While this Dog takes a dump on the Plaza, many people are concerned at the lack of attention the Plaza is getting.
Mayor Barrie Tilghman has blown smoke up every one's a$$ for years and many have completely fallen for her own version of bullsh!t. Nevertheless, there are investors and business owners suffering at her expense.
No, there was no bag to clean up this mess and quite frankly, they mainly water down the plants on the Plaza and that's about it. Oh, yes, they were watering the plants in the rain today. After all, their instructions were to do so and that's what they did.
The answer to the downtown plaza is?
Open the street let people go down town,open retailers and restaurants , bookstores , What would it be like if we had a grocery store down town, hell that is unthinkable in this world. Quit the big mall stuff and go downtown ,If they ever put anything down there other than doctor and lawyers offices. Oh i forgot who wants to go to see the mayor,and her flunkys......Or you could use the whole plaza to fill in the wicomico river, im sorry the wicomico sewage pit.
What a perfect metaphor for the plaza. Too many studies have been done on the plaza and how to revitalize. Too much $$ wasted on those studies. The city needs to get over- It can't be revived. GET OVER IT. Move on and convert the plaza to 100% offices, etc. Retail is gone, GONE, GONE. We don't need arts, we don't need retail, we don't need restaurants- its over- GET IT. Retail has moved to the "burbs" About the only thing the plaza is good for is the dog- DUMP AWAY! for mans best friend!
Pete Cooper (former City Engineer) saw that we once had a beautiful pedestrian plaza, which Barrie Tilghman has ruined in her 10 years as mayor. The solution (besides canning her) is really simple:
1. Close it completely to thru traffic (like it used to be).
2. Repair and renovate it at the expense of the downtown plaza owners, who will be the primary beneficiaries, with a special plaza district tax (not at the expense of the general public).
If the plaza property owners don't want to pay to restore it, then let it be.
I think the dog has the right idea SH_T on the plaza.As long as berrie is mare most folks want to stay as far away from there as possible. Unless you have a court date and need to meet with your lawyer what else is there to draw you to it? I remember a time when the plaza was the place to be for just about anything you wanted. Then along came the Salisbury Mall,which looks better now that it is gone. Maybe some day the plaza could regain what it once had but with all of the Major Retailers in our area the little mom and pop shops don't stand a chance. The mom and pop shops are what made the plaza before and without alot of love from tax man they ain't got a chance if you know what I mean.
I'm 50+ years old. When I was a child the downtown plaza was our MALL. Now there's another, indoor, climate controlled, much larger mall elsewhere, where people go to buy clothing, housewares, etc. There is no chance that the downtown plaza, as quaint and "historic" as it is, will ever be our "mall" again. Find another good use for it. Don't believe that either good intentions by the citizens or neglect by the city will change that.
perfect idea for the plaza!! Make it a dog park!
I never go near enough to the Downtown Plaza to smell what that dog did. It's all yours Pouch
If the powers that be would quit all the bullsh**(parking meters; no thru traffic, etc.) maybe, just maybe something then could happen downtown. They just don't get it, people ARE NOT going to pay to park. Take all that crap down, let the street be a street again, put PRACTICAL (grocery, drug, hardware,clothing) stores and you might have a downtown again. And, don't jack the prices up just because the stores are downtown in an historic district. I can very easily envision a grocery or drug store in the old fire house, wouldn't that be nice for those who work downtown? But there it sits as well as alot of other buildings. TOO DAMN MUCH POLITICS; not enough practical, common sense in this town.
no businesses open mean's no robberies, no crime. perfect venue for our all american city. i would do as the dog also, shit on it.
Making it a street won't change things -- it will never again be the 1950's -- nobody in their right mind would put a grocery store there, and the former drug, clothing and hardware stores have had to close.
But having a nice pedestrian plaza might promote some commercial (ie, specialty, boutique, etc.) and residential.
The traffic situation downtown is already bad -- having a full street like before the plaza was built would make it worse.
The notion of having a big (publicly funded) project to revive downtown Salisbury is ridiculous and would be a waste of tax dollars for which Barrie Tilghman is duly famous.
Why don't you show us the face of the lady. She is littering by not cleaning up after her dog. Or is she a friend or relative of yours?
that is funny
i kinda like that picture, hmmm looks good from here lol
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