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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Another Pair Of Losers

March 27, 2009

Comegys' experience will serve him well as mayor

I had the opportunity to work with Gary Comegys on the Salisbury City Council during the final two tears of my term on the council. He was always able to focus on the big picture and make decisions based on the best interests of the citizens. There is a growing need for us to make tough decisions as to how to allocate our limited resources while continuing to shore up the city's infrastructure. This is his strong suit; he has lobbied his fellow council members for important projects and state officials to bring funding to Salisbury.

Comegys works well with both citizens and his fellow council members. He is not hesitant to meet with citizens who disagree with his positions. He is always looking for common ground to advance individual neighborhoods' goals. I watched him each year review the budget once the mayor submitted her proposed budget to the City Council. He has worked hard to lobby for fiscal responsibility, at the same time systematically raising public safety salaries to maintain our officers' ranks.

Comegys understands what the City Council is supposed to do and he has done his job well. Now, he is seeking the opportunity to move across the hall and guide the administrative branch of the government. His experience and his hard work for the city will serve him well as our next mayor.

Michael Day



Anonymous said...

Comegys works well with both citizens and his fellow council members. He is not hesitant to meet with citizens who disagree with his positions. He is always looking for common ground to advance individual neighborhoods' goals. I watched him each year review the budget once the mayor submitted her proposed budget to the City Council."

In all the time Comegys has been on council, I've NEVER had a reply to my emailed questions to him. His "looking for common ground" is more along the lines of "how can I get what I (Mayor Tilghman) want and still make it look like I'm giving something to the neighborhood". And you "watched him review the budget?" We did, too, and we knew it was a sham.
This man didn't deserve to be mayor, and he doesn't deserve his council seat either.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Joe. We get it, but the gloating isn't helpful. These are people who bullied most of us for years. Let's not do the same. Two wrongs don't make a right. Salsibury has leaders who are willing to lead in Ireton, Campbell & Cohen. Let's use our energy to focus on that and share all of the positive ideas that have been supressed under the Tilghman reign.

Anonymous said...

Michael Day is generally a very bright individual. Seems in this case though that he has let his business interests (VP@Perdue) cloud his normally good judgement.

Let the Rt50 plant get a few less perks so they'll find it in their interest to move out of the heart of town & the slums will follow..

Anonymous said...

When was Michael day a VP at Purdue?

doug wilkerson said...

Eat another un-cooked steak out of Colemans frig when your plastered buddy. I go way back.

Anonymous said...

If Mikey Day works for Perdue in any capacity, I'm buying Tysons from now on!

Anonymous said...

Perdue has invested mega money in the Chinese markets in the past years, we cant afford to loose them here on the shore.

Anonymous said...

I will be interested to see if Mr Day is allowed to keep his "cash only" flea market going. The money is supposed to go to the city, but I suspect some of it may be going into his pocket. The record keeping is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Day never worked for Perdue. Most of his income comes from skim at the city flea market.

Anonymous said...

This piece by Day is a sad joke. Bubba is so "not hesitant to meet with citizens who DISAGREE with his positions." Meet with them?? That's a laugh and a half, Mr. Day. My experience with emailing Comegys was exactly the same as 9:14 ANON's - no response. And I wasn't even disagreeing with him; just trying to get clarification on a budget-related question.

Yeah, he'll meet with those who disagree, but he won't answer an email from someone who has a question. Mr. Day, can I interest you in some ocean front property in Arizona?

Anonymous said...

Hey Michael Gay, get on the wagon with larda** and the biotch and find your way out of town...losers!!

Anonymous said...

Michael Day??? He's the origanal Tilghman clown... sorry I mean cloan.... the whole Isabella st. thing was his doing and what a mess that is! he is one-way

Anonymous said...

Michael Day is a JOKE!! No wonder he feels this way about Comegy's, he's just as big a joke as Day is...and as far as the flea market goes, nobody in the Pocomoke's City Hall or Downtown are honest individuals so its quite possible Michael is pocketing the proceeds from the flea market and sharing the stolen goods with the town sure would explain why Michael has been there so long...he fits right in with the rest of the misfits in Pocomoke!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
where did you steal the photo of the bragg's products? Did you ask permission?

I'll forward this to them to find out.

9:18 AM

This comment is typical of a weakling!

Joe, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Michael Day wrote this puff piece for Bubba and it didn't work.

Note to Michael Day: If you think about running for office again pleas reconsider. Your influence didn't help Bubba at all. If this is any indication of your influence to get votes you might want to save your money.