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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Louise Smith To QUIT City Council?

According to sources, Muir Boda was in a conversation with one of our people today where they said to Muir, we heard Louise Smith say if Jim Ireton wins this election she was quitting the Council. Muir replied, "no, Louise Smith said that if Jim Ireton, Debbie Campbell and Cynthia Polk won the election she would resign."

Now I had heard from several sources that Louise Smith was going to resign/quit, (what's the difference) if Jim Ireton won but now we have confirmed that Louise Smith, (from one of her own people) says she's throwing in the towel.

So what's the deal Louise Smith. Are you going to do us the pleasure of stepping down? You are useless any more. No doubt Tilghman and Comegys are praying to save their political lives in the hopes of Shanie winning her seat so they can vote Gary Comegys in as Council President and reject just about anything and everything brought forth from the new Mayor to the City Council.

So here's my plan with Salisbury News. Should Shanie Shields win, let's do a Recall on all three of them while everything is still fresh. The majority of people have now seen people want change and if we get enough signatures we can shame these three right out of Office.

Your response will determine if it's worth it or not.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow -- the trifecta could be a . . . what's the word for a fourth win in a row?

doug wilkerson said...


Anonymous said...


I still want my vote back!

Anonymous said...

The house of cards is crumbling.

Anonymous said...

Jim said he would work with everyone, take him at his word. Plus, the next council elections are only a couple years away.

Anonymous said...

I would be more than glad to work on a recall. Heck even if it is for Louise Smith only.

Anon 3:35 PM we don't have a couple of years to save this city.

Anonymous said...

Louise Smith & Shanie your days of being Scarrie's puppet are over. Get out NOW! Bring integrity back to its right spot.

Orsonwells said...

Agreed... Recall.

Anonymous said...

It's just a matter of time before she (Louise) is gone anyhow. If I was her I would bow out gracefully now because all of Salisbury knows she is part of the problem. Watch the meetings and take notice of how rude she is, as well as she cannot make a decision on her own. She thinks going along with the other side is helping her but it has shown what a disgrace she is to our city. Please if you love this city resign before you are very embarrassed in the next election and it shows how little you are though of - just like Gary. I frankly don't want you making decisions for me and I am sure there are many many more who feel the same way. You are really shameful to represent us.

Anonymous said...

There is light at the end of the tunnel.[new 6 foot drainage pipes on Waverly Dr.] CHANGE IS COMING

Tidewaterbound said...

If Cynthia Polk wins and Louise Smith resigns, wouldn't you think that would be a Grand Slam?

Sounds like a plan!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, if she is making this threat to quit, she obviously does not want to be there anyway, so why is she there?!
You should get out now Louise before you go out as a real public embarrassment.
The people of Salisbury are on a mission now and you are in their way.
You don't think they will take you down ANY way they can?
I wouldn't tempt them.

Not from Salisbury, but still interested.

Anonymous said...

If Polk loses, then start the recall.

Anonymous said...

Nd his head is so BIG!

Anonymous said...

My goodness that lady must be scared , and rightfully so!
She has been in bed with the commies of Salisbury. I don't
think she has a good bone left in her body. Poor smith , I feel sorry for you , I thought you were smarter than that!!!!! Now you've made me mad!

Anonymous said...

They should be recalled....they are a total disgrace to our city and they will purposely thwart any positive attempt to change.

Anonymous said...

Recall, YES!!

Anonymous said...

Louise Smith's email address is I realize LSmith is Louise but who is NKey? Is it her boyfriend? girlfriend? sister? brother? I have always wondered who this person was.

Anonymous said...

The slumlords will pay her to stay on and be a fly in the ointment.

Anonymous said...


No problem! We will buy Jim a big fly swatter!

Anonymous said...

Gary has been caught three different times by the states ethics board double dipping, is this not theft of taxpayer dollars?

Recall my butt he should be thorwn in jail the POS. Right now 2 people at SHA have been fired, another is expected to get the same deal as Gary, retirement. There is a whole lot more to this story and we need to insist on details and disclosure, you know, that government in the sunshine stuff?

This is not acceptable and we need to be pushing the governors buttons, when he talks about making cuts while allowing so much state theft with no penalties. Gary should be forced to surrender his pension.

As for Bota? Who gives a rats arse about the loser. He needs to pray in church more for his green friend, the Cryp is about to go over the edge.

Anonymous said...

Well if Louisel steps down it can probably follow that Gary does the same and we'd be done with them all. Sure hope Cynthia beats Shannie and we get the trivecta in our favor for a change. I too want my vote back Louise!

Rebel Flag Waver said...

Another voice for recall here.

Anonymous said...

Louise should resign because she would never stand for the disgrace of being recalled. Recalled she will be and it won't be hard to do. Do the right thing Louise and bow out gracefully or go out in disgrace. The choice is yours.

Boda has the grime of his associates on him he'll always have a hard time being elected to any office in the city since he aligned himself with Gary, Jonathan and the slumlords. People here don't forget anything.

Anonymous said...

You got it 10:35 Muir better save those signs for another city or town because he will never win here. Not now. People don't forget.

Anonymous said...

how do we know polk isn't another weezie? time will tell.
comeegees should resign as well.
will he still be the vp of council when new mayor takes office?