"This is Kerry Windsor. Houses 3 and 6 are mine. The city has done everything they can so far to prevent me from repairing those houses. #3 was arsoned in 2006. June 19. I had the materials and plans on hand 4 and 1/2 months after the fire but the city had other plans. Way too much to tell here. I had a meeting with Mayor Tilghman November 9, 2006 about this property. I called the meeting myself to keep all hands on the table. I had much trouble from Bill Holland in the past, She was supposed to be keeping him honest. She did a complete 180 on me and told me she would settle my problems with the city and she was screaming at me when I left. I could not get Bill Holland's office to look at my plans before the six month time limit and Tom Stevenson knowing I was ready to repair the house issued a demolition notice. The Mayor forced a meeting with myself, Tom Stevenson and Bill Holland the following Thursday after her meeting. Tom has made many mistakes but I credited it to him being new on the job but now it appears that he is following the Mayors directions I really wanted to like the new guy after the Bill Holland disaster..
This is the house with the porch roof I was telling you about at the Walmart Electronics Dept one evening before Christmas. While I was at the doctors office I got a call on my cell phone. Tom Stevenson had called me to notify me that a portion of my porch roof had come down. In less than 3 hours I was there with materials to secure it. They had already had it removed. All sounds so wholesome if you did not know of the other similar things that have occurred that cost me money. I received a letter the next day telling me what had happened. I requested a picture . I have never received a citation, no recourse. They sent me a bill for $1050.00. The bill was for removing and disposing of the roof. I have pictures of myself taking it to the landfill, receipts from the landfill and canceled checks. They even charged me an administrative fee for something I had no control over. The roof had been repaired after the fire. The charred wood had been replaced. I got a stop work order before it was 100 % completed but it was not about to fall down. The whole case it scheduled at the MD Court of Special Appeals for September. In essence the house would be up and running if the city had not prevented my progress. I am sure the city will have another story to justify their actions as they always do and a staff of lawyers to guide them through all their questionable actions. I have really suffered over all this and there is so much more I have not told you. I feel bad to see my house posted on the blog as if I was a derelict property owner. I am recovering from a stroke now but WILL be back in action.
House # 6. The builders of the small houses on each side were after this property. Bill Holland was helping them get it. It was condemned for lead paint. It was a up and running house in fair condition. Houses up and down the street had lead paint. Mine was condemned for it. I applied for a Lead Paint Grant several times and it gets "Lost". Now I have one being processed Here In Salisbury. The builder of the small houses died of cancer and the pressure to take my house is off. So much I could tell you. I had to board up the windows according to the city code. It brings attention to the properties. It advertises vacant houses. I had it boarded up from the inside as to make it look better but the city insisted on it being outside and painted white. I have replaced over 180 shingles on that house . They were broken by a kid named BooBoo. He is one of the arsonists. officer Dubois if the Salisbury City Police caught him red handed with the metal pole in his hand breaking my shingles. I called them when I was working on the other house, She parked down and walked up and caught him. She wanted to arrest him. His mother came to the scene. A crowd formed. I was the bad guy now. The mother called the officers boss, he came and sent the crowd home. BooBoo went home too.. The officers boss explained that with all the crowd an arrest would cause more problems... Seems the mother knows how to operate the City Police.. Meanwhile BooBoo is still breaking my shingles.I believe the big landlords have the control and are obtaining all the properties by whatever means they can, willing or otherwise. The Mayor throws the Habitat people an occasional bone to look respectable. There is way more corruption in the city that I do not know about but I do know I have been affected in a negative way by the BHZ, then the new Code and Compliance Dept. No actual police protection. Can't even get the Arson investigated when the neighbor had pictures of them coming out of the house while it was on fire. They said children were hard to convict. Two of the five children bragged that they were paid $50.00 each to do it.
Kerry Windsor"
Wow. From my experience with housing and zoning, it is all about who you know, and that has got to stop. Now. No Comegys.
So very typical of Bill Holland. He does what he is told so he can have the perk of taking his city owned car to Bethany on weekends without anyone complaining. He doesn't care who you are, if one of Barrie's buddies has an interest in your property he'll give you more grief than a little bit until you sell. He's one that should have been fired years ago. He's lucky someone hasn't whooped his butt while walking around that area.
You are not the first or only one to be harrassed by Bill Holland's Zoning department. Good luck in court.
Looks like they are trying to force the owners to just turn the property over to the city as a settlement for fines.
The hits just keep coming with Barrie . . . and Bubba!
Still think violence isnt the answer.
the amount of evil in the world makes me so sad
Joe, I hope you'll help Mr. Windsor legally.
This smells like SAPOA's "finest" trying to strong arm little landlords and individual homeowners to get their properties for their own.
I might be wrong, but that's what it smells like.
Another court battle for the taxpayers to foot the bill to Paul Wilber. Another court battle he will surely lose. First it was Stu Leer now Kerry Windsor. How many more cases are in line for the courts that we don't know about? How many more people are being strong armed by Barrie and her Goon Squads?
Speak up people, that woman is out of office. Lets hold her accountable for her 12 year reign of terror on our citizens.
I applaud Mr. Windsor for standing up and publicly stating he owns there properties and why they are in the condition they are in.
The why is really bad news, sounds like we definitely need new management in Salisbury.
I know many will not like this statement. Since Salisbury isn't doing anything and actually preventing this man from fixing these houses up, he should be sure to contact the state. Go above her head, show the state proof of your statements on here. There is always a level to get things done and apparently Barrie is preventing that so take your proof and go over her. I am sure the Baltimore news stations would have a field day exposing Barrie for who she is, after all she claims to be such a benefit to Salisbury and downs Baltimore for not caring about the people! Mr. Windsor if what you are saying is true don't stop with the local government. It will cost you next to nothing to make complaints to the governor, write, email, whatever you have to do to expose this situation. Even though many people don't want to admit it Annapolis has in the past and as recent as this summer made changes, much needed changes to some areas of the lower and midshore.
If the city is so concerned about a delapidated porch then why don't they go after the property at 812 Eastern Shore Drive. It looks like a garage behind the house that is collapsing and has been for several years. I believe the property is being used by Mid-Eastern Oil Company.
Not only is this property it is an eye sore and should have been addressed years ago.
Could Joe or someone please go by there and post a picture of this property. It makes you wonder if they are FOB's?
Just 95 more days to endure until BYE-BYE BARRIE!
Thank Goodness.
I was told that I could do nothing without permits except remove things inside.When I started to remove the addition I was told to stop.I was told I needed permits for just about everything or face $500.00 fines for each thing I did.The permits go through Bill Holland. I did what I could without crossing their line. At the Adjustment and Appeals hearing I was told I could do just about anything but rebuild the addition,So I did. I received a fine, a stop work order, and had to pay to go to court.The city dropped it in court when it looked like They were going to lose. It is much work for one middle aged man to remove an addition with an ax and chainsaw and take it away. If I lose the house it will not be from lack of effort by me. I faced an attempted mugging twice while working there.This problem has consumed my resorces and my life. My hope is to rebuild the house and maybe the neighborhood will be better someday. The two houses were my fathers and he had very few problems with the City while he was alive. I have discussed this with the State and they said they did not like to get into City affairs. Anyone know who in the State I should contact? Kerry Windsor
Maybe Mike Lewis should run for mayor. Then you'd have military-style enforcement and accountability of screwups and other such problems. Lordd knows this town needs it. Barrie should be court marshaled!
Has Mike thought about taking this position? He would win in a landslide and bring this city back on its feet.
Anonymous said...
Has Mike thought about taking this position? He would win in a landslide and bring this city back on its feet.
3:47 PM
For $25,000 a year! I don't think Mike Lewis is that stupid!
I think Mike lives in the county anyway. Why would he give up what he's built and take on a mess like the city and for way less money?
Now it would be nice to clone Mike Lewis and have him as the head of every city department.
Can anyone tell us the real reason the mare separated BHZ into Building Permits & Inspections and Neighborhood Servicess and Code Compliance?
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