Dr. John Frederickson and Mayor Barrie Tilghman are visiting Pinehurst Elementary School where students have crafted numerous items for the Obama Inauguration.
I wonder if he's wearing his Sundays Best and Barrie in red, white and blue? You know, setting an example and such. They are expected to be there until 11:00 am today.
See all those little kids, I want them to be able to grow up in the America we all grew up in. Thats why I care.
I wonder if it was mandated or chosen? This could be the first of many "check up visits". After the dust settles you wont see either of them anywhere near a school!
I just got my " I care card" renewed for 2009! I even have my picture on it! Actually it is my "IGAF" card!I am a IGAF member for four years!
Yeah Right!
What will government schools do once most intelligent people realize Obama is not what he says he is.
10:55 Elaborate please.
Obama is not a moderate, or a liberal. he believes in the government for everyone's needs, therfore, He is a Fascist. he just said that the government is the only thing that can get a free market out of this mess. An oxymoron if I ever heard one. he can promise everything to so many people, but he will never be able to deliver.
This makes me sick. Yes it is "mandated" or it wouldn't be forced down our throats.
We need to have an elected school board in Wicomico County so we can vote those idiots out!!
"What will government schools do once most intelligent people realize Obama is not what he says he is."
Says someone who probably enjoyed our past 8 yrs under Bush!!!!
Anon1225 - I vote to force you out of the country! Then your problems are solved.
10:55 I was being sarcastic, I don't really care about anything having to do with this election or inauguration, this will empower all liberals to do whatever they want and they will get away with it, because thier savior is here, what a crock ( I do care about the kids though, of all kinds), I do think we should have an IGAF oranization.....I=I, G= Give, A=A F= well you get it, the sarcasm is I really dont care...The Mayor and Dr. Frederickson have to show up and show their support....Good for public imaginge you know...They don't give a hoot!
Anonymous said...
"What will government schools do once most intelligent people realize Obama is not what he says he is."
Says someone who probably enjoyed our past 8 yrs under Bush!!!!
12:33 PM
Bush wasn't the problem dude, it was the liberal left wingers you all voted in office. By the way isn't it time for you to go back to watching CNN?
Here's your Kool Aid!
Anon 12:25 - Remember no one showed up at the meeting the other night. According to Joe, Mrs. Holloway asked for any public comments and there were none. Also, from what I am reading and hearing this is not at the direction of the Board, but individual Principals and each school.
Anon 11:04
The problem is this: he hasn't really said who he is!!!!! Everyone has assigned a meaning to him, from subjective DREAMS / HOPES. He preyed on the American Public's dire need for something, anything DIFFERENT from Dubya's administration. Dubya has been so horrific for our Country, that the American People truly chose a person about whom we know nothing at all! We haven't even asked him to prove his eligibility for the office. We simply knew that we could not take on McCain - which we all saw, correctly or not, as Dubya II. So here we are, waiting for the Messiah to show us the promised land.
anon 1:12 you hit the nail on the head. These sheeple are watching news like CNN (Communist News Network) has to offer and think it's gospel. baa baa baa. watch out for the big bad wolf.
Strange that only elementary schools have to send their activities to the Board. Do you think every elementary principal just decided to send this stuff to Ms. Handy without being told to do so? She has no responsibilities in the area of instruction.
Yes, nothing like making crafts to show that little kids understand government. What a farce!
Anonymous said...
Anon1225 - I vote to force you out of the country! Then your problems are solved.
12:34 PM
My problems are our problems and that equates to you. Nothing but a left wing Kool Aid drinker.
I was there today. It was nice.. tho 47 news could have aired it a little better. I was shocked to see the mayor and the Superintendent as well, He was great with the kids. It was really uplifting. I hope these kids dont get let down by Obama. All their hard work they have done, that has never been done for any other president. So I guess we will see.
Anonymous said...
It was really uplifting. I hope these kids dont get let down by Obama.
6:48 PM
Are you that much of an idiot? Obama isn't going to let these kids down. You liberal democrats already let them down by voting for this pot smoking, white American hating terrorist.
Here's your Kool Aid!
1.) For Christ's sake, can't people just enjoy seeing kids have an activity that helps spur them to actually care about democracy?
2.) The media is making Obama out to be the messiah. For his supporters, this isn't good. The dopes in congress will probably do the same thing they did to Clinton and not support his progressive agenda. That combined with the media building him up so that watch them break down is not what we need as a country. The repubs will have a good mid-term election and remember, Clinton turned out to be the best "republican" president we've ever had. That isn't a compliment by the way.
3.) To call Obama a white hating communist pinko dope smoking yada yada only shows your ignorance. The truth is, and I'm no huge fan of his, that the dude is smart, the dude is intellectual, and the dude is capable.
Look at what he's trying to do. I think that if we are going to blow hundreds of billions of our dollars to fix the economy, which makes Keynesian sense, then it best be spent putting people to work and building infrastructure because we need to do it anyway. At least then maybe, just maybe, schools like Pinehurst can have what they need to create a conducive learning environment.
So if you care about these kids and this school, maybe take a second look at Obama. Because I'm pretty darn sure you don't want to pay more property taxes to update things. Or would you rather have had the money that would have been spent under McCain go to buy a new ATM at the B of A on 13?
I just cant believe that they are forcing our young children to do this. When in the history have children been forced to watch the inauguration???? Forcing people to do things against their will. . . . isnt the deffinition for that defined as rape? ALSO making kids dress a certain way and sending people to enforce it. Did we not just execute sadam for doing the same acts? His outlook was follow him and do what he says or be punished. This is exactly what the WCBOE is doing. Great job BOE what a wonderful hatred you are about to create to the younger generation
Another thing that concerns me is not Obama, it is the people pulling his strings like a puppet. these people are the dangerous ones. These "plans" and so called change that he proposes he really has not stated a way to change anything. I have NO respect for someone who does'nt look at the flag or cover his heart when the pledge of Allegiance is being said. This is the man supposed to uphold what our fore fathers made and he is going to completely dishonor them by completely disrespecting our nation. How could of ANYBODY have voted for this guy. People bad mouth Bush for his actions. He has made some bad choices but what president has not. At least since 9/11 we have had no further attacks in this country due to the direct actions of our president. I support our troops fully and agree that war is never a good thing but think about it people, would you rather have a was in their front yard or in our back yard. Fighting over their keeps them from coming over here causing more disaster. Just remember The only difference between Obama and Osama is a little BS!
Every four years we have an inauguration of our President. When I went to school, there wasn't much hoopla except (maybe)in civics class, for seniors, only. Perhaps this sort of indoctrination (that's what it is)
can be used to teach our children how to exercise, eat right, don't smoke (already done this) or drink or do drugs or have premature sex, any other desirable ideology. Ideal is far from real. How about giving parents a break with jobs, lower taxes, a safe environment, & others tntc. Then, maybe they can teach their own kids what to think. Schools should stay out of it. Stick to basics, (the R's) and they will be able to think for themselves and make good choices for a better life.(hopefully)
BHO is planning to have his portrait in every school. What a waste of money.
He should at least wait until he's done something great.
2:01 reminds me of what Salisbury got when they elected the "Dream Team" Comegys, Dunn, Cathcart...lots of perks for developers, out of control spending, and silencing of citizens who disagreed in any way.
I'm white, my children are minorities. I am incredibly proud that our country has crossed this barrier - no matter what I think of policies. Pinehurst has a very diverse student body.
I know that as someone who grew up in white upper-middle class America, I don't comprehend what it is like to be part of a minority. Maybe that means nothing, maybe it means something. I'm just saying my opinion doesn't mean anything because I have nothing to base it on.
This is a huge step for America. Obama campaigned on a theme of hope. Anything that can show kids that if they work hard they can achieve anything fits EXACTLY with what schools and education should be.
BTW - I also grew up in Reagan country and yes, they did make a big deal out of it. I think it's a good lesson for kids that no matter who wins the election, we should celebrate the fact that we live in a country that settles things with a vote and has a peaceful transition of power. Many of the latino children in our community have parents who had a much different experience.
Last time I looked at the stas, about half the children at Pinehurst are African-American. Their caucasian classmates should be able to share in the accomplishment this election meant. Race is real in America. So far as the inauguration goes, it is one rare example of where we need not hide from that fact.
Your viewpoints are just wrong and are based on old pathetic half truths and lies.
If you are so concerned about what the WCBOE was supposedly doing, why didn't you go to that meeting and express your opinion?
No matter what you think or beleive, Obama will be your president and there is nothing you can do about it.
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