
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Monday, April 27, 2009


Which is the more appropriate:

1. Emergency funding for Urban Salisbury ($11,000) that Barrie Tilghman opposed.

2. Funding to “restore” the obsolete and abandoned standpipe ($135,000) that Barrie Tilghman proposed.

Cast your vote with a comment and show up at the City Council tonight.


Anonymous said...

Urban Salisbury and benifits for council people. If benefits weren't involved who in their right mind would be a city council person for $10,000 a year?

Who would even run if they knew their package was going to be cut in half?

Anonymous said...

Hands down it's Urban Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

I would question how much money has been spent on the development and have we gotten our $'s worth. Having said that, I would vote yes for Urban Salisbury, and no the the standpipe.

Reconciled1 said...

Urban Salisbury

Anonymous said...

Urban Salisbury

Anonymous said...

So easy to answer that -- Urban Salisbury.

The standpipe funding should be dropped in any event.

Anonymous said...

Standpipe!! Just as historical as downtown if not more so. Hundreds of thousands have been spend for downtown and not a cent on the standpipe. After all that money, look what you got downtown. Not even a decent tourist attraction.

Anonymous said...

How about neither one. Both are a waste of money. How will $11,000 for Urban Salisbury provide a return to the taxpayers? This is clearly a private sector issue. Let the property owners in downtown pay their own bills.

Anonymous said...

Ditto 10:17

The Standpipe

What if somebody had a similar post a 30 years ago about restoring the Statue of Liberty? Not the same thing, but it's still part of history.

Anonymous said...

neither one...the business owners down town have the answers or other business owners in this area. take that money and let the businesses promote business..a tax credit not to the owners of the buildings but a tax break to the people who put their money on the line to open a business. Why have parking lots face the river how about businesses on the river..maybe like shanty town used to be in west ocean city..when entering downtown salisbury on route 13 all you seeis delapotated movies six and a parking lot on the river ..who wants to stop and for what? entering salisbury on route 50 perdue, and a river with NOTHING on it..the plaza is a street with shops lined up on it..nothing out back to be seen except parking Where?? I dont know either and I live here. The money could be spent better.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a running total on all the money spent by the City to "save" downtown -- from the plaza construction and the "ReuDat" study years ago until today. It must be millions of dollars by now.

doug wilkerson said...

I wouldnt fund eighter one of them myself.

Anonymous said...

Stop the Madness, Stop the Spending. This is the worst economic time most of us have ever seen, this is a no brainer.

Anonymous said...

No brainer here, don't fund either one.

Anonymous said...

neither - spend it all on education & safety, please.

Mardela said...

Everything is a part of history, and not all of it is worth saving.

If we feel the need to keep everything for ther sake of history, nothing will ever get torn down and made way for new.

It's time to develope our downtown and make it a wonderful and safe place to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Urban Salisbury, hands down!

dogg said...

We can tear down the stand pipe and sell it for scrap metal. Use that money to pay for Urban Development.


Anonymous said...

Urban Salisbury returns $7 for every city dollar invested, name one other city entity that produces that much return!