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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Girl Scouts Shrink Cookies, Customers Shrink Sales

I don't care if it came from the USA Today or the Daily Times, I was right and they were wrong.

Girl Scout Cookies are somewhat of an American icon. They're not necessarily the best cookies anyone has ever made, and the portions certainly aren't of a generous size. In fact, the Girl Scouts are taking heat this year for reducing the number of cookies in each box by about 2, thanks to drastic increases in the price of ingredients. But there are plenty of consumers who have their favorites (such as Thin Mints) which they wait for each year (no matter how many cookies are in a box!). Even better, many consumers understand the importance of selling these cookies. It's a chance for the Girl Scouts to learn a little bit about the business world and entrepreneurship. Sure, their parents and troop leaders often do the bulk of the work. But for interested Scouts, there is an opportunity to learn firsthand.

Last year we debated here about how worthwhile the exercise of selling cookies is. The local troops get a small portion (about 15%) of the sales price of a box of cookies to fund local events. Some consumers say that's just not enough for all their hard work. I'd say it's a fundraising model that has worked for years to fund local operations, as well as national and regional operations. If you can spare a few bucks, please buy a box or two of Girl Scout cookies. If you're on a diet, give the cookies away. The Girls Scouts of the USA has done so much for so many young girls, and I can't bear the thought of it not surviving this recession. I know consumers have to be careful with their money, but this group is really a cause that is worth of a few dollars from you.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

I do not buy Girl Scout cookies and will not buy them as long as the kids are only getting 50 cents per box. I will not support some woman in Connecticuts salary while the kids here have to stand out in FEBRUARY, cold weather and sell these cookies. I have nothing against the Girl Scouts, I don't feel the need to support them nationally. That is why they have corporate sponsors.

I prefer to write a check to the local troop for a greater amount than I would spend on cookies. That money is used by the troop leader for that troop to fund their needs. I have done the same thing in the past with the Salvation Army football program. When I handed my check to Benny Riddick I knew the money would stay here in Salisbury and be used for the football program, not some big wig at the United Way.

Anonymous said...

This headline won't gain me much popularity {but who knows in this forum sometimes}; but it seems like the sale of Girl Scout cookies and such has lost some of its original mission purpose, and at times it seems like these little girls are merely being "pimped out" to knock on as many doors as possible. Let us let kids be kids, and resist the opportunity to use them as "marketing soldiers"; whether it be selling cookies, magazines, or pizza kits. Life is going to break their spirit and put them on a rigid quota system {with an unreasonable, demanding boss}once they graduate-let them have some "no strings attached" fun until they are at least old enough to drive.

Anonymous said...

I love 'em, and will continue to buy and eat them!

Anonymous said...

If you are on a diet, you can also buy boxes to be sent to troops deployed overseas. We did.

Anonymous said...

Just to play devil's advocate-how much does it cost in shipping to send this box of delicious cookies overseas to Tora Bora during the Winter?? Nothing personal; the cookies are mighty tasty-but give me better body armor/ballistic glass in my Humvee. It just cost me like fi'ty cent to send a birthday card to a homeslice in Pennsylvania. Easy solution. Bring the troops back to Bragg; Ridicule greedy corporations {currently trying to dictate to US taxpayers the terms of the PITY/bailout money WE are giving THEM}who spend millions on election campaigns, Mars atmospheric processors, and Raptors-give them their tax breaks for propping up youth organizations like Salvation Army {I owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Riddick as well for the personal sacrifice he made for that organization to keep me off drugs and the streets long enough for education to take hold}, Girl/Boy Scouts, etc. Then let the youth play basketball, learn drown proofing/cpr, hold each other's hands during youth dances/beach campfires, and offer scholarships for camping//science//band camps when the kids are off during the Summers. Trust me-kids have more potential, and desire to please and succeed than many of you give them credit for. These "kids" are the ones we need to cure many forms of cancer, reduce the devastation of dementia/alzheimers, and help those with spinal cord injury walk again. If I want someone to spend trillions of dollars to send a robot with a camera to Uranus....well, let's just say priciples of decorum and common sense prevent me from going further.

Anonymous said...

I make my own cookies, but I did buy three boxes from one of the relatives. Its ashame that so much of the money goes to the higher ups in the organization.

Anonymous said...

BTW..don't have the addresses right at my fingertips; but you can donate certain items in addition to/other than cookies directly to military field units and such. Items really needed are things like basic toiletries//sunglasses/playing cards/dice/small chess boards/old dvds videos/paperbacks/blankets...Some of the IED patrols need dog related items/treats for their canines. Google the unit//branch of service for a specific contact person to act as middle-man in advance before you send things-there are restrictions regarding what you can send because Uncle Sugar sells his soul to our islamic "hosts"; and your copy of the 2009 "Hooters Swimsuit" calendar will probably be intercepted by hypocritical Pakistani warlord "censors" who will then run to the nearest deep foxhole to combine it with their recently seized Ipod with the song "Moving In Stereo" on it. Phoebe Cates still rules!!

Anonymous said...

I buy GS Cookies every year but I think that its pretty bad that my cookie salesman is seating in front of the local grocery store selling cookies when she has not even delivered my cookies YET!! Oh they promise 2/15/09 delivery and they have not been delivered yet. That really makes me want to buy again. And i saw girls selling at the local walmart i told them sorry could not buy waiting on mine to be delivered. Little girls mom laughed and said we have not delivered ours yet either.LOL!! What is wrong with our girl scouts. THEY ARE NOT LEARNING RESPONSIBILITY.

Anonymous said...

Two less cookies in a box is good for those cutting back on how much they eat. I know I can personally eat a whole sleeve of the peanut butter patties at one sitting.

Anonymous said...

I haven't even seen troops out selling cookies yet.

Anonymous said...

I NEED Girl Scout cookies and I can't find any Girl Scouts! where are they? please post! I haven't seen any at Lowe's, Walmart, Kmart, or the grocery stores this year!

Anonymous said...

I believe that this is the only time of the year that you can buy Bryer's Icecream with the Thin Mints in it! It is usually only available for a short time period.

Anonymous said...

If you a looking for a contact person for sending items to our guys and gals over seas, you can contact Jeff at 410-713-8940. He is director if "Operation WE CARE" along with the Harley Davidson Shop of Ocean City.