Local Attorney Isiah McBroom was found guilty this morning of Grand Theft and Misdemeanor Theft. Mr. McBroom spent the weekend with a SU Student at the Hampton Inn and the Courts found him guilty of stealing $2,100.00 from this SU Student.
Mr. McBroom was sentenced to 18 months, which was suspended. He received 36 months probation. $2,000.00 in restitution, must attend drug and alcohol counseling and will likely be disbarred.
this isnt even his first run in... check his case history...
I wouldn't be the house that he'll be disbarred. I remember while on the job in another county, a local attorney was out and about early one morning at a shopping center injecting himself with heroin. One of my co-workers, doing a foot patrol of the shopping center to make certain none of the shops were being broken into, turned a corner and found this guy shooting up. When being arrested, this attorney attempted to stab the officer with the syringe. At his trial, the attorney was given a suspended sentence, drug counseling, and was put on probation. He stills practices law, and in the same county.
This guy needs to be really looked into by the bar.
Anon 12:57
Name names. If its true what you say you cant be sued so just let the rest of us know so that we wont hire this person if we need an attorney.
How come I cannot find his McBroom guy in Maryland Judiciary Case Search? Is he too good to have his charges/ outcomes public info?
Was Rick James also involved in this "alleged" incident? This smells as fishy as bad hewwing.
The Cambridge lawyer, to whom 12:57 PM refers, successfully completed extensive treatment for drug addiction and received PBJ for a first offense CDS possession charge, which is the norm.
On the other hand, a theft conviction is virtually automatic disbarment in MD.
Whats happening with the Somerset sheriff in court today;
It always amazed me that people would hire McBroom. Found out that he would only charge $200 for a case. People please look into the background/rep of an attorney before you hire them!
2:03, it is under i mcbroom and then if you look he is both listed as an attorney in some cases and as a defendant in others. you have to scroll through a few pages of entries before you start seeing the "defendant" instead of attorney. i couldnt find it wheni used his whole first name. but with just the initial "I" and the last name it popped right up
His first name is actually Wayne, there are three case under that name.
2:05 The incident which I referred to happened on the Western Shore, not in Cambridge. And a theft, if it can be attributed to a drug addiction, will get a wrist slap, not disbarment.
Was that case in Howard County around 1990?
BTW, I've never seen a MD lawyer who wasn't disbarred for a theft conviction.
McBroom, has anyone seen this guy. He looks likes BOZO the clown with a scrunchy face. He stands before a judge studering and stammering like a school boy asking for his first date. He should have gotten jail time so he could learn his trade from some former clients
check out his myspace....he is a weirdo for sure. he tried to hook up with a high school girl i know. he was married to a drug addict/hooker
4:59 Yes it was, and the attorney's name was Handy, or something along those lines. $40 suits and a pony tail.
MD Case Search says he was found guilty of theft under $500, which is a misdemeanor, even though the restitution was $2,000, and got a 12 month suspended sentence and 3 years probation.
He'll still be disbarred because of the theft conviction.
Is that a dude or a chick???
wow, i think this dude helped my roomates n I get off a b.s noise citation haha good ol bury!
Dear heavens, he looks like some of our 'new hires'...EEK!
I wouldn't hire a dude named Isiah McBroom to do anything except make me burgers and fries. Mcbroom? Seriously?
He was found guilty of stealing $2100 and the judge made him pay only $2000 in restitution ??
dinosaur said...
He was found guilty of stealing $2100 and the judge made him pay only $2000 in restitution ??
11:35 PM
Must have been the same judge that Ray Lewis had.
You old foggies are so opinionated.Isiah's looks might not please any of you old men but he has gives me much pleasure in the few nights I have spent with him. This is a woman's opinion which is just as important as yours. He is a good lawyer . At least his fees don't put people in debt for 10 years.
He even admits to being trailer trash. Looks like he has a lot of disgusting comments on his page.
That's right Dinosaur. He kept $ 100. for his trouble. Judges treat criminals with respect because they will be runing this country in 2 more elections.
he was a lawyer come on guys u really think he was going to get what he should have?? nooooo... this guy needs more then drug help.. he is wacked. I know this thing.. he is a total wack job. and he has done any and everything to whomeever and nothing has really happen to him.. The bar better do something. well joe u know what ur next project is now.. start slaming the bar.. why are people like this out there defending us?? lord if u only knew how wacked he is... he scares me...that bad yes...
In response to:
11:58 You old foggies are so opinionated.Isiah's looks might not please any of you old men but he has gives me much pleasure in the few nights I have spent with him. This is a woman's opinion which is just as important as yours. He is a good lawyer . At least his fees don't put people in debt for 10 years.
You paid alright...like a prostitue by getting into bed with such a loser. gross...im sure you're a fine gem yourself..yeah just like his wife or ex...whatever she is
Is this actually a pic of him? Not your typical looking lawyer is he?
Holy Toledo....If I want Crispin Glover to represent me; I'll retain him directly. I think I just watered myself laughing at this photo and picturing him arguing a case before the Supreme Court. "Justice Scalia-This case is m y density. I can punch...and I can kick.." Really...I've wet myself!!!!
Is that a dude or a chick???
9:41 PM
Man that would be one ugly chick dude! LoL That wasn't an ugly stick it was more like a club.
He said to someone on his myspace that he looks like Jim Morrison...yeah...keep on believing.He also wears womens underwear...yup yup, i want this wack job defending me! looks like some females pay him in sex...gross
9:28. Jim Morrison!!!!Stop...stop...please...you are killing me!! I have already had to use my "emergency pants" to get through the day. You think it is bad he is alleged to be an attorney; imagine if you looked up from an operating table and saw THAT-"Mr./Mrs. So and So...I will be your anesthesiologist during your heart bypass procedure"; Or, even better, "Welcome aboard, ladies and gentleman. I am Captain McFly and I will be in charge of the flight deck during your TransAtlantic flight to Barcelona tonight. We do expect some turbulent weather-and BTW-we are out of coffee" Oh, goodness...here comes the "rain" again!!
this guy is a real wanker.
i dont know but this guy got me out of a dui and a assult but yes he is wacked out for sure lol and he was always late to my court case buthell what can i say he was the cheapest around and he actually new what he was doing lol
I was on a jury for one of his cases, it was sad. He argued in front of the judge stuttering for over 3 hours and never opened his eyes. WEIRDO. The defendant kept shaking his head like "what the hell was I thinking hiring this wacko" Officers were smiling, he was such a joke...
It's a shame that our world has come to having such people as lawyers. It's like hiring a drug addict to work in a pharmacy; STUPID. Karma is a B****.
This guy whines and sound's like a girl also is a crossdresser eep! he will end up in jail and become someones wife PS: the SU student was drugged by him (date rape drug) in drink a Evil coward
why do people feel the need to bring his ex wife into this key word being ex anyone ever think there could be reasons for the ex? the way i hear it she is doing time because of him. people are so judgemental dont judge her until you have walked in her shoes and felt her pain!
why is it always necessary for people to bring up spouces? his ex was never a hooker NEVER she is a very good friend of mine. he use to dismantle her car so that she couldn't leave the house to go and see her family. he use to put sleeping pills in her icecream.
You know, I heard about some of these comments a while back and actually thought they were funny and believe me what people are saying is true. I am Mcbrooms ex and my life had went down hill and was ripped from under my feet from the day I said I do. Hes taken so much from me.Things I will never get back.. Time I will never get back.I was a normal and wonderful mother of three until I met this man.Finally the day he got in trouble and got put on probation was the last time I seen or heard from him. thank god. I finally have my life back and its taken all this time. Im going to school for CDC and back with my childrens father. I was never a hooker but I was addicted to pain pills. He would shuve them in my face aand tell me I was a better person when I took them.He put sleeping meds in my icecream and I couldn't figure out why I was tired all the time. I couldn't do the things I needed to do. my life was complete hell..So much more I could say.He is a weirdo and an alcoholic. but before anyone brings me into anything he has done you shoukd know the whole story.im sure theirs still lots of people judges other lawyers who think all this bad stuff about me, But they just don't know.
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