Sen. Judd Gregg withdraws his nomination as commerce secretary. The New Hampshire Republican says he has "irresolvable conflicts" with President Barack Obama's handling of the economic stimulus plan and 2010 census. Gregg is the second commerce nominee to drop out of contention.
And the list goes on and on and on and on!!!!!
I'm thinking that the Republican is needed in the Senate more than is needed in the White House Cabinet. John McCain calling....
Why did he go after the job only to back out. He knew what Obama's policies are. Smells like a setup.
Obama has been in office almost a month now, why aren't all the problems fixed. Chill out, people. At least he hasn't got us involved in another war!
Devilsadvocate -- be careful what you wish for. He hasn't gotten us in another war....YET. All in good time. Don't think all those celebrity connections won't have us in Darfur very soon.
Republicans and Democrats alike are running from this president. They know if there is any chance in their future for their career to proceed, they need to be far, far away from Barry Obama. Smart.
At least he hasn't got us involved in another war!
7:57 PM
Your right, but he may well be allowing it to come here soon. think about those gitmo detainees... where are they headed?
Please, I didnt vote for em either brother. I saw through the entire scam. And anyone who wipes the "sleepies" out their eyes will see it also.
Lazy bottom feeding democrats love to get attention. Eveb when its for stupidity. And they got alot of that.
Maybe the Republicans will convince two of the three turn coats to come on back home. And the stinking bill will fail. :)
agreed...we need the gop senate members, way more.
Another thing Obama did on tuesday that we are going to pay for in the long run is by executive order has put a stay on new off shore drilling for oil and natural gas. This ban was just lifted before the election by the democrat congress and Bush. Seems to me that if Obama really wanted to put americans to work and really cared about the middle class he would of let this drilling begin. This guy is a bigger danger to this country then anyone would of imagined in our wildest dreams!This is what happens when the american public elects a party of elitists.
You guys really have those Republican talking points down pat
Thanks for the $13.00 a week tax deduction, wow can really start spending now.
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