration took power.
Mr. Cheney said that administration's dismantling of many of the policies and protections instituted by President George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks — including the planned closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba and halting controversial prisoner interrogation techniques — have made the country more vulnerable to future attacks.
"That's my belief," Mr. Cheney said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "I think to the extent that those [Bush-era] policies were responsible for saving lives, that the administration is now trying to cancel those policies … means in the future we're not going to have the same safeguards we've had for the last eight years."
The former vice president defended controversial interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, saying that it had been an effective tool in extracting useful information from suspected terrorists such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is accused of helping carry out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks Washington and New York.
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Dick Cheney is a liar and an outrage to the Constitution of the U.S. who profited from the Iraq War.
Can't believe you posted this, unless for the shock effect. You may be pretty Republican, but you always struck me as seeing Bush and Cheney for what they are.
I believe former Vice-President Cheney is absolutely correct!! Most people we talk with are "scared to death" of this administration! And there's not much anyone can do but support the Republican Party and hope that by the time elections come again, they'll be able to vote a bunch of these Democrats out of office!
Keep talking, Dick. The more he talks, the more people leave the Republican Party.
Oh, and by the way..
Terrorist attacks on Bush's watch: 1
Terrorist attacks on Obama's watch: 0
Not too sure if you want to take Dick "I shoot my friends int he face" Cheney's word on anything.
2:11 PM
Terrorist attacks on Bush's watch: 1
Terrorist attacks on Obama's watch: 0
we have been attacked everyday since hussein took office.
"Dick" Cheney is a buffoon and a facist to boot. By the way 1:59, if you're scared to death, then Cheney is sucessful. Made a living fear mongering.
Who is this guy again?
Does he have, like, an important job or anything?
Dude, be like Bush and go away. No one cares anymore.
Didn't see him for 8 straight years, and now all of the sudden he's all over the place.
Thanks. Dick.
Dickd Cheney making a statement about somone endangering the nation????? Pot,kettle....kettle, pot
I'll take my chances with our sitting President any day.
Dick Cheney was a target of the democrat attack machine he is highly intelligent and much smarter then Obama who proves everyday he is an incompetent President. Dick Cheney you are a Patriot thank you on behalf of a grateful Nation.
And just how is Obama making our nation safer? At least we will know who to blame and for what when the terrorist do strike. You Bush and Cheney bashers sound very shrill. Just get over it!
Dick Cheney a patriot? Are you F'in kidding me? Criminal is more like it. But if that goes too far for ya...
His first name sez it all.
A man that has wealth, no political aspirations, and nothing to promote for sale chooses to inform the American people of a diminishing security situation for our Country is patriot. Obviously, his love of Country and the knowledge he has causes him to do so, even in he face of severe critisism from some circles.
I,for one, hope he continues to sound the alarm, and that it will cause reasonable people to begin to become concerned and more attentive to the actions of the current administration.
11:14 "A man that has wealth, no political aspirations, and nothing to promote for sale chooses to inform the American people of a diminishing security situation for our Country is patriot. Obviously, his love of Country and the knowledge he has causes him to do so, even in he face of severe critisism from some circles."
Nah. He just doesn't like what they're starting to write about him in the history books.... worst VP in history.
He has the right to defend his actions, but that doesn't mean that we have to buy any of it.
Cheney defending his actions? It never ceases to amaze me how liberals lack the capacity to evaluate the merits of someone's comments and debate them, but turn to personal attacks as though some how it is an intellectual approach. I am now begining to understand what is meant by ignorance is bliss.
8:05 "...but turn to personal attacks..."
I read this entire thread, and could not find one personal attack, except for the slights in your post (and maybe the conservative at 9:22PM). Do you know what a personal attack is??
Impeach Obama
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