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Monday, August 25, 2008

Obama's VP Pick Hardly Inspiring

By The Denver Post -- 08/25/2008

Barack Obama must think he brings enough excitement to his presidential ticket all by himself.
His selection of Joe Biden as his running mate was hardly bold or inspiring for a campaign that, at its heart, is about change. And adding a longtime Washington insider to the ticket isn't likely to invigorate a campaign that's dropped a few points in the polls, nor will it help Obama in the Western states he so badly needs to win.

He had better options — Sen. Hillary Clinton and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, to quickly name two — but instead of going bold, Obama chose someone who wouldn't suck all of the air out of the room when he's in it.

And he chose someone who, quite honestly, could become a liability as the campaign wears on. Biden has a way of sticking his foot in his mouth when he's speaking off the cuff. Just ask Obama, about whom Biden said: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Much like when George W. Bush selected Dick Cheney to shore up his lack of foreign-policy credentials, Obama tabbed Biden to add some world-affairs depth to the ticket. He does bring that, but is it enough?

He also brings some serious liabilities, including the allegations of plagiarism that drove him from the presidential race two decades ago. It was embarrassing and dishonest.

Such weaknesses could make the focus of this presidential campaign more about Biden and less about the important issues facing this country, such as the economy, the war in Iraq and energy policy.

We hope that isn't the case. But almost instantaneously, the Republicans let fly with attack ads in which Biden questioned Obama's readiness to be president. Surely, more such ads and questions will follow.

To be sure, if Obama is elected, Biden could be a great asset in getting legislation through Congress. It's one thing to have ideas, but it's another to convert those into policy that can change people's lives. Health care, energy and immigration policy all are areas in which Congress is sure to be involved if comprehensive solutions are to be achieved.

However, experience is a double-edged sword. Biden's spending six terms in the Senate doesn't fit with Obama's promises of change.

In fact, it's a surprising status- quo decision.

One of the first tests of a presidential candidate's judgment is their selection for running mate.

In that crucial first test, Obama seems to have failed.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First, Obama is criticized for lack of experience. Then, he chooses an experienced, well-known, intellectual, foreign-policy expert running mate, and he's still screwed. Karl Rove calls Obama the anti-Christ. Never I have seen Republicans more scared. Boo!

Anonymous said...

Yeh, Joe, I've been a McCain man from the start and things are now looking really good for John. I believe Obama just shot himself in the foot with his selection for VP.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Obama should have picked Webster for his running mate!

Anonymous said...


Make that a loudmouthed ignoramus, pal.


Anonymous said...

Guess what you Obamabots, Obama was selected by Karl rove along time ago to groom for the debacle that is currently underway. Rove along with Brazile have orchestrated Obamas celebrity because they can control him, he has a luggage store full of corrupt and slimy baggage that make him supremely exploitable and corrupt. So keep on braying about the Republicans, you just got punked by the mastermind of Karl Rove.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Wait just a, "yes we can," second! Let's not be too sure about this "intellectual" thing! When Biden ran for president a few years ago, he said that he graduated at the top of his problem, his school records listed him very near the bottom. Not only did this"itellectual" finish near the bottom of his graduating class, he wasn't even smart enough to know the press would check out the easily proven, dishonest claims of a presidential candidate, not too intelligent!
I like Biden alright. He just has Dan Quayle syndrome and is going to say many things to embarrass Obama and cost him in November.
Remeber, Biden was the red faced, embarrassed candidate 10 months ago when he called Obama, "Clean and articulate." The media is going to jump on anything any one of the candidates says that is even slightly questionable. I believe Biden is going to be their Gerald Ford & Dan Quayle rolled into one.
What kind of idiot is Obama not to see this:)
I doubt that Obama even knows much about American history or politics before 2000!

Anonymous said...

My sister and her 5 grown children have lived in Wilmington most of their lives. None of them care for Biden at all as a representitive.

He betrayed his own wife and expects the American people to trust him? Stick a fork in this pair.

I bet the mare is at the convention with a big cigar, drunk as a monkey looking to do the Lewinsky with ole Big Bubba Boy Clinton. Hope she remembered the presidential kneepads.

thomas augustus littleton said...

I believe anon:4:42 is exactly right. Look for a rout of Obama in November. Obama has some serious skeletons, yes, even worse than the ones Hillary showed us. As damaging as the are, they are trivial compared to what is going to come out and be proven true in the next couple of months. Rove may, indeed, be devious, but he is the Machiavelli of our time:)

"Guess what you Obamabots, Obama was selected by Karl rove along time ago to groom for the debacle that is currently underway. Rove along with Brazile have orchestrated Obamas celebrity because they can control him, he has a luggage store full of corrupt and slimy baggage that make him supremely exploitable and corrupt. So keep on braying about the Republicans, you just got punked by the mastermind of Karl Rove." Amen! TAL