After an investigation by Detectives from the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, with assistance by the Department of Social Services, and the Ocean City Police Department, Richard Wright Jr, was charged with sexually abusing a 7 year old female victim. Wright is charged with Child Abuse, several counts of Sexual Offenses, and Assault.
As of today, Law Enforcement officials have been unable to locate Wright.
Investigators believe Wright may be in the Ocean City area, and he also has relatives inWe ask anyone who is in Ocean City or plans on being there to keep an eye out for this scumbag and call the WCBI at 410-352-3476 right away if you see him. The police usually asks one to keep their distance from a suspect but if you happen to see a group of bikers or firemen, you may want to point him out as a child molester and mention it was a 7-year old girl he abused.
Please do not use your tire iron, baseball bat or trusty shotgun on him with a group of angry and outraged parents, just call Corporal Siebert or the Sheriffs office at 410-632-1111.
CHARGES: Child Abuse, Numerous counts of Sex Offenses, Assault
Boss Hogg...
That would be "alleged" scumbag.
As horrific as this, I do caution people from going ape-sh*t when things like this happen. People have been known to be wrongly accused. I remember the movie with Mike Farrell of a guy who was falsely accused and cleared, but not until after his entire life was destroyed.
Look at Jon-Benet Ramsey's parents. Finally and definitively cleared. But not until after Patsy Ramsey lived with the accusations while dying from cancer.
I will pray for the little girl and her parents and family. I hope they find this guy quick, and if it is him, that he gets everything true justice can throw at him. And if he isn't the right guy, I hope they figure that out quick and get the guy who did.
I realize most of the time, they are after the right guy, but let's not go vigilante. Let the cops do their jobs and pray the courts do theirs.
I am not suggesting anyone do anything to this man.
We live in America where one is innocent until proven guilty.
John Walsh uses the term scumbag on Americas Most Wanted all the time about people who have NOT been convicted.
The WCBI does not send out a release like this if they are not pretty darn sure there is a solid case.
Nobody needs to go Ape... but the bottom line is this type of behavior really pisses me off.
I agree Boss.
If he is guilty the punishment should be, poking both eyes out with an icepick, then drag his ass down the railroad tracks.
If this man is guilty I hope that he is punished to the full extent of the law.
As a child, I was molested, by a "trusted family friend." This man had spent many an evening at our dinner table, and was entrusted to stay at our home with me, (and my younger sister) evenings on the few occasions that my Mom and Dad went out.
I was too young to understand what was going on, just that it didn't feel right. Not until my Mom had the "talk" with me, did I begin to realize what this man had done.
I hurt for this 7 year old girl, because my first memory of abuse was at about that age. Believe me, she will never forget it.
It has been decades, and I still can't even stand to here his name.
I can't think of a punishment strong enough for a man who would do that to a little girl, my husband can think of one though. However, that would be illegal, and then he would be in trouble.
Yo, Tim! Tell how you really feel, LOL.
LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, reality check.....its Worcester County and Joel Todd will allow this guy to serve 3-4 years and be happy with that.
Barry C
I am a liberal democrat grandmother. That being said, I fully agree with Tim Chaney, except for the fact that his suggested punishment isn't nearly harsh enough. No mercy for child molesters. Torture the nasty bastards and then kill 'em. I'll be glad to help. No bleeding heart here for the "poor, misguided, he-needs-therapy" motherf*****s.
trust me in prison hell be a marked man, hell get his and then some.
I can't remember where I heard that said, I don't think I made that one up, maybe Deja'Vu. Yeah say that it in a crowd, talk about heads turning, it's an attention getter!
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